Join the Alpha team

Eheh… I’m doing the same at the moment :sweat_smile:

But I understand completely, and I respect it. The only thing I don’t agree with is when you say:

I don’t believe it’s true. You say what NEEDS to be said, unlike those who just say what they THINK the devs would like hearing. Enlisted needs more ppl like you, and less ppl like those.


:raised_hand: high five :joy:

but go figure they are the ones who gets listened to.

so… you know.

i mean, just looks how everyone just pretended my posts above flew over their heads and dead silence.

i’m sure such attitude of mine is of no help.
and as much i love saying " i do it because i’m passionate ".

it generally seem not having any impact.

so right now, my plans are to essentially pump out bug reports, free cosmetics and well made custom cosmetics through threads, my own mods etc.

even if they dont get any recognition, i at least did my part where i could.

if nothing happens, oh well.
i’ll eventually move elsewhere i suppose.

anyway, i digress.
and i probably outstayed my welcome.

have a lovely continuation.




if darkflow gives the 1st place winners of a screenshot contest just 500 gold then that says all you need to know about how darkflow likes to reward their community


I find it funny how cheap they are even tho it doesnt cost them anything to give out gold.


Is that the case with faulty hit registration? I reported like 3 different cases of it but after more than a year, the soldiers still get temporal immunity and stand through a whole machinegun burst-till-overheat like it’s nothing, clearly shaking from being hit by all the bullets


This one is particularly annoying. Happens so many times, and a few times I got killed trying to shoot a launcher just because my bot walked into my aim right when I launched the rocket



You’d be surprised…

I know some staff members:

Dragons on their hoards, I tell you.

But that said, if you want to do this only for the rewards… that’s not for you.


Thanks @ErikaKalkbrenner for pointing this out for the 100th time! @MajorMcDonalds @James_Grove I beseech you to kindly request the devs to look into these ‘MINOR’ issues. There are 10s of CBRs on the planetree camo itself on Gaijin’s support website. I will say it once more: ‘THIS IS NO WAY TO BUILD CONSUMER CONFIDENCE.’ How could it take more than a year to fix a bug which can be solved within minutes as shown by @ErikaKalkbrenner?


its no need.

its need.


I mean its honest if all you do is pointless bug testing and demanding payload nerfs.

Sounds awesome! this must been their in the process of fixing the ‘‘MERGE’’!.
Now we will have Appropriate equipment on each Campaign set of Maps in terms of Maps matched with Weapons, Vehicles and Outfitts of time appropriate Gear. we will now have Historical Matchups with BR that also takes Role, Year in consideration.
AND we will finalyl have Vechicle Camouflage changing depending on Maps and it’s season and year!
And we will have Gemepace and Combat play adjusted into more realistic combat simulation.
No more tryhards zerging rush hour and laser pew pew. Perks lowered into more sensible increases as in jsut few percent!
Stamina, Sprint Speed and run speed, aiming and reloading all lowered and adjusted to more fit a realistic gameplay that resembles actual combat more closely. Negating Perks being that much of impact and also take away the rush zerg CoD a la Fortnite gameplay! fantastic!
what else…
Well now the Tech Trees have the more standard common weapons and vehicles, and the one-offs and prototypes as will be Premiums as should be, contributing to a more authentic respresentation of the factions!
Also the absurd things like german tech Panzerfausts and such in US tree, dumb shit like that removed, making all trees stay more unique and flavoured, also amazing!

ANd THEN! the UK Tree becomes its own separate faction together with Commonwealth AND Italians become their own separate Tree!

Sounds awesome ! Well done guys ! can’t wait!

Well atleast that’s m hope wish and would be dream come true…
We will find out i guess…

it just better not be even nicer graphics leafves blowing in the wind or other dumb shit no one asked for and shouldn’t be a priority

I will be so disappointed if it’s the leaves…

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BUGs that can shorten the time for normal people to hone their teams, BUGs that can test players’ intelligence, and BUGs that affect official income and shorten play time
Other negative game experiences and problems are not BUGs in DF’s eyes, but normal operation.

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If you don’t keep quiet when you notice a bug,…
i wasnt and mostly get message: your post was marked as inappropriate :wink:

In my shallow cerebral cortex: the test team composed of players is mainly composed of volunteers, and their work should not be measured in game currency, premium accounts or gift cards. They should not be restricted by ideology/culture/language/time zone suitable for developers, and frequent meetings. Each selected volunteer needs to complete at least part of the work, and if they don’t like it here, they can and need to leave. Each volunteer will be assigned to a different developer group according to their own conditions and the differences in the required job positions. Managed by developers in other positions. For example: mod/clothing/editor authors can be contacted by modelers to regularly summarize and report the suggestions of these selected authors who are still active. Russian regional manager, English regional manager, Chinese/Japanese/Korean translator, Indian translator, French, Spanish, German, Latin translator, or designated staff with corresponding backgrounds in the development team. Supervise different teams separately (just like the Xbox and Sony teams have part-time leaders). Will this be better? Yes, it will be complicated and will generate many new problems. But this system will allow each team to collect/verify/report their own unique problems more realistically.
For example, the high ping and unstable network environment in Southeast Asia/Australia, the characteristic environment of the Far East/East,
Instead of the current situation, the game environment of the tester and the user with the problem often have huge differences in software and hardware, network environment, game understanding, etc.
The situation of multiple teams and multiple channels will also ease the current feedback mechanism: that is, cm, administrators, and testers select a small part from the “40k Ministry of Internal Affairs file mountain”, then try to reproduce, then forward, and then the developer continues the slow process of subjective sorting.
Under the new mechanism, developers with different functions can have a more comprehensive understanding of the problems that have occurred or may exist within their own functional scope. In order to make better decisions and modifications.
The task distributor does not have to wait for each development team to be idle, and then select some from a large number of forwarded reports and throw them into their hands. Instead, each development team reports to the product owner what work they will do according to user needs, and only the decision maker controls the highest priority content.
Instead of arranging everything.
In that case, some instructions will really become “some 40k executive orders/military orders”