Japan is dead

I won’t deny, the matchmaking sucks, and certainly plays a part. But I also had a really good win rate BRI-II Japan, where that type of stuff doesn’t really happen, so I think it’s mostly due to the players.

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I think there are two problems with the Japanese army in this game. one realistically the Japanese Army had inferior technology when fighting the US in WW2 when it came to ground combat. Lots of the soldiers didn’t come back after missions due to them still holding on to the death before dishonor. Don’t get me wrong I love that the game allows you to use a mine on a stick to blow up a tank, but realistically if you have a 3-year veteran fighter that takes his life in combat how do you expect to past on the information on how the enemy fights when the veteran is a pile of blood and guts on the ground or his tank is a burning wreak because he didn’t want the US to capture it.

Second and more game sided, but the iron sights on Japanese weapons suck. In comparison the irons on the starting US rifle gives you a clear picture to see everything, while Japanese starting rifle you can barely line up a shot because the irons look like you’re looking through a solid block of steel further exaggerated by the fact that when you first start out your soldier can’t hit the broadside of a barn because they have no perks and the rifle has no perks. That being said I have a good win rate with Japanese Army in my BR 1 matches, but it’s all about who you match make with.

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Beyond the fact that canonically Japan had a technological disaster, it extended the war to the end, surrendering only because of what we already know… That is to say, Japan really rose to the occasion against the US and China at the same time.

Still in the game you can’t do much if both teams have the same skill.

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i say that because the L-11 doesn’t have HVAP as a shell, the F-34 did however

That one’s a post war fabrication. There’s 0 evidence, neither from US collectors nor from Japanese researchers or any document I’ve seen so far that this was actually something they made/tested during the war.
Alone the Chrysanthemum on the front (which was never just randomly stamped on test equipment) should tell you its a fake.

interesting,but,we have cold war stuff on soviet area,so…

No, rpd and rd44 are different, rpd lacks the foregrip of the rd-44, with rd-44 being the first design of the rpd that would be produced to show to the weapons bureau in late 1944

Br 1 and 2 is where I have most games. Br 3-5 is like a lotto ticket, fun to play but easy to lose.

In order to have a fair chance at winning as the Japanese, it is better to play “all platforms”. If playing “console only” you’ll consistently be outnumbered and therefore steamrolled regularly.

A higher amount of PC gamers play Japan vs console resulting in a better rate of evenly matched games. And if not evenly matched, the balance is tipped towards Japan more often than not.