Japan is dead

It always have been player issues either it team with less skill or more player

Always have been

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The player base may be very different depending the br and the time you play.

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Sad to hear about this. But I have the opposite experience to be honest. BR V Japan always seems to have a dedicated playerbase from the games that I have played. To the extent that the Allies get slonged hard while playing against them. Facing three 9-man rifleman squads of Type Hei Autos could be quite ‘stressful’ at times.

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yeah that are few japanese tanks that can be added, but they will not change situation on BR4 and BR5.

out of viable tanks:

  • hori prototype doesnt make sense considering hori production is already in the game
  • heavy tank no.6 is tiger E that japan bought but never shipped to japan (was on loan to germany) and is probably best thing that could be added to japan
  • chi ri II, chi to late and chi nu II wont bring almost any change compared to chi to
  • chi ha LG has crew outside making it easy to kill with infantry, also it sucks with penetrating other tanks
  • so ki is SPAAG
  • rest are BR2 tanks max

That guy didn’t specifically talk about br 4-5.
Japan high br is not bad considered there is only two tank on br4-5. So you can easily get the Ho-Ri production.
The bigger problem is their low to mid br tank is bad.
Adding those tank from War Thunder can definitely boost their low to mid br.

My win percentage with the Japs is 45%, but only ever played 11 games. The allies are the first faction I started back when I first started playing, and since I only played allies had a 32% w/l for a long time. Then it gradually increased till I got up to 50%, then after a rank reset it dropped to under 47%. It climbed as high as 55.6% before crashing again, so I stopped playing with them for the most part. Germans I started about a year ago and they were up to 82%, then after a rank reset everyone went to the Russians and my Germans dropped to 72%. Russians I started about 6 months ago, they got to almost 80% before the walls came tumbling down. :joy: So now, I bounce back and forth between Russians and Germans and come out around 50%, although both recently dropped below 70%. I do play US level 5 a couple times a week, and just yesterday played four US level 3 games for which I did not apparently get dumped into level 5, and 3 of the 4 games I won, the 4th I got seal clubbed again against the Japanese. My kill/death ratio is bad, but I play aggressive and just rush in. Plus, I have really in 2.5 years only played infantry and did not start flying till 5 months ago or so or fight in tanks. But, my kill/death ratio is climbing the more time I spend in a plane.
win percentage

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they have no tanks on low BR that would improve that situation. all their tanks are equally bad compared to what we currently have in game.

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I-Go Ko on br1? It is definitely better than those 37mm trash tank.
Chi-Nu II on br3? It will give Japan a better way to fight M4A2.
Or they give a tech tree chi ha kai and put it to br1. Consider that Panzer 3J is also br1 and Panzer 3J turret rotation will be buff next update.

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chi has is already in game as premium, so better solution would be TT chi ha.

if they put it on BR3 then yes. although i could easily see it on BR4 considering it is similar to panzer 4 with long gun.

great against BR1 and BR2 tanks, sucks against shermans, sucks against infantry.

even with these changes situation would not improve much for japanese tanks. they simply have too many weaknesses.

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Very unlikely to happen.

Lol there is only 1 out of 4 panzer 4 with long gun is on br4. The rest are on br3.

How is it different from German br1 tank anyway they will suck against shermans no matter how.

Please elaborate. The only thing you need is 1 good tank for each br. Other are bad is not that relevant since you won’t bring it anyway.

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all japanese tanks are overtiered, so i dont see them putting it on lower tier. specially when they have lack of BR4 and BR5 tanks. also chi-nu is already on BR3 and chi-nu II is whole tier above chi-nu in WT.

at least they have good HE(well some of them) and coax MG making them good against infantry, while having same performance against US tanks.

there are no better tanks from what they already have in TT or premium/event unless they start to downtier already existing vehicles. adding i-go ko wont change situation on BR1 and will just prolong getting to ho-i on BR2. chi-nu II can get both on BR3 and BR4(btw i think that all pz4 should go to BR4 cause they shouldnt go against low BR, so same would be with chi-nu II), so it would be big improvement for BR3, but it would do nothing for BR4. only thing that would actually improve BR4 would be either chi to late or chi ri II cause of slightly better armor that would frustrate US 75mm tanks.

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It’s not like they can’t add chi to late , chi ri and ho ri prototype.

Lol panther are 2br more than panzer4h on war thunder. But they are same br on Enlisted. So they don’t really care about the br on war thunder.

The tank I suggested are still better than the current one.

It has the ability to counter infantry while still suck against Sherman just like other br1 German tank.

So who is gonna counter Sherman, t34 and kv1 on br3?

ho ri prototype is pointless. chi to late and chi ri would be very minor improvement over chi to.

well i dont care about BR1 tanks cause they are just filler till you get to BR2 tanks. inserting i-go ko when you could directly research ho-i is imho pointless. yes it would be better than other BR1 tanks, but you could almost finish research of much better BR2 tank.

stug, marder, giving APCR shells to 50mm tanks.

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lol but somehow adding a chi nu II that is worse than chi to is acceptable for you?

Well they can folder it.

So only td on br3? Not to mention apcr is bad against slope armor.

nah… that is why i said that japan doesnt really have better alternatives than the ones in TT or premium/event already. they all offer either minor or no improvement.

i dont mind that. they can add whatever tank they want if they folder it.

i would put sherman and KV1 on higher tier also if they didnt have atrocious guns that cant fight BR4 and BR5 tanks. my problem with pz4 F2-H is that they can fight ally/soviet BR5 and they absolutely destroy any BR1/BR2/BR3 tank without even needing to aim. TD come at significant drawbacks, while APCR would primarily go to BR2 tanks so they can fight heavier armor of those BR3 tanks.

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lol I literally give you 2 but you said you don’t care about br1 and the br3 one should be br4 which is base on a statement that will most likely not happen.

It’s not like they can’t be given apcr.

Kv1 and t34 can also destroy any low br tank and they are even harder to be destroyed by low br tank. Moreover low br tank doesn’t really care that panzer4 can kill high br tank or not.

chi ha is better than i-go, but it is premium. so technically it is not better what is available for its tier. chi nu II is debatable whether they would put it on BR3 or BR4. i could make argument that would make every tank better if we move it down one tier.

well i am for giving APCR to almost all tanks cause it would help with fighting against higher tier tanks.

i would easily put them on BR4 if they could actually pen BR4 tanks(at least KV1). if all pz4 went to BR4, KV1 could also go as starter BR4 tank with APCR. t34 could stay on BR3 cause it really isnt armored that much and doesnt have excessive gun penetration.

which one? l-11 or zis-5?

That’s the game’s fault and its horrible matchmaking.

It has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Look at this, see my br 3 team with the br5 team of the Japanese.
hori production in br3…

my team:

As I said, whether a faction has a higher win rate than another does not depend on the players but on how lucky you are that the matchmaking garbage does not try to rape you unilaterally.

isnt zis5 already on BR4? i was talking about l-11 that is still on BR3.