Keep the old medic helmets, and add their replacement as new ones to include in the helmet selection

so, long story short, the new update changed medic helmets visually.







and as i bought some them with actual gold, ( yes. i’m not that smart ) i would like to have my helmets back thank you very much.

while adding these new ones as an additional / standard selection.

forget my gold, having more options is always better than having to replace.

the only thing that should actually be replace, would be older models, or textures.

like the:

this one should be getting a replacement since it does not match with anything.
and rather looks bigger than it should.


The old ones were closer to being historical. These are even worse:


its sad to change…
from old
to the new one
Perhaps it is to avoid risks from the International Committee of the Red Cross
After all, in the game, players play as military doctors and undertake more combat tasks.



didn’t even realized that

I dont think that will happen due to laws/ the Red Cross trying to purge their brand from video games.
And regarding their existence in the first place, DF’s refusal to do basic research.

I guess the same applies as to the people who bought the SS Panther with gold/ gold order (According to DF):

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guess we’ll all be swiss from now one.

At least we get rich from war…

idk about that.

my account still remains the same…