Italian faction is needed! šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹

Lol, if you want to add Pacific, why not add all?
Lets have a calculation using 22/10/2023 data.
Allies(Normandy, Tunisia, Pacific)
Axis(Normandy, Tunisia, Berlin, Moscow, Stalingrad)

No, because then you would have Hungarian and Romanian fighting in Africa.

Under the European Axis Army, which fought in Africaā€¦

I think you are forgetting the fact that both the Pacific and the Western Allies will be getting all kinds of cool goodies to attract new players. Everyone loves Bicycle squads.

So what is your logic? Why giving it the name of european axis magically let Hungarian and Romanian to fight in Africa but you canā€™t let Chinese and Filipino to fight in Europe under the name of Allies?

Lol stop creating a bunch of ridiculous theory. Your previous Allies has the most player theory has been busted using data. Busting this theory(goodies) only need common sense.
They will give every faction new goodies anyway. What makes this 2 factionā€™s goodies special?

Why not add greeks that smashed the italian army in front of the eyes of musolini i would say?

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Because it includes all European Axis armies, did Germany not have Hungarian or Romanian soldiers in their ranks when they were fighting in Africa?

The Chinese and Filipinos were never there; there is no possibility of them being there either, unlike Romanians and Hungarians.

Like the M4A3(105) or the soon-to-be Pershing? The Zippo tanks? Corsairs? M2 Stinger?

Do you want me to keep going?

They are under the eastern front :slight_smile:

Lol source for Hungarian and Romania fighting in Africa during WW2?

Lol, so you think other faction wonā€™t get similar things?

You still fail to show me why US should be split into two faction but European Axis donā€™t. It donā€™t have the largest player base and it is not the only faction that will receive new stuff.

Wehrmacht foreign volunteers and conscripts - Wikipedia

Among the approximately one million foreign volunteers and conscripts who served in the Wehrmacht during World War II were ethnic Belgians, Czechs, Dutch, Finns, Danes, French, Hungarians, Norwegians, Poles,[1] Portuguese, Swedes,[2] Swiss along with people from Great Britain, Ireland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Balkans.[3] At least 47,000 Spaniards served in the Blue Division.[4]

What else do the Germans have to offer? Are you going to add the sturmtiger or something?

italian wehraboo

Lol Those are German unit consist of foreign volunteers. Not Hungarian and Romania unit. Moreover, you didnā€™t give any source of them fighting in Africa.

You said Hungarians and Romanians; you didnā€™t say the countriesā€¦

So you didnā€™t even bother to search? Donā€™t have the knowledge is ok, but refusing to search is not.
I give you a few examples, Nashorn, stuh42g, flakbus, sturmpanzer2 and a lot more.

Lol ok fine. Using your logic we can also add Chinese and Filipino in US because they also serve in US military.

It wouldnā€™t be so because they are separated into the Pacific. What part of this do you not understand?