Limit Anti-Personnel and Anti-Tank Mines to Engineers Only

I will say: put mines to engies only its stupid, AT = AT mines, engies,snipers and such = mines due sabotage,etc. rest of units booby traps, sticky mines or magnetic mines, thats how I see it

And AT soldiers still get AT, and AP and AT can also go to Recon as they can act as a pseudo-special-forces.
Oh and don’t forget the Explosion Packs and TNT Charges also should be limited to AT and Engineer squads. And maybe some other classes.
Ideally, there could be a system where an AT soldier, no matter the type of squad he’s in, could keep his bunches of explosives. While in contrast, your average rifleman could not overload himself with all that boom. But if the rifleman is in an AT squad then they’re allowed to.
TL;DR is that equipment could, maybe even should, be limited by a Class system and a Squad Class system.

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then that means your a hypocrite

Suggesting a fix isn’t hypocrisy—it’s recognizing an issue from experience and wanting to improve the gameplay for everyone.

I completely agree with you. In Enlisted, it’s unrealistic how every soldier is running around with explosive packs and TNT. If real WWII soldiers had this amount of explosives, tanks would have been completely useless. Limiting explosive packs and TNT to AT and Engineer squads, and maybe a few other classes like Recon for their pseudo-special-forces role, would make the game feel more balanced and authentic.
equipment limitations based on class and squad type would make sense

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Ahhh the old nerf or limit…people generally dont like to be limited around here, so this is where you end up headed. Remember phosphorus grenades?


idk about it, i started enlisted just 2 months before merge

yes, you are one because you want to nerf AP mines and hate it when people spam them yet say you spam them yourself as well. so I am indeed correct that makes you a hypocrite

Don’t, because you can safely detonate landmines by sprinting, so you shouldn’t ask for more.In addition, placing AP mines on the enemy’s rally points through adventure is one of the few strategies in this game, and your suggestion will ruin everything.

There are endless tanks in Enlisted(One out of every five players can use a tank), so enough explosive packs are needed. Moreover, even modern tanks are still destroyed by explosive packs, and explosivesas packaged cheap anti tank weapons are widely distributed to frontline soldiers. What’s so unrealistic about this?
It should be pointed out that tanks are not useless,all squads are easily eliminated,it’s just that you’re not used to fast-paced games.(Isn’t it difficult to eliminate 21 enemies before the tank is destroyed? This is equivalent to three infantry squads.)
In Enlisted game, you command a squads, and there are indeed differences between different squads, but this is only a matter of strengths and weaknesses.I believe that in reality, no commander would bring a team that can only do one thing to the battlefield!

I used to die ALL THE TIME to AP mines and hated them with a passion. However, I adapted to them and use them a lot. I like them, and to be honest, I rarely get killed by them anymore. I try and avoid the most likely places they are set, like doorways, stairways, narrow paths ect. So I use windows instead of doors, if I have to go up stairs I switch to my most expendable soldier and let him go first, or wait for someone else to go upstairs, and I don’t take the most obvious rout across the battlefield. It has worked for me. I actually approach every control point expecting them, so I can then avoid them.