Japan isn't ready for BR 5

Well this is because many good equipment for Japan are not in the game. Here a list of things that can be added to Japan BR 4 and BR 5 that can make them challenge US or USSR:

  • SIG MKMO used by Mengjiang puppet state of Japan
  • SIG KE7 with 50 round mag used by Japanese puppet states in China
    -Hino Kamuro M 1904 Semi Automatic 15 round rifle
    -Type Hei Automatic Rifle
    -Type 1/Type 98 machine Gun
  • Automatic Mauser C96 can be added as a pistol so Bolt Action rifles will have good support weapon that will give them good options in close range.
    there is other Chinese weapons that can be added to Japan used by its puppet states.
    Like Sichuan submachine gun for premium squads
    paratrooper squads with Type 99 also will be nice addition

For the tanks there is no options if you ask me they can be up to BR 4 and to be no BR 5 tanks and Type 4 Chi-To to be the last tank.

Also will be nice if they add to Japan Type 4 20 cm rocket launcher that can be build by engineers in artillery squads it will be easy way to deal with tanks from a very long distance.

The other interesting mortar that can be added is Type 11 70 mm infantry mortar that can fire AA mine discharger that is basically Cluster bombs you can imagine how effective artillery squads will be in more open maps. The allies will have to play a lot of recon and paratrooper squads to deal with them.

The Air Force of Japan also lacks key planes to deal with ground targets at the moment if they are added it will be harder for the allies to play big tanks :

  • Kawasaki Ki-102 with Ki-148 I-Gо̄ Model 1 Otsu Guided air-to-surface missile will make every big tank very easy target.
    -Ki-48-II otsu with Ki-148 I-Gо̄ Model 1 Otsu Guided air-to-surface missile
    -J2M Raiden with The Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rocket
  • A7M Reppū with Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rocket

Not to mention if they add Battle of Iwo Jima big tanks will be good only at capturing the beach but the rest of the battle will be mainly underground where you cant use big tanks. Battle of Okinawa also the terrain wont be good for tanks and a lot of capture points will be cave points. Even if you have big tanks how you are going to capture cave points with them?

As you can see there is no tanks but there is good options how to deal with tanks after all this is not world of tanks here you have artillery, air force infantry there can be added better guns for engineers to construct against tanks. There is plenty of options.

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We can give Japanese engineers Type 92 10 cm cannon
Also for artillery tank, I was thinking of Ha-to but most likely that’s overkill but they need something against Calliope

That’s a premium squad but they can add Chi-Ha GS rocket launcher tank or known as Chi-Ha Bee if there is demand for such type of tank.

The point that I’m making with this thread is…

There’s no reason for Japan to be in BR5 at all. The only BR5-worthy thing they’ve mentioned so far is the Ho-Ri, which is essentially a Japanese Ferdinand/Elefant on pacific maps.

Instead of creating another balancing headache by shoehorning them into BR5 when they shouldn’t, they should just keep Japan at BR4 maximum for lack of equivalents.


If they don’t you will have to face the same BR 5 equipment in BR 4. Maybe they can split the matches to BR 1 and 2 then BR 3 and 4 and finally BR 5 to be it own thing but even then Japan needs more equipment especially good ground attack aircrafts cuz there is nothing in BR 3 and very little in BR 4. And new paratroopers is a must i have the old one but when i play on BR 3+ they are not really effective…

About that they could add Para-marines with STG-44 as navy did buy 6 of those

Better the special paratrooper version of Type 99 variant it will be perfect for BR 4.

No. You don’t.

That’s specifically why Japan has a special MM right now.

It is spared from seeing M2 Carbines and P-47s.

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And yet we have to fight Jumbos and Churchills and the Carabine is not a big deal to be honest. If they keep the special rule when they add BR 5 and i don’t have to face BR 5 equipment that will be good but even then there must be more planes for Japan especially ground attack options and few fighter options will be nice. Also tanks must be fixed a bit. Chi-Nu can be put to BR 3 and in BR 2 some version of Chi -Ha will be nice with the long gun. The BR 3 and BR 4 planes must be fixed cuz Japan has amazing planes but we don’t have many of the coolest in game and few more small arms won’t be bad + new paratroopers cuz all the other nations have paratroopers with automatic weapons we got only bolt action …

Pre-merge, when the Japanese did fight M2 Carbines, there were no players playing the japanese faction at all.

It’s almost as if giving everyone pseudo assault rifles as a basic primary weapon against a faction that has dinky semi autos at best wouldn’t turn out so well.

This is because we don’t have squads with the same fire power at the game but now we have Tokyo arsenal is OP as fuck but i would prefer SIG MKMO to be the final smg of Japan. Also one paratrooper squad with Type 99 you can go against carabine. The problem with LMG squad with type 99 is that only 3 people in the squad will have it. Type Hei Rifle automatic rifle can also be added as counter to the carabine but why would i use it when i can get the SIG MKMO and type 99?

It ain’t. It’s a half-decent SMG for the BR and nothing else. It’s fundamentally still limited by who can equip it.

You’re bringing up guns that were never announced or added.

Cuz I’m sure they will add them a paratrooper squad with type 99 will happen for sure 100% and for new smg for Japan they don’t have other option that can go to BR 5 if they plan BR 5 that’s the only SMG not to mention with all the other SIG weapons being in the Japanese tech tree its giving you a huge hint that they gonna put more of the SIG family there.

Type 2 B 50 round with 800 rpm (B is given by British troops who used them) also know as Type 2 A modification of 1942
and also type 1 modification of 1934 can be given
Sig KE 7 which today I learned that Japanese puppets in China were using it(previously thought only china bought and used it and when recommending this gun I always said captured but I don’t have to no more)
Tokyo arsenal modification of 1928 with drum cambered in 6.5 and 7.7 and 7×20mm Nambu
and shisei type hei model 1934 all can be added to SMG/AR line for Japan

Might need to tone your expectation down we still haven’t got Engs with ARs and they hinted at an event for APCs for Japan and allies so Paras are for now off limits and I don’t think they will give type 99 to Paras was it used as paratrooper weapon? (don’t know just asking) Im sure if there is another para event they might go with type 100 SMG with collapsable stuck (only in aesthetic)

no they wont cuz its gonna be BR 1 Smg and we have BR 2 paratrooper squad in the game. The next paratrooper squad will be for BR 4 or BR 5 that’s for sure Type 99:
‘’ A limited production version of the Type 99 was produced for paratroopers, but had no known special designation. It had a detachable stock and a forward-folding pistol grip. For deployment, the barrel and butt were detached from the gun, the pistol grip and bipod folded, and the entire set packed into a carrying bag.‘’

Its the navy paratroopers not the army type uniform but the gun is type 99 that he is holding.

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That’s cool to know but I still vote for Japanese para-marines with STGs and about SIG MKMO you might better off asking for it in German tech tree as it was so expensive to buy even though it was meant to be for exports only Swiss police and Finland home guard used it and in General it was failure for SIG . Reportedly some got to China, although it’s likely said weapons are actually different SIG smgs that look similar. So yeah better of asking for it in German tech tree or better yet as a Finnish event squad

Mengjiang used it and they where a puppet state of Japan if Germany can have Danuvia 43M their Hungarian Puppet state why Japan can’t have their puppet state Mengjiang smg? And the swiss police didn’t use the MKMO they used the MKPO. The M is for military and the P is for police. The MKMO was sold to Mengjiang cuz it was the export for military. The military version is longer then the police version and have 10 bullets more normally you can use the same mag on MKMO and MKPO but you will have problems if you have to compact the gun the 40 rounds mag wont fit in MKPO front holder.

Well i checked further and it seems they used it so First thing

Premium not everybody owns it

Hungarians never were paupet of Germany and Germany uses it because the faction which we call Germany in reality is Axis so every countriy’s gun who were in Axis can get in tech tree so we can get SIG MKMO for Japan, too well thanks for making it known to me that japan can use this(As one of the Japanese puppet used it nice info mate)

Not only but Finland used MKMS not MKMO cuz it was the late version while Mengjiang used the early SIG MKMO version.
‘’ A wide variety of rifles found their way into the Inner Mongolian Army arsenal, mostly bought by Prince De Wang or given by the Japanese. The first weapons that they received were 10,000 Liao Type 13 rifles from the Mukden Arsenal, given as a gift by the Young Marshal Zhang Xueliang. Other small arms included the Swiss Sig. Model 1930 sub-machine gun, utilized by bodyguards in small numbers.‘’