Join the Alpha team

Commanders, you all know about the Alpha team, whose key members are great people - you, our players. They test various game features before their official release, help with the collection of your bug reports from the Community Bug Report site and work together to make Enlisted better for all of us.


If you don’t keep quiet when you notice a bug, enjoy seeing bugs you’ve reported being fixed in the next patch and are familiar with the Community Bug Report site, then we’ll definitely get along well.

Tell us about yourself through the form and your application will get to us. We’re accepting them until February 28th.

Open form


it has been quite some time by the last time, but glad such positions are open once again.

good luck to the " contestors / attendees ".

hope it goes better this last time around.
as far as:

which i thought was the purpose of the Cr/bug report.

but what do i know.


In some cases, going by the game logic there are indeed many bugs. But once reported, they are recognized officially as a feature, take for instance Rider XP, and its cost inconsistency. I reported many of such bugs only to be corrected that everything is fine. So what kind of bugs do you really want us to test?


Respectfully, I believe that the Alpha team already do their part and its the bug fix team that is severely late on fixing simply bugs that have been reported many times over years such as FW-190s drifting.


I believe its more a communication issue - the devs know most of the bugs, but don’t know the player feels about which to fix first.

Or in other words: is it more important to fix a visually ugly bug, or a mechanical bug that could negatively influence gameplay?

For the devs something might seem small, but for us it could be frustrating.

If players report it again and again with many people agreeing with it on the forum and elsewhere, it should be obvious that the bug needs to be fixed, but still many are simply untouched.


You are quite right on that, we usually remind very frequently about some bugs that community is want to be fixed. But sometimes it’s isn’t that easy from code side.


I know we are not supposed to discuss bugs in the forum directly, instead use the bug report, but I actually do believe a forum like format could have its value - because discussing such things might highlight stuff that most people would not realize on their own, I had my oppinion on many things changed here after “having a good talk”, this could be beneficial I think.


to be honest, the community does a good job at reporting bugs, the issue is that darkflow doesnt fix enough them lol

i think you guys need more developers and less alpha testers

all of the bugs i ever report usually never get fixed


this is a terrible idea.

in theory its great, however…

Here is bug x, in a bug report - fixed

everyone sees it on a forum - someone on the forum you can exploit it by doing y - suddenly instead of only a handful of players “accidently” doing it and the devs not having to worry about rollbacks etc exploit becomes meta and you then have to roll your playerbase back (pending the seriousness of the exploit)

sometimes a bug can be patched and since players arent aware of it then thats it, however with a forum discussion on it, (lol) players are aware of it and look for different angles to make that bug into an exploit which in turn leaves devs wasting their time patching every different way instead of been productive in other ways.

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they just need a better project manager that actually checks for regression in the updates so that bugs dont reoccur like they have done since day 0

charging bug fix when?



hi major, what is the point of alpha testers and reporting bugs if darkflow ignores my bug reports for over a year? i just checked in game and these are still problems, lmao


its hard.
For example, in some cases, the AI ​​soldiers in the player’s regiment can survive until they have consumed all their ammunition, and then actively rush towards the enemy at a distance (even disobeying X’s orders) and try to engage in melee combat.


Of course this is true, but all too often do players (I can remember hundreds of instances, myself included before becoming a CM by the way) believe “oh this is probably known” and don’t report it - but it never actually was, even if it’s fairly common.

A large part of the problem here is how many bugs are not reproducible easily, which makes a massive difference when fixing issues. Therefore, the more reports of the issue, the better - even if they are marked as “duplicates” when doing so - since these extra logs (also very important; it depends on the issue at hand whether logs are needed at all and which logs, but without them a bug report can be useless for us) can be the difference when cross-referencing to identify what the issue is. Happened a few times recently, to my knowledge.


we have many best project managers and cm.
but someone… silence
pm and cm cant do all of them.
Just like in battle, you can’t always save the other 9 burdens by yourself.

me being told that the charging bug was not reproducible was a highlight, despite numerous people submitting video clips of it


the bugs i posted about can be checked and reproduced ingame in under a few minutes (just go look at the missing cosmetics for premium squads, or try to use the backup sights on the g41 sniper, it doesnt work)


here i am reproducing a bug i reported a year ago right now thats still in the game


Am I missing something, what’s the bug?

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cant look down the ironsights of the g41 sniper, it only works if you mount the weapon, otherwise you’re only able to use the scope

this is an issue with a lot of weapons, like the mkb42 sniper i believe, for other weapons, its the opposite, you can use backup sights that are completely blocked and obscured (sniper stg44 and sniper fg42)