Let’s give personal orders and find cover from bombs!

Today we bring you two great pieces of news while we work on finalizing the Enlisted update. We’ll discuss the function of the personal orders and how in the future you’ll be able to take cover from bombs.


In the upcoming update, damage from bomb splinters will be calculated based on a more realistic model. Essentially: when a bomb lands it will push partially into the ground, so now, fragments and splinters will fly upwards in a cone from the explosion point, which is more true-to-life representation of how they work.

This means that a soldier can potentially go prone before the bomb hits - and have a good chance of survival and continue the attack! The game will even display a hint about this feature for players who commonly fall victim to enemy bombs.

Speaking about bombs - they also have blast waves, damaging all in their radius. For example, FAB-50 with 26 kg of explosives kills within 4.5 meters, and SC-500 with 325 kg of explosive mass - that radius will be 15 meters!

As for explosions in general, destructible objects have also been reworked. Walls, engineer’s sandbags, and other temporary objects that were previously destroyed by an explosion immediately lost their cover function for those sheltering behind them. Now all destructible objects will provide more adequate protection and shield soldiers from explosive damage until they are completely destroyed.

So, storming strategic points under artillery fire, mortar shells and aviation bombs will become easier and more logical for those with enough skill and flexibility.


One more long-expected feature. Imagine one of the soldiers in your squad is covering a window, another - capturing point, and third waiting for new targets behind a corner. Soon you’ll have an option to give them all unique orders!

In the battle interface, you will be able to switch the ordering mode from old group-based orders to new personal orders (by default this is done by pressing the “K” button on PC and can be mapped to anything preferable on console). If you switch to personal mode, you will see an improved interface, the squad member who is receiving an order is highlighted, there are also hints about how to switch soldiers to receive orders, as well as a list of all possible orders.

If you order a soldier to take a position, you will see an appropriate place marker on the ground. Such an order will be canceled if you get too far away from your squad members or if their position falls outside of the moving battle area.

HINT! By marking an enemy you help not only other players in battle but also the AI soldiers in your squad. They will turn and look closely in the direction of a mark set on the enemy or a location where the enemy can appear. This will allow you to place machine gunners at different defensive points, or assaulters at different sides of a door, as well as set a direction for them to look and shoot.

Other new features will be revealed in future update news. Stay tuned and have a good fight!


Wow didn’t really expect this change so soon but it will be welcomed


As promised - new mechanics.

We continue to work.


Will some plane models also be touched a bit to be less indestructible?

Apart from that, this one was long awaited, thank you! Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:


That sounds good, but first they need to survive a bit longer. I will not give them personal orders if they die seconds after I spawned. They don’t follow me over walls or windows, instead they go around from the street and die in the middle of the battle. They don’t shoot the soldier just getting into the house because they’re too slow and the enemy player kills them. If I walk inside trenches, half of my squad decides to go next to it and they die, plus the enemy knows that I’m there too.
The AI is now simply too stupid, slow and inaccurate to waste the time for them.


Naiso.! Huge update is huge :joy::joy::joy:

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FINALLY some addition to the bot feature…sure, its not the full update you promised month ago but still its good news to finally be able to tell bot to stay inside a building and tell them in wich hole point the gun…nice to see some planes rework too and i have to ask, planes will still be the immortal abomination they are or you have in program to fix planes hitboxes?

What solutions do you have for kamikaze airplanes?

Instant ban from plane for the rest of the match
If its accidental? Too bad, guess you’ll have to do better next match.


After a successful kamikaze round, starting off low above own team’s spawn location, flying towards refill point without bombs?
Seems a bit more forgiving than banning, and quite self-explanatory: no, you will not bomb unless you reload. (Also it would need an option to “return” your plane at refill point if you’re out of targets for a while not to punish well behaving pilots.)

Guess it’s not part of the update though, nor anything else, otherwise it would be mentioned.

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All good stuff here. :+1:

Don’t forget to update the system requirement
This game is already ~18GB large.

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Wow, very nice!

However, I can imagine this to truly work after AI stops running around like headless chicken even after they receive their orders.

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And I can imagine I’ll start using this only after I can store my typical setups per building as blueprint, one click away when reaching the location and pressing ALT. Otherwise no time for this, usually I barely manage to disassemble a barbed wire before dying… :stuck_out_tongue:

About “personal orders”, everything would be fine untill somebody starts to use hammer in close proximity (not even next to soldiers), then they will start to run from 2nd floor just outside to walk around the house and gets shot dead.

@Keofox will there be something done to that matter, so AI won’t run away like 10-15m from anything that players are building?

At one time there’s been this change to AI behaviour, so they won’t block player’s constructions, but since then it’s been exaggerated the other way.

This needs to be toned down, at best they should move just 2-3m away and not outside entire house or bunker, otherwise this whole “personal orders” thing will be pointless.

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And where are the new reinforcement ?

Wow. Good work.

Steiner, couldn’t mobilize enough man in time…


This is awesome. Thank you devs this will be huge

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