Let’s give personal orders and find cover from bombs!

Cпасибо. :slight_smile: I could understand it even without google translate, which surprised me. :slight_smile:

thank you keofox and thank you devs

Great news, the changes on bomber planes were something many in the community had been asking, and the improvements to orders are just so nice to have. I’m thrilled.

Bomb damage model change seems nice. I hope it will help.
But I have doubts about how you want to implement single soldier orders. So far it seems to be a lot of clicking, especially if you play with 9 man squad. I guess we will see how it turns out but I’m sceptical.


Question is if the AI is capable to fulfill this order or not since the AI is already on its limit with the normal “x-order”.

so far everything sounds good.

can’t wait to see those mechanic.

but please, take your time :smiley:

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Can’t image that as my AI are too busy sticking their asses in front of my sight, revealling my position and blocking me from shooting at the enemy. I appreciate the work being done to make them better but its a massive job - I would be happier with a simple F.OFF toggle that makes them just all go 10m behind me and get into cover there so that I can concentrate on the actual players who are riddling me with their MGs


I am glad to see such highly requested changes coming, improvements in game mechanics are always welcome.

Let me express just a few doubts though.

About new explosion damage mechanics:

I am totally in favor of making destructible structures more resistant to explosions. I can also see that diminishing bombs killing potential is a necessary measure to counter current CAS overwhelming power. In this sense, the stated lethal radius for bombs appears to be rather low for the explosive mass, but it is probably an acceptable compromise to make infantry life less harsh.

Anyway, I hope that the SUM of reduced blast radius + reduced chance of shrapnel hit won’t cause the opposite excess, with bombs and explosions in general being overly nerfed.

This could be a problem particularly for artillery, that has already been nerfed to the point of being barely a threat with the current damage model. If the new explosion mechanics will furtherly nerf its lethality, it will become little more than a nuisance /tinnitus generator.

About orders for individual AIs:

It is very cool to be able to do that if desired. But, as others said, the big question is if it will actually be worth it to spend time giving detailed orders in battle. The combat in Enlisted is rather fast paced; as such I can hardly imagine myself spending precious moments to order specific actions / positions to each soldier individually, when at any time an enemy could pop out and take down half my squad before I even finish; not to mention that I surely won’t bother to do that EVERY SINGLE TIME we move to another position.

TLDR it is cool to be able to command individual soldiers, but nonetheless that should be a “fine tuning” options only, and AI has better be still developed with the goal of being as “tactically smart” as possible on its own.


Brilliant. Both changes

Hmmmmm with these kinds of long-awaited mechanics getting added I just might consider buying premium for once… But I’ll wait to see how the update goes first :eyes:

Looking awesome so far tho really looking forward to this! If I had to ask for one fix, however, it would be a fix for the AI and their desire to run outside of houses at the worst times possible.

I like the general idea, but it misses something.
There are not only splinters, but there i heat and more importantly airpreasure that kills.
I almost reads as though all you have to do is go prone and survive (‘good chance of survival’).

I agree that people on the edges of bomb range should be able to survive while prone, but not people near the center, or perhaps even middle of the explosion. I guess we will see how it pans out, but despite being mostly and infantry player I am against the calls to nerf bombers (perhaps they could be slighlty). The way to ‘nerf’ bombers is to get in a plane, or AA and shoot them down.

Also bomb indicator is an overkill. You can both hear the aircraft and a loud thunk of the bomb hitting near you. This is basically what I already did, and on uneven terrain it gave you a chance to survive.

Granades are far more sneaky, than bombs.

I like the idea of personal orders. I even thought about a similar solution, but it all depends how it works.
Time consuming things are generally (implicitly) discouraged in Enlisted. I can often get a more fun experience and a lot higher score if I don’t for example spend time fortifying an area with an engineer and just fight (which is also why I think scoring of the engeneer needs to be reworked).
If it won’t be made in a way that isn’t too time consuming it will be ignored.


The personal orders will be a nightmare unless it’s a really good interface - in which case it should be prety good!

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I did not catch that in what Keofox wrote, the sentence closest to it was

All this sentence means for me a message after you miserably die for 5th time, printing “when bombs are raining, crawl or die”.

Am I blind perhaps? :slight_smile:

Snigger :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Perhaps it is just a hint on a loading screen.
Somehow I thought about WarThunder bomb indicator.

I couldn’t agree more - The game at the moment provides a good challenge for me (only thing is the AI dopes that rile me) and yes I get frustrated at times trying to do stuff but sure that’s battle for ya, but what I’m concerned about is that changes are being made to boost poor skill players instead of forcing them to ‘get better’. If you keep nerfing play modes then you make those play modes not worth levelling or slotting: Arty 30 sec reload for example, Tank HE rounds etc.

If you need to have a bomb indicator for those players who really have no situational awareness and can’t see or hear an incoming plane then just have one of the bots scream “Take Cover!”. The bots shouting stuff in battle add to the immersion imo.


Also I think one of the reasons for the noticable bomber spam that could be anoying infantry players right now is ‘suicide bombers’.
It seemed to me that perviously if you crashed during a bombing you risked killing your own players.
I have no idea why, but apparently it was removed (becasue i haven’t seen any bomber teamkills for a while). and that seem to be the reason why players started ‘suicide bombing’ on mass. Just spawn into a plane bomb and crash, for a quick bombing run and kills.

Just bring back team kills. or remove credit and score fro kills from crashed bombers (not shot down) or other penalties, and you will get rid of most of the problem. Bombing runs every 10 seconds, because another ‘suicide bomber’ spawned into a plane right afer the previous one.

I ‘transcendend’ the bots issue for the most part. Game is far more fun and action packed tht way. I still do my best to not have them die to easy, but I don’t care if they do. Which is also why I don’t care much for being bombed.
If my squad dies I just get in another and it doesn’t make much of a difference. You just get in next time.
And if the bombing is really intensive and doesn’t let take the point than you or someone needs to shoot it down.
A tank can do the same thing if it is well positoned, and isn’t in range of a explosive, or Panzerfaust. Often only aircraft or another tank can counter this.

Only thing that still annonys me is when they don’t know what a floor and building is, and they run out for unknown reason, run i and out of the building and die.
It seems to have increased as an pheonomenon as of late.

No, no, no, no, no, no - did I mention No? That leads to attracting the worse scenario when you get lil scrotums running around killing team mates because they are crap at playing the game and it’s easier to get their kicks from doing this - unless there is an instant boot function that comes in if you kill more than say a squad.

I thought people are crashing planes because either a) they don’t know how to fly them properly or b) plane style of play is at a slower pace and it’s not their thing. Let’s hear from some of the kamikazee pilots why they do it.

Okay, than 0 score and kill credit for those that crash during bombing.
I don’t remember being killed very often by my teammates that way, but regardless it should discouraged somehow. And as i already pointed out, it is driving player ire against bombers.
You can also kick those playes, remove bonuses, add penalties to their score, whatever works.

And when players weren’t rewarded for this I’m sure that was true. You didn’t crash on purpose when you got nothing out of it. I did it a few times on accident, when I pulled up to late.

But now I see players from top of the list with 100+ kills, dropping into a bomber every 1 or 2 squads and crashing strainght into the ground on the bomging runs, and it is almost every game and a multiple players in a single game do it racking up tons of kills in between infantry squads. And they never fly more than one bombing run when they crash.

There is 0 doubt this is deliberate, and it is prevelent.