Japan isn't ready for BR 5

They could nerf fedorov and tokyo but then people would begin to cry because their meta guns are not viable anymore

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looking at those sad results of japanese ww2 industry its kinda funny when people also ask for separate italy and even france factions


Soviet mains when AS-44s are casually being StG 44s with bayonets:


Japan very much not ready or might ever will be for BR V, There’s tons of low br equipments left to add and very little on high br And there’s still bike squad, shotguns, impact nades equivalent grenade (early type 4 nades) to add.

I even checked out japanese sources by the help of some japanese friends online.
There are no content.
Simply doesnt exist any.
I am not talking wiki search but academic resources.
Best thing to do is NOT forcing a goddman country that CANNOT compete in br 5 in any shape of form and call it a f…g day.
You have to completely change gameplay and maps that not having a heavy tank will not mean absolute defeat and spaags and tank destroyer will be usefull which is impossible in current phase and maps.
DF managed to corner himself with his complete irrelevancy on state of the game and defiancy to make any substantial changes

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for br 5 sadly they have as the sad good planes, a few tanks, the shielded hei, maybe anothe a2 gun, the bazooka and maybe a weird rocket launched with weird form

The only way I can see Japan moving forward is being in BR 4 limbo with special MM treatment.

Introduce the rest of the ww2 tanks and planes, then call it a day until it’s time for enlisted to go past ww2.

Do devs have plans for that ?

Even Japanese documents say it didn’t have a rpm above 625. I don’t understand how they got that 1200 rpm thing.

Hopefully not. At least not until everything is fleshed out.

4 factions are getting small, and it shows.

No and yes we have Tokyo arsenal of model 1927 not modified version of 1928

During comparative tests with the Bergmann MP18-I submachine gun (chambered 9x19mm with a TM-08 magazine (designed by Blum) for 32 rounds) in 1928, the Japanese experimental model of 1927 (The magazine feed was of a very unique design, curved cassettes for 10 rounds, similar to cassette clips for machine guns of the Hotchkins design. The cassettes were combined into a tape of 5 pieces and placed in a drum, 50 rounds in total. An alternative method of feeding was a box magazine with 30 (according to other sources 25) cartridges with a staggered arrangement of cartridges.)(8x22mm Nambu)showed a large number of delays in the supply of cartridges, a too high rate of fire (up to 1200 r/m) and rapid wear of parts.

The 1927 model was modernized in 1928, a pneumatic shock absorber was added to its design and the rate of fire was significantly reduced (adjustable from 300 to 600 r/m).
In the modernized experimental model of 1928, 6.5mm cartridges were tested. (corresponds to the designations of .25ACP or 6.35x16mmSR Browning cartridges adopted in Japan at that time), 7.7mm. (corresponding to .32ACP or 7.65x17mmSR Browning),and 7x20mm Nambu. Fed from box magazines (according to separate information, single-row small-capacity magazines with 20-25 rounds).
During repeated tests, the 1928 model failed due to a breakdown and was no longer tested, and did not receive recommendations for improvement.

So thanks for your comment we found 4 more SMG for Japan Tokyo arsenal 1927 ,30 or 25 mag fed (8x22mm Nambu/ RPM=1200)

Tokyo arsenal 1928 either mag fed(20 or 25) or drum (50)( 6.5mm cartridges/ depending on the cartridge from 300 to 600 rpm)

Tokyo arsenal 1928 either mag fed(20 or 25) or drum (50)(7.7mm/depending on the cartridge from 300 to 600 rpm)

Tokyo arsenal 1928 either mag fed(20 or 25) or drum (50)(7x20mm Nambu/depending on the cartridge from 300 to 600 rpm)

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Well this is because many good equipment for Japan are not in the game. Here a list of things that can be added to Japan BR 4 and BR 5 that can make them challenge US or USSR:

  • SIG MKMO used by Mengjiang puppet state of Japan
  • SIG KE7 with 50 round mag used by Japanese puppet states in China
    -Hino Kamuro M 1904 Semi Automatic 15 round rifle
    -Type Hei Automatic Rifle
    -Type 1/Type 98 machine Gun
  • Automatic Mauser C96 can be added as a pistol so Bolt Action rifles will have good support weapon that will give them good options in close range.
    there is other Chinese weapons that can be added to Japan used by its puppet states.
    Like Sichuan submachine gun for premium squads
    paratrooper squads with Type 99 also will be nice addition

For the tanks there is no options if you ask me they can be up to BR 4 and to be no BR 5 tanks and Type 4 Chi-To to be the last tank.

Also will be nice if they add to Japan Type 4 20 cm rocket launcher that can be build by engineers in artillery squads it will be easy way to deal with tanks from a very long distance.

The other interesting mortar that can be added is Type 11 70 mm infantry mortar that can fire AA mine discharger that is basically Cluster bombs you can imagine how effective artillery squads will be in more open maps. The allies will have to play a lot of recon and paratrooper squads to deal with them.

The Air Force of Japan also lacks key planes to deal with ground targets at the moment if they are added it will be harder for the allies to play big tanks :

  • Kawasaki Ki-102 with Ki-148 I-Gо̄ Model 1 Otsu Guided air-to-surface missile will make every big tank very easy target.
    -Ki-48-II otsu with Ki-148 I-Gо̄ Model 1 Otsu Guided air-to-surface missile
    -J2M Raiden with The Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rocket
  • A7M Reppū with Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rocket

Not to mention if they add Battle of Iwo Jima big tanks will be good only at capturing the beach but the rest of the battle will be mainly underground where you cant use big tanks. Battle of Okinawa also the terrain wont be good for tanks and a lot of capture points will be cave points. Even if you have big tanks how you are going to capture cave points with them?

As you can see there is no tanks but there is good options how to deal with tanks after all this is not world of tanks here you have artillery, air force infantry there can be added better guns for engineers to construct against tanks. There is plenty of options.

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We can give Japanese engineers Type 92 10 cm cannon
Also for artillery tank, I was thinking of Ha-to but most likely that’s overkill but they need something against Calliope

That’s a premium squad but they can add Chi-Ha GS rocket launcher tank or known as Chi-Ha Bee if there is demand for such type of tank.

The point that I’m making with this thread is…

There’s no reason for Japan to be in BR5 at all. The only BR5-worthy thing they’ve mentioned so far is the Ho-Ri, which is essentially a Japanese Ferdinand/Elefant on pacific maps.

Instead of creating another balancing headache by shoehorning them into BR5 when they shouldn’t, they should just keep Japan at BR4 maximum for lack of equivalents.


If they don’t you will have to face the same BR 5 equipment in BR 4. Maybe they can split the matches to BR 1 and 2 then BR 3 and 4 and finally BR 5 to be it own thing but even then Japan needs more equipment especially good ground attack aircrafts cuz there is nothing in BR 3 and very little in BR 4. And new paratroopers is a must i have the old one but when i play on BR 3+ they are not really effective…

About that they could add Para-marines with STG-44 as navy did buy 6 of those

Better the special paratrooper version of Type 99 variant it will be perfect for BR 4.

No. You don’t.

That’s specifically why Japan has a special MM right now.

It is spared from seeing M2 Carbines and P-47s.

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