Launch the Soviet-Japanese Campaign1945

I think it would be a good idea to have the 1945 Campaign and japan’s fight against the USSR in Mandzuria.


didn’t that only last like a week?
the invasion started the same day the second bomb was dropped.

Still I want opportunities for every equipment tree to fight eachother for my master plan


I’ve probably annoyed several people on here overannoying them with my avid support of this idea lol :). Yes it is a fun suggestion in my book!

Cheers and happy Halloween!

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Lets simulate this with Berlin Soviet vs Japan in Pacific on custom games to see how will they get steamrolled real hard with PPSh spam along with T-34-85 and IS-2. Even Moscow Soviet would steamroll Japan too.


Sino-Japanese war is far better than Soviet invasion in 1945.


Mod is enough, but will be better if we can gain exp from that

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But Gaijin is afraid of political problems…… They dare not even talk to the PRC Government

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It is nothing more than another battle in which the Japanese army was completely crushed in addition to the Pacific Ocean.
Can’t see anything interesting

I still fail how a campaign like this can be made, wen japanese tank already struggle aganaist the sherman immagine them figth aganaist a is1


Because is already a late 1945 campaign, jm sure japanese player with an type 100 (late) gonna have fun aganaist 3 assaulter squad of fedorov,ppsh41,as44

Worst campaign of the game, moscow is belanced on comparison

I‘m talking about 1931-1945 Sino-Japanese war, not August Storm

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ffs how about no new campaigns till game is fixed? we dont need more playberbase splits and more development time spent on new content and not on fixing the core issues.

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That’s something I’ll never understand.
You would think the CCP would be happy to remind everyone that China was an allied power and fought longer than anyone else.

1937-1945 the marco polo bridge incident start the real war, the ivasion of manchuria is irrelevant because like in korea china never do a shit for defend external territory only leaving the local forces figth alone aganaist japanese

And i was talking about of a future campaign based on 1945 soviet invasion of manchuria

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It’s the fault of the balance in the game, not the Japanese Army.
The Germans were also crushed in Berlin and the campaign was created

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But the german at that time have a shortage of weapon,man,basic, resources,0 industrial power,their nation gotta be invaded by 2 front by a superior enemy forces

In the game both side have unlimited resources,manpower,weapon and shiny toys, and we can use all of them withaut problem of aviability, (like give fg42 or avt40 to every soldier)

only the playerbase can decide what faction is the GOAT

Instead a japanese invasion of manchuria become a onesided campaign, early soviet infantry equipment is better than japanese one, there is no way to balance this

Mp28 aganaist drum ppd or pps

T34-85 d5t aganaist all japanese tank


The only faction wo can be inserted aganaist japan is early usmc + commowealth and china

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KMT’s fault, mainly ChiangKai-shek’s silly decision.
At that time, neither KMT (most of them) nor CCP was willing to give up this relatively rich and industrial land with many railways

Anything wrong? You mean NATO now consider the CCP as an Axis power? Interesting

You’re reading way too far into it.
I’m saying it would be good PR

Not sure if this idea is good. Late-war USSR has a lot of excellent weapons and armours while late-war Japan is something-something early-war Japan with minor differences. A proper USSR vs Japan campaign should be Khalhin Gol but its not a part of WWII. And yes, I prefer to see promblems of the Pacific solved far much more than a new campaign.

They are trying, they just can’t figure out how to do it without making the Nationalists seem like the good guys in the story (see The Eight Hundred and the kerfuffle that caused) , which to be fair is quite hard when the vast majority of the Chinese standing military forces were KMT at the time.