Italian faction is needed! 🇮🇹

idk what is the point of that. your only change is just basically separating current western allies from unified queue for europe and pacific to separate queues for europe and pacific. everything else remains the same.

this could have been handled a lot better like 6 BR tiers and 3 queues with pacific getting 1-2 and 3-4 (or just one queue with 1-4 BR) queues from western allies. british and french forces (if they ever become available) could get no participation (or limited participation cause british forces fought japan in south east asia).

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Eastern allies are entirely different from Western. Do you want Filipinos fighting Germans or Chinese fighting Germans? If not, will you add a Chinese Faction or a Commonwealth Faction? How about a French Faction?

There needs to be a difference between Pacific Allies and Western Allies for the betterment of the Enlisted in the long run.

Lol, by this logic why Axis European is not split into Western Axis and Eastern Axis? Since you will have Hungarian and Romanian fighting US in Africa and Western Europe.

Number one, it would diminish the Axis player base. The West has more than enough and can afford people playing on the Pacific Allies too. Who punches a punching bag that is half full?

Maybe, but would you rather see Filipinos and Chinese fighting in Europe and Africa?

Source? What makes you believe that Western Allies can afford to be split into half?

You can’t have double standard. They are basically the same.

Europeans fighting in a European War vs Asian Armies fighting in a European war. No, they are not the same.


Normandy Allies was the most popular campaign. They will stay that way because they also get all the cool stuff.

Lol what is this weird classification? By this logic, You shouldn’t add US since It is a American country fighting a European war.

Lol don’t source people without really looking at his data.

Look at the Allies to Axis ratio ffs, it is mostly balance.

The US was involved in a European war. China and the Philippines were not.

I did; he got the data from the game proving to me wrong in a conversation.

Lol just stop using such weird classification. They are both on earth, they are fighting an earth war.

So you are ok with Filipinos and Chinese fighting against Germany in Europe?

Look at this with your eyes. The Normandy campaign 22/10/2023 has allies to axis ratio of 1.01. So it is balanced.

Yeah because you are ok with Hungarian and Romania fighting US in Africa.

They would be under the European Axis, so I don’t get where this is coming from.

Add in the Pacific as well

Meh I like having them all under 1 faction “Germany/Italy”

Means I have everything in one place and I can just use Squad presets to differentiate at will. Much more equipment available…I can go only italian gear if I like, or fill out the weakspots with German gear.

I just made a full Italy BR 1-2 Squad preset…

my main complaint is Italian uniforms only available in Tunisa. Moscow and Stalingrad too please.

also want to buy Troops of nationality.


Then Allies can be under a single Allies faction.

No, because then you would have Chinese and Filipinos fighting in Europe