Limit Anti-Personnel and Anti-Tank Mines to Engineers Only

Instead of nerfing anti-personnel mines by reducing their kill radius, I suggest we limit both anti-personnel and anti-tank mines to engineers only.
(this change would be historically accurate, as engineers were typically responsible for laying mines in warfare.)
Benefits of this Change:

  1. Reduced Mine Spam:
  2. Increased Use of Engineer Squads: This change would encourage players to use engineer squads and build rally point

literally 0.5 meter dude it will still kill anyone who run in without looking

for context Euthy said the old kill range was 1.5 meter


Laying AP mines strategically to eliminate enemies is not spam. Look before you step. The game is complex. I see no need to limit mines.


It is spam…

Because they can be DROPPED while RUNNING, literally. Which is really absurd considering how sensitive those things are.

Once I wanted to follow some guy in a trench. I had superior weaponry so he fled. I was smart so I exited the trench to have a better view… and saw the cunt dropping a mine WHILE running away after cutting a corner. I of course gunned down the guy in the back like a rat.

Using mines is too fast. It’s spam. There’s no careful planting animation so it makes no sense. As such, since mines are way too easy to pop everywhere, the nerf is warranted.

Now if those players want a bigger boom, all they have to do is lay an anti TANK mine BESIDE their Ap mine. Which will require at least more realistic time to set.


When I play I usually only give AT mines to AT squads and AP mines go to Engineers. I like a little immersion

Although this does have me thinking what if mines were just an Engineer building where Engineers can build either AT or AP mines. I’m not saying yes definitely change it, just an interesting thought


I disagree. It’s part of the game.

Not much about this game is realistic. I can build a damn M1 cannon in 15 seconds and completely restock the 57mm shells in 5 seconds. I think we can get away with dropping an AT mine, lol. I can reload an airplane in 3 seconds mid-air. I mean heck, I can resupply my rifle ammunition by waving at a box that an engineer created out of thin air in 5 seconds. Give me a break about the realism.


Laying AP mines strategically is fine, but when every squad can use them, it quickly turns into spam. Mines get overused, clogging up maps and creating frustration,and (I’m saying this as one of those spammers. My first move is usually to go hunt enemy rallies and drop AP mines right on them)

, I had nine riflemen in my rifleman squad, all equipped with AP mines—that’s a lot of mines on the field.


engineers are already the most OP soldiers
why do you want to make them even more OP?
they should nerf engineers and buff mortars/flamethrowers and bikers

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Yeah, I get that. I get killed by them a lot too, but I just see it as part of the game. There are a lot more annoying/spam-worthy aspects of this game to me. Scoliosis MFs corner peeking while walking around… :expressionless: Grey zone camping… I’d much rather get killed by an AP mine than a grey zone tank camper.

All of my soldiers carry AP mines. I put them everywhere. Sometimes if I hop in a plane, they’re doing work for 10 mins haha. I personally love using them. I hope they don’t nerf beyond what they already have.


I’m only annoyed that I’ve never once seen a mine that isn’t mine own mine.

I propose that engineers should get to build entire minefields, heck it. Why place a single mine at a time when you can just wave your magic claw hammer and have a few dozen scattered about? At least then there’s no sitting about questioning “is this the kind of mine user that gets mines nerfed for everybody” before sending the rest of the squad to their doom, one mine at a time, you just know there’s gonna be a bunch of mines in that area since that’s how minefields work.

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Is THAT, spam? :thinking:

Most ppl would have no problem with these if they required time or manual input when placing. But just running around gunning while dropping mines, it’s just a no effort, no risk, high reward thing…

Anyway. They are fine the way they are with the new patch.

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yea i even survive 2 mine today which would never happen before

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It’s a good thing. They can still be spammed, can still incapacitate but are more reasonable now.

Thought I would have preferred a simple 5 second placing animation instead of radius nerf.

But I’ll take it.

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^ This.

The number of times a strategically placed AP mine has saved my life while I was busy potting shots is innumerable.

I don’t believe engineers are OP, if they were, everyone would be using engineer squads and constantly building rallies and other stuff.
Limiting mines to engineers wouldn’t make them overpowered—it would just reduce the spam.

Buffing mortars, flamethrowers, and bikers is fine, but nerfing engineers isn’t the answer since they’re essential for team support

yeah another good idea

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thats why nerfing ap mine is bad ,
topday ,i placed one ap mine on enemy rally … enemy spawned but bcoz of the nerf only 5 out of 7 guys killed

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Make people trigger their own mines.


I didn’t say I don’t place them thoughtfully. 95% of the time, I place them deliberately, near doorways to objs, near pinch points, on objs, etc. Seldom do I run and gun and drop them as I’m being chased.

Also worth noting that AP mines DO take time to arm, so if you’re actually running from someone, chances are good the mine will not be armed by the time they pass over it.

^This guy gets it. :metal:

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I asked this for a long time…

It would make the mine, a tool that requires a bit of skill, and cannot be spammed in the middle of a firefight.

If such 5 seconds placing animation were added, there would be no need to nerf the mine lethality. Because you know the player did take time to place it, and it was carefully planned.

But I suppose current patch nerf, is next best thing…