Join the Alpha team

Wait so you are saying a sniper rifle is bugged if you decide to remove the scope of it? Which is somewhat of an edge case, majority of players (incl me) don’t even know how to remove scope… providing scope sight is accurate, I would say this is low.

Churchill tank track covers is an immersion breaking thing for me, but it is a premium vehicle, only affects certain views, so again is that higher priority than your removal of scopes - if G41 default rifle had same issue then that is different story.

Pacific plane wheels being down, only when you bail from planes, very immersion breaking, but doesn’t not affect gameplay.

You could look at these by no of players reporting, duration, impact on gameplay, immersion, complexity / effort, but all the above have been around a while, but if I was to give a score, they are low…

FW 190 flight model, is not a bug, it is outdated and needs to be updated from Warthunder.

Crash and game not reconnecting is a new recent issue, not sure it’s a bug, but is a priority form a gameplay perspective.

@MajorMcDonalds Hi, I take it PS players can’t alpha test still?


you hold down mouse 2 to use the scope, you lightly tap mouse 2 to use backup sights, it works for most snipers like the kar98

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To my knowledge, no - the builds where alphas complete any tasks are not available on console. :frowning:


Just to know what the amount of gold we get per month as a alpha?

And if we become alpha tester, do we have a special right to create custom room with a password for testing or we are just giving premium so we can create custom room for testing?

now you guys just triggered me.
( for whatever is worth )

but it’s very funny that you two say so.

when just as an example on top of my head,

to this day, 7 reports were made about the plane tree camouflage that was morphed into a double pea dot ( double because said pea dot already exited prior ), all because of a simple referential id code that no one even bothered to fix in less than a minute.

and i really hate to sound condescending or rude despite some opinions of folks about me, but i really find it insulting.

don’t know if it’s incompetency or malice.

because regarding said camouflage, just to reiterate to the less keen ones;

this camouflage, BEFORE the merge ( and actually first few months of the actual merge ):

but then, it got changed into:

aka, to make it even more dead simple and straight forward:

both the summer plane tree and the medic plane tree camouflaged.

how to fix it?

even more effing simple:

all stuff that was highlited to a point where EVEN A DEVELOPER AGREED.

it was deemed aknowledged over few bug reports as well:

which i had to make MANY bug report.

AFTER the original thread by @Debayan001

and what happened in more than a year?

absolutely nothing.

yet the controversial hat textures from the premium beretta squad:

was changed in less than 1 hour:

( FYI, i’m not “mad” about history being censored despite harmonization option being a thing. it’s the norm around here. nor really care about " windmills " being shown or not. as i always claimed, enlisted is an alternative bland alt history )

or the red crosses from german helmets.



is it equally controversial?

perhaps not to the full extend.

but people bought it with actual gold.
it’s an item that it can still be bought to this day!

it’s honestly insulting and outright bad takes from both of you CMs.

completely out of touch.
and shows that the bug report is for the most part, a facade.

which now, based on both of you answers, apparently what people foward as bugs don’t mean absolutely nothing and in order to even get a chance to be recognized, you have to apply and waste lot of time by trying to become an alpha test member? an alternative role of what i originally applied back in 2020 ? isn’t what the likes of CAT & CBT memebers were chosed for?

i don’t think i have ever been this dissatisfied.

but whatever.
nothing ever really matters anyway.


Apply for the post.

Think about it: if you do, you might help devs focus a bit more on cosmetics, and I agree with all you say about them. There’s a real need here. Plus, as a moder you have a certain know how.

(And you have the “Enlisted tester” title under your name so it justs fits, eheh)


personally, my frustration stems from the fact that the tester’s job is to identify the bugs.
This cosmetic bug (and a fix!) has been identified by Erika and others, multiple times.
Becoming a tester and re-identifying the bug will not change anything, as it is already identified
What good is becoming a tester if your job is already done, and are now waiting on other people’s jobs?


It’s just …

Did the staff REALLY identify said bugs and forwarded them?

Sometimes (often) I get the impression they just ignore them.

So with Erika there, my hope would be to add some power to fix said issues…


Second…get in there and push cosmetic fixes and customisation improvements. Im still hoarding cosmetics orders until its decent

And still waiting for italian eastern front

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i’m not sure how much i can discuss behind the scenes.

so as much i love to be honest, and i rather not get banned for leaked dms ( which i’m not going to do ) as i still have more plans just about that, i’ll say this:

i was asked in the past but some or more individuals to be part of this “club”.
i, refused.
there are a couple of issues and reasons.

reason being, because i am active on the forums but not so much on the computer with the actual game / editor due to my job. which as it shifted to a 9 to 5 from my previous part time job, hence, i ( yes. i am texting from work. no, i would not reccomend doing it, but i’m lucky that in my company i have more liberities than not ) so i don’t have much time to spend behind the actual game or editor to test, file bug, be available to all the meetings, join voices chats that they do on a regularly, which ties to the second " issue ".

i’m more of a liability than help.
you can’t have someone like me to associate with the people behind this project.
my temper has become very short fused ( which i apologies. but sometimes it’s necessary ) hence, somewhat of a land mine waiting to explode lol. which i probably burned many bridges with it. and, it’s fine. i don’t mind.

i did however, stated that i was willing to " free lance " whenever possible when needed, and it’s what i did. ( with the cosmetic issues list that i compiled and was “commissioned” to me by one of the helper or cms ) which i also did with some of the fixes and bug reports. and the free quality assets made with the editor.
all through out the forum, bug report, etc you know. the reasons why those existed in the first place ( or at least, i thought so ).

time is also an issue as i couldn’t “profesionally” attend to the various schedules that they have, i much rather offer help and actually do the things on my terms and time. whenever i want, or feel like.

my patience and passion is not enteral.
i am still passionate of enlisted after all. but that few time left, i would spend it behind the editor. which that other can of worms takes alot of time. but i love doing that. if i would apply for alpha test, i wouldn’t have much time for my own mods.

the other “issue” lies in how alpha test members works.
because they don’t primarily deal with only cosmetics ( hell, i think only very few people do ). and understandably they deal with much more. so i would find my self testing other stuff opposed as helping out with cosmetics.

as i stated, my dms are always open.
and i will continue to help whenever possible.

just not as an alpha test member.

which speaking of, am i really the only one who can deal with cosmetics?
none of yall read books, watched movies ( actually, most of them are incorrect with uniforms depictions but whatever ) ?

i don’t think DF really needs to depend on a lunatic like me to fix all of the cosmetics.
even though, it’s somewhat what i found my self doing.

as much as an attention seeker pleasures me being showered with compliments and recognition of my work, i don’t like being in the center of attention. and i hate bringing my self there just to fix very minor and simple issue.

i shouldn’t be the one doing any of the things i do.
i’ll do the because it’s the right thing to do.

but again, am i the only one? should i be the only one?

i say no.

i hope it makes sense.

i presume it does make me an hypocrite because " if you want it fixed, go there and do it ".
which it does look and seems i’m avoiding… but no. i really stand behind my reasons explained.

sorry not sorry.
just an :roll_eyes: situation.


We’d recommend not applying if you’re interested in a specific threshold of rewards primarily - there are various benefits as a “thank you” for your work improving the game (which should be the main incentive) should you become an alpha tester, though, and you can purchase a premium account (which will help you create custom rooms with passwords) with some of it. :slight_smile:

Do note that many tasks will be on a whole separate build of the game, where a password for custom lobbies is not needed.

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There are bugs in your game BOTS which I and others have been complaining about for a long time, isn’t it time to fix them?

  1. Make them keep up with the player
  2. Make them ACTUALLY stay where you instruct them to
  3. Make them NOT stand out in the open with a giant target on their backs.
  4. Make them NOT ACT LIKE they are going through Crack withdraws.
  5. Make them NOT crawl in front of you when your trying to shoot at the enemy.

There, bugs that I am reporting…Again :blush: I’ll be honest, for me, the one thing that is as annoying as bad team mates is bots with the IQ of a 3 year old.


I just ask that because as a modder it a oppurtinity cost the decision. Like if it was 1000 gold per month I could reconsider modding but I love too much modding to take my time recreating bugs

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ah yes. the negotiator and business man.

i like your way of thinking.

maybe modders deserves 1000 gold for their time based on the quality of their mods.


Eheh… I’m doing the same at the moment :sweat_smile:

But I understand completely, and I respect it. The only thing I don’t agree with is when you say:

I don’t believe it’s true. You say what NEEDS to be said, unlike those who just say what they THINK the devs would like hearing. Enlisted needs more ppl like you, and less ppl like those.


:raised_hand: high five :joy:

but go figure they are the ones who gets listened to.

so… you know.

i mean, just looks how everyone just pretended my posts above flew over their heads and dead silence.

i’m sure such attitude of mine is of no help.
and as much i love saying " i do it because i’m passionate ".

it generally seem not having any impact.

so right now, my plans are to essentially pump out bug reports, free cosmetics and well made custom cosmetics through threads, my own mods etc.

even if they dont get any recognition, i at least did my part where i could.

if nothing happens, oh well.
i’ll eventually move elsewhere i suppose.

anyway, i digress.
and i probably outstayed my welcome.

have a lovely continuation.




if darkflow gives the 1st place winners of a screenshot contest just 500 gold then that says all you need to know about how darkflow likes to reward their community


I find it funny how cheap they are even tho it doesnt cost them anything to give out gold.