Italian faction is needed! šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹

Lol, so you forget what we are discussing about?
We are discussing about why current USA need to split into 2 faction but current Germany donā€™t.

You gave several lame reasons.

  1. US has most playerbase (false, Germany has the most player).
  2. US will get several new stuff (irrelevant, since all faction will get new stuff).
  3. There was Hungarian and Romania volunteer in German army (US also has Chinese and Filipino volunteer in it).

So tell me what other lame reason you had?

You clearly forgot, still using logic that is not being used and that you came up with on a whim.

Lol because the logic you use is inconsistent and double standard. You clearly run out of your lame reason so you canā€™t explain.

I already explained that it is not and you are only upset because your own falsely assumed logic failedā€¦

Lol you are just giving some lame reason. You canā€™t even answer my response I listed on top.

Yes, they definitely have enough weapons, vehicles and equipment to be competitive up to BR IV at least.

This is exactly what happened in 2017 when Gaijin introduced Italy as its own Tech Tree in War Thunder. Before 2017 Italy only existed in the game within the German tech tree and the solution to this was exactly what you outlined. I see no issue with doing this again but for Enlisted.

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Youā€™re just a hater, do some research beyond looking at r/historymemes and you will see that the Italians did not lack much in the way of material goods during the war.

I forgot that Italy had the best gear and tanks of the 20th century.
The Breda .30 was a mass export success because all nations wanted to have this superior design. The Brits even traded their Brens for that oil monster.
Ital tanks are so superior that WT Tier 3 Italy has 5 foreign tanks and 4 Itals, which are all SPGs (which are known for being usefull in Enlisted).
Because after all, Italy was one of the nations with the most modern industry and army.

Very obnoxious. If you came into this topic just to whine then you are only wasting your own time. No one said Italian tanks where the best, they were fine for what they were designed. One could argue that German tanks and russian tanks where the worst because more often than not they couldnt even make it to the battelfield and the german tanks would destroythemselves in the process as well as the fact that they where developmental deadends ā€œmuh moar metal goodā€. But no one is saying that anywhere because we all understand that we are talking about a video game here.

We dont need the best.
Enough tanks to fill a tech tree would be a great start but if even WT reuses US and German tanks, it doesnt look great.

Such as?
Their tanks were underarmored, very slow, mostly undergunned (especially in mid-war phase) and completely unreliable that would make a T-34 look like a Toyota.

But that were at best the Panther and the Tiger and some late war heavy tds and the T-34s and all of them actually improved their reliability rates.
Cant be said to most Ital tanks.
Also, the Russians at least have some advantages with the T-34 tin cans like a usefull main cannon, faster engine or somehwat usefull armor that doesnt struggle against barbed wire and such. Also, that tank was far more reliable in Russia than Ital tanks in Africaā€¦ or Greeceā€¦ or Yugoslaviaā€¦ or France.

Yeah And all the current Ital tanks suck ass.

Bro if youre here just to hate just say so. No one csres about your shitty wrong opinion.

Then why even necro-post it? Does not make a lot of sense, mate.