Japan Low Br Shotgun

It is a known fact, it is something that was rarely used, but it happened, gentlemen of Gajin/DF and users of this crazy game, even if you find it hard to believe, Japan came to use shotguns during the Second World War, that is why I come to torment you with another post to demand more equipment to fill the tech tree, do events or even premium:

1º Let’s start with something from the land of the rising sun, the Murata hunting shotgun:
I’m not going to take the glory and I plan to use this old post to explore the concepts of this obsolete weapon from the First World War. I’ll be clear, I’ll be concise. Since this weapon is a single-shot weapon and needs to be reloaded, it could be that the shot that hits the person could kill them or, if they have a vitality perk, they could be incapacitated.

2º Double-barreled shotgun and other “American” shotguns: Many of you will be surprised by this truth, but it is true, Japan did use them. I will give you a little context: during the battles in Pililiu, when examining the cave fortifications at the end of hostilities, not only standard Arisaka rifles and machine guns of various designs were discovered, but also dozens of single-barreled and double-barreled weapons. It should be said that according to the testimony of prisoners of war held in camps in the Philippines and Japan, some of the guards had shotguns of various designs for their guard and protection duties, both classic double-barreled and single-barreled designs, and semi-automatic ones such as the Browning Auto 5, Remington 11 or Winchester. In the years before the war, these types of weapons were widely imported to Japan from Europe and the United States, so although few, they could be added to Japan through a tech tree, event or even premium and they where part of the hunting society, even if you don’t wish believe it!
3-fowl (1)

EDIT: Adding source material:“combat lessons” no. 8. page 24


Japan deserves more content they have just the bare minimum for everything in some case they don’t have some stuff that other nations do have like shotguns or planes with rockets or a good medium tank for low BR


I’m with You brother both we know that Japan need shotguns : )


There are different concepts between being able to use and being easy to use
I don’t think shotguns are necessary
Especially considering there are not many situations where they can be used
I would rather they add more tanks that can (effectively fight) Shermans sooner
and better bombers

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I would say the same for as-44 or the stinger but they are in game, so please,kindly shut up :>


I like the double barell witb bayonet. Im not so sure about the Single shot murata.

Could be fun gun its not like we hadn’t had 1 shot guns we had Barden 2 which was single shot

Japan could definitely use a double barrel tech tree shotgun, They could also utilize the Murata as a gold order, And the Winchester and others as a possible BR II shotgun. It’d be best to only pick one though so Japan would wind up with two total shotguns in the tech tree and one gold order. Preferably at the same time they need more tanks and planes. Especially in teirs 1 to 3.

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Yed but its not meta at all. If japan has a shot gun we should prioritize the competitive one over the novelty

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with AS44 or Stinger
but no matter what
They all take more use than a shotgun barrel.
I don’t want to see Japan, like the other three factions, have a weapon that forces new players to develop weapons that are not helpful in combat.

Shotgun for Shogun.


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The same should be said of certain equipment used by Americans like the T20 which was developed by devs to counter the Hei Rifle fans, but oh well


Weapons like the t20 actually existed, But much like a lot of the “fantasy weapons” these were either failed prototypes, one off/extremely limited number productions, fake designs to throw enemies off if they found design documents, or made just after the war. But believe it or not Japan still has a fair amount of equipment that can be added that isn’t out of the question if it was used or not. The real question is do the devs want to add these things.

As stated before one off/extremely limited number productions, That’s where they would be good for gold order. But we have plenty of things like the type 44 carbine, type 30, Huang 88 (taken after beating the Chinese), The various import shotguns bought before the war, kar 98 and VZ. 24s (purchased to fill the gap for the type 38 as it was falling short of effectiveness pre war), type 89 mortar, type 92 (converted from aircraft for infantry use), etc.

Even the Japanese tiger would make for a good premium squad, seeing as they bought a tiger tank from the Germans and before it’s delivery the Americans destroyed it in a battle with the Germans at the very shipping yard where it was being housed before being put on the boat.

Japan still has a lot of life left in terms of equipment, they’re just being too slow with adding it.

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Maybe this is because they’re trying to cram more stuff into the German tech tree (looking at the Panzer 4 added last time)
They might as well put Japanese Tigers and KV2 together for an event
To solve the problem that Japanese tanks are almost all junk
At least it gives them something else to fight Sherman.

Facts have proven that T20 is a very useful and important thing
The only problems the United States has are those low-level aircraft that are difficult to use and the Thomson that occupies the mid-term

or blatant ignored…

not only german,also chinese stolen and other stuff because its what they did,I remind you they get even planes,but you arent ready seems for that

you dont get what I mean so stop ruin my post thanks

then maybe you can answer this question

I did with the stinger and the as-44, they are too powerful and useful, and they are in the game, so keep yelling, but for low br could be fun and useful, but kay, think all you wish