Logistics orders for battle experience!

When are the changes effective ? I can still see my tasks and orders :slight_smile:

I hope to keep the current mission to obtain the copper card mechanism.I have been playing since CBT. At that time, it was difficult to get a card in every game based on experience, but the main task now is to ensure that I can get a card in every game, which is much better than in the past.In addition, if the card can only be obtained by experience, it will be devastating for new players. With more and more players with top equipment today, it is difficult for new players to compete with them. For example, in the Battle of Normandy, the initial weapon was a bolt-action rifle, and the top weapon was a fully automatic rifle. Although the bolt-type rifle could also kill top players, it was obvious that the players who used the fully automatic weapons were better than the players who used the bolt-action rifles. It is easier to cause kills. Although new players can choose to hide somewhere to sniper, the benefits are very low. As a result, it will be difficult for new players to gain experience.


Even that is not polished, you are going to end up with nothing if you have to cap and get defending team (which potentialy can haunt you even for two consecutive matches).
We will see how much xp is needed now.

A good change but I would rather have both ways of obtaining Bronze orders. The reason for this is that by giving orders based on XP gained this will make it so that non premium players will have more orders than their non premium counter parts. Having both systems will help with that somewhat. It will also make fans of both systems happy. I hope this helps.


BattlePass is the only reliable source of Silver Orders. So, if you want to get enough semi-autos or SMGs to flesh out a higher-level squad, that’s your only option without relying on gacha.

Dont talk about mediocre / bad players, the system itself is flawed as hell, causing unbalances for several reasons.

a) Just imagine everybody is as well as everybody else, congrats you slowed down progress of EVERYBODY

b) people will only care about exp. idc about objectives, i rather do things which give me much more exp (kills e.g.). Why is there still no reward for capturing objectives?

c) people are rewarded for “skill” at first, but lets take a much deeper look into it. Who is getting more kills (as a main source of exp)? People with good equipment. Its much easier to farm tanks if you have multiple AT-weapons in each of your squads. Its much easier to farm infantry if youre having a certain tank / PLANE(!!!). Therefore people not having good equipment are in a big disadvantage compared to well equipped players

d) why is there no reward system adressing the MEDALS you earned per match? E.g. for capturing multiple objectives, for cleaning objectives (defending) etc. etc. Not just “hurr durr you invested time and there you go”. Someone else already mentioned it: whether im thinking “hey yeah lets spam some matches to get some exp to get some orders” or “ok lets do my best to earn medals etc.”, thats two different POVs and the last one is rather incouraging me to perform on the battlefield and not just to soak exp


The best result is the existence of the mechanism for obtaining cards from experience and tasks at the same time, so that there is a good minimum guarantee, and the upper limit of the income of excellent players is increased.


Fair points, but I will argue and say that I started out at the bottom and was able to compete against older/better-equipped squads until today I am equipped with good gear as well. I had to grind, sure, but then what else is the point of a game if nobody has to struggle a bit at first?


XD yeah…


They listened to my suggestion.

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So… Another rigged P2W aspect… I could easily complete all 3 in one battle prior. Not decisive on winning the match. Now you have to win for the most XP, and higher chance to win with premium squads, and more XP for premium purchasers = F2P players penalized more. I’m getting less and less enthralled as this game gets deeper down the P@W rabbit hole.


Not to mention the lack of xp for spawn beacons, ammo crates, marking, participation etc…

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I don’t think this is a good change. There’ll be little to no incentives for non-premium battle pass players as they would be less likely to grind the daily tasks. Not exactly the best way to boost the number of active players. Give them short-term benefits like a bronze order per task, and they’ll stick.
Another reason of why I hate the exp-based system: it would make me use my premium squad more often, as opposed to other unique plane/tank/radio/mortar/engineer/whatever non-premium squads, just so that I can get more exp hoping to get more bronze orders. If everyone does this, then there’ll be less variety on the battlefield.
I really don’t want to see this game evolve into a bigger grindfest. After 7 years of War Thunder I thought I found the perfect “next” game for me to have some genuine fun with my friends in. Removing bronze orders from simple tasks would make the startup grind much more difficult too.


Except then the new players will have way harder time grinding considering they will get way less orders and better players get more so they can farm new players easier. For now you could still make progress towards your bolt action kills or grenade kills etc. and one of the missions practically guaranteed an order each game, even for the people ending up at the bottom so they could still work on improving their squad.

Maybe you and I have better time with good gear and a lot of xp each game but when new players get dumped on like that there will be noone to play against eventually. IMO they should keep the orders for tasks and at most add a random 90%/10% bronze/silver order every 5k base xp (not considering multipliers like premium and medals)


Exactly. The engineering reward mechanism in this game is laughable. Sometimes I get “the best engineer” and I have no idea why. Right now you don’t get anything for squads spawned, ammos refilled, or others destroying vehicles/people using guns you built.

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I feel that this best unit may be given based on the kills caused by a single life of a soldier

This could be solved by adding more chances of free task replacement, or reducing the playstyle-altering tasks altogether.


I dont like that, that will give me as a support player less reward than a “solo” player will get. Im already punished on my XP gain because i value building a good spawn point over “rushing in to get as manny kills as i can”.

I guess i will just have to stop being a team player then… sigh.

Oh yea, and insted of helping a downed player, it seems to be a good idea just to let him die and kill the enemy on my own, that will reward me better vs. him.

Really good idea…


i believe its a good idea,
What if the future experience gains are reduced?
Can you people guarantee that you will never reduce the experience gains in the future?

Couple is Two :+1: