Italian faction is needed! šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹

stay calm, I have 10 Tunisian teams (40 Italians and 16 Germans) they are all classified br 4 and in Normandy battles I win over many players so letā€™s not talk nonsense it has the basis to be a good faction itā€™s a game I remind you not real life Ciao bello

Because of German stuff and Berettas I assume.
Definitly not because of rifles, the Breda and tanks and planes or AT weapons excluding events.

I only have the German panzer 4 I use the fiat g55 plane very efficient in my opinion Beretta premium flamethrower paratroopers itā€™s not as bad as you think

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the Breda rifle of the event is strong however

There are no countries, simply fronts. Equipment and vehicles are added accordingly to each tree.

Lol there is only 2 front you made that are really front (Western Front, Pacific Allies). Other front you made are just current country rename to front. USSR-> Eastern front, Germany-> Axis European, Japan->Pacific Axis.

not really. if they are included in same MM as their allied nations e.g. germany/USA then it is not problem with queues.

i see that you invested lot of time into thinking about this idea.

all hail pz2 and KT in same match against m13 and super pershings or t60 and is2. newbies fighting veterans but with even worse weapons than in current campaigns with even longer grind :+1:
i am almost max level in all campaigns, so i wouldnt mind seal clubbing every new player out of this game.

I do not refer to player balance, but to equipment balance.
They would most likely end up similarly to Japan.

well that is only way they could existā€¦ more or less low/mid tier nations with no high tier equipment.

it would bring happiness to some players and $$ to DF/gaijin.

I think it is definitely needed any time soon. Devs need to properly put game back together, rework queues and polish BR system.
Until then, they definitely shouldnā€™t release completely new factions. The best thing they could do is release more maps meanwhile.

But I guess more factions are inevitable in future. I just believe they shouldnā€™t be released during next year.

well that is big problem with DFā€¦ they expanded too much (even without merge) without actually polishing core game. considering their past behaviour, i think that they will pursue monetization opportunities (e.g. new factions) instead of actually properly fixing the game. sure they will spend next month or two putting out the biggest fires that came out of the merge, but lot of smaller ones will remain.

there is smart way and then there is DF way.


I like the war theaters, and I miss the option of buying Italian nationality soldiers.

So by all means!

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Pacific Allied Front: Check
Pacific Axis Front: Check
Western Front: Check
Eastern Front: Check
European Axis Front: Check

You are complaining about names; it doesnā€™t change the structure. Every country is accounted for by adding their unique squads, vehicles, and weapons to whichever front they were used in.

You say polishing, I say pressure washing. We have the same idea.

The Italians had a 90 mm gun they mounted on an armored car and tank chassis they also got a fair number of German tanks to equip an armored Division

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If tiers are done correctly, we wonā€™t see this. It has nothing to do with the structure I presented.

Noobs will always fight vets who use low-tier stuff. Your issue is with the tiers and ranking system.

As for the longer grind: Like it is already? What do you think will happen when Darkflow adds more countries into the mix? Do you believe the grind will get shorter? The solution to this is with Darkflow lowering the grind with the more weapons they add, not with the structure I presented.

Also, the ranking system will put people on equal battlefields if it is done correctly. So noobs and vets will be on equal battlegrounds in terms of equipment. Nothing to do with the structure I presented.

so you want tiers AND fronts? do you want basically one queue with join any? cause you would basically need that for your idea to function and so you dont play PvE against enemy bot team.

but then it would defeat the purpose of frontsā€¦ i honestly dont know what your idea would achieveā€¦ adding at least 30 nation queues at minimum if you want to achieve low, mid and late tiers.

also how would you balance player disparity like it was in previous campaigns? where would you get playerbase for what is basically tiered campaigns.

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Do you want Pershings to go against PZII??? All it is doing is putting troops with equal weapons and vehicles against each other.

You misunderstand what I am saying: You play as one of the fronts I listed. The term Front I am using is similar to the word coalition.

You play as one of the fronts, coalitions, or whatever you want to call them. Pacific goes against the Pacific, and the two Allied factions go against the Axis-European faction. Do you understand what I am saying?

you mean factions? otherwise i dont understand you.

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Yes, factions.