Limit Anti-Personnel and Anti-Tank Mines to Engineers Only

AT mines are more for AT soldiers. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s a good thing. Mining rallies is just a turd move. Just shoot the rally. :stuck_out_tongue:

it takes longer to take out mines than to place them - thats why it rightfully is called spam by us.


I somewhat agree with this, but there is a 2 to 3-second primer delay already.


Itā€™s meaningless: the one who ā€œplaced itā€ (dropped it) can already be 20m away and gunning while running. It means the player took no risk ā€œplacingā€ the mine. Thereā€™s no tradeoff to using them.

Itā€™s like those mines are futuristic goldeneye sticky proximity mines.

Itā€™s why so many players, myself included, are happy they got nerfed a little.


Iā€™m fine with the mild nerf too, but Iā€™m dead against limiting them to a particular class.


You can say this about anything in the game though. Thereā€™s no risk calling in artillery, rocket strikes, or bombersā€¦ Nerf them? Run into a room of enemies with an SMG and take out 8 of them. Run into a room with an explosive pack or grenadeā€¦ Zero realism, zero risk there. Respawn immediately. Rinse, wash, repeat. Happens all the time.

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Oh, with the current nerf, I donā€™t think class limiting is necessary :thinking:

Itā€™s not the kind of nerf I wantedā€¦ but itā€™s adequate.

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And you need one class for this and if he dies, you cannot call it anymore.
And bombers can be shot down.

And AP mines can be shot, so that point is rather moot.

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And you have up to eight leftā€¦ per squad.
Also, AI can shoot at the radio but not at the mine. Mines are harder to spot and sometimes glitch into the ground.

That is an issue, Iā€™ll agree.

There is a difference between simplifying some tasks (like logistics) because they are boring and oversimplifying things by removing their traits.

By your logic we may as well remove need for reload, recoil, stamina etc.

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AP/AT mines should be activated by friendlies
None of this putting it on objective points and laying on them with no reprecussions
Bring back arty and mortar friendly fire too


Friendly fire would only be a detriment to the game, and its playerbase. So itā€™s very unlikely that itā€™ll ever return.

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It made you have to have a modicum of sense in your HE spam placement, thatā€™s the whole point
Blew me away when they said arty FF was a bug

No friendly fire just contributes to the mindless zerg gameplay

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FF on bullets would hurt but explosives, especially arty and mines, should have friendly fire

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I donā€™t follow. Iā€™m not saying anything should be removed. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s pointless to complain that dropping AP mines is unrealistic when my engineer can build a one ton cannon with a claw-hammer out of thin air.

Reload, recoil, and stamina are some of the few more realistic aspects of the game haha.

Imo there is a big difference between the two.

Engineer buildings are ā€œsummonedā€ as simplification (towing a canon for 15min is boring) but they still require time and resource, just like irl.
So itā€™s a simplification made for the sake of gameplay but it still represents irl traits of those things.

Meanwhile mines are just dropped mid run.
This saves us maybe 1-2s to deploy them (truly game changing) so Iā€™d say itā€™s not necessary and removes irl trait of mines (taking time to set up).

One is made to benefit of the gameplay while still retaining irl characteristics. - simplification
The other one is arbitrary removal of irl trait to save on a 1-2s animation. - oversimplification


I see what youā€™re saying. I can get behind that. I think a 2-3 second ā€œplacementā€ time for AP mines or AT mines would be reasonable.

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