Italian faction is needed! 🇮🇹

It is really necessary to create separate factions for Italy and the Commonwealth in the future.

Currently, playing as Italy is particularly unpleasant because the game can place you not only on historical battlefields like Tunis and Stalingrad but also in German army battlegrounds such as Moscow, Berlin, and Normandy. Based on BR equipment, it is challenging to ensure that your Italian squads don’t end up where they shouldn’t and become random German units.

National factions could change this.

It would mean that you could choose only from Italian squads and equipment, significantly simplifying the overview. Italian squads would only be deployed where the Italian army actually fought, restricting access to Normandy, Berlin, or Moscow. The game would throw you into Tunis or Stalingrad, and since Italy doesn’t have final-tier equipment, reaching Tier 3-4 would not be an issue.

In Tunis and Stalingrad, joint teams would consist of Axis (e.g., 6 Italian and 4 German squads) and Allies (the same, with British and USA squads). If there were enough players, the game would attempt to create purely Italy vs. Commonwealth matches.

In the end, it wouldn’t split players since Italian players would still be present in two or three German campaigns. Italian players would be satisfied playing only on maps where Italian forces truly fought.

Over time, additional battlefields could be added:
- Southern France (1940) Tier 1
- Ethiopia (1940-41) Tier 1-2
- Greece (1941) Tier 1-2
- Operation Barbarossa (1941-42) Tier 1-2-3
- Tunis (1941-43) Tier 2-3
- Stalingrad (1942-43) Tier 2-3
- Sicily (1943) Tier 3
- Italy (1943-44) Tier 3-4

Similar to the Japanese, the nation’s equipment would stop at Tier 4, and the “campaign” in Italy would be the peak for Italian squads.


In my opinion, this would be an ideal solution because the current situation for Italian squads is tragic.


And do they have enough stuff to be balanced and different from Germany? Minor nations are not an option if they are copy of bigger allies. WT shows us that too much separation leads to unpopularity with constant yells “whaaa everybody plaes only three main fractions??” “Why my lovely pizza/anime doesn’t have top ultrananosupereffective SPAA/MBT/attacker yet??” or even worse- summoning vacuum horses with making them OP and breaking gameplay

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Adding more nations at this point is terrible idea. Devs already struggle to balance 4 current factions.


I tried to tell everyone…


yea if we are adding more nation it gotta be like warthunder style where italy literally only have 2 tank and it took them like 2 or maybe 3 year just to add italian stuff


For instance, instead of creating countries as factions, create different fronts as factions:

  • Western Front: US, Western European powers, and throw in Africa
  • Eastern Front: USSR, Eastern European countries that fought against the Axis
  • Axis European: Germany, Italy, and other European countries allied with Germany before starting to backstab.
    Make Axis European Universal to avoid splitting them up.
  • Pacific Allies: US, Aussies, NZ, CW, Philippines, China, and whoever else was fighting the Pacific Axis
  • Pacific Axis: Japan and Thailand

that is quite interesting tbh but idk how it gonna work i dont mind seeing what my country weapon gonna be tbh

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You will know by each country’s unique squads

yea but that the thing tho my country are like french we mostly have partisan like people during the war so we have even less “unique” squad then french but i am interested to see if they ever made my country a faction

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Well, they would be lumped into the Western front so that they would be included through their squads, unique weapons, and vehicles.

France will most def be a faction tho in the current merge.

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yea france definitely will become a faction after maybe 2 year since they do have interesting stuff but my country (which is in asia) is less likely to be a thing altho we did get a mention in current enlisted by the ha-go tank which is nice

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Italy and England should have their own factions
Maybe the developers don’t have time to do it yet. There are many problems to deal with after the merger, and the situation is a bit chaotic.
Because compared to the Japanese faction, Britain and Italy are older and filled with a lot of the same weapons as the United States/Germany, and their technology trees are not that independent.
But I’m worried that if I really separate them in the future, will I need to hone it again?

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Your front system has not much difference compare to current situation except for splitting US into Western front and Pacific Allies. You just change the name of the faction into front.


Still better than WT-like cooypaste

I think Italy is better off as part of Germany, the game just needs some tweaking so you can buy more Italian/British squads and get an option to only get battle they were actually there.


Did I say anything about War Thunder copy paste?

Personally, I would remove the option for Germans to acquire Italian squads and weapons, making the Italian faction unique. If the current state persists, the Italian faction would be merely a copy-paste, with most players having no reason to obtain identical squads and weapons again. On the other hand, I would allow German players to keep the weapons and equipment they purchase before the arrival of the Italian faction. After that point, obtaining Italian weapons and equipment would no longer be possible, similar to loot and lend-lease weapons from Stalingrad.

Simultaneously, I believe research could be transferred from the German tech tree to the Italian one, just as progress was transferred from campaigns to tech trees. I think Darkflow would likely take this approach to avoid controversy, although personally, I wouldn’t mind starting completely from scratch if the tree and faction were supplemented with new content.

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You wanna have that, Italy will at best get BR III done.
Italy sucks.

It doesn’t matter; no one needs Italy to be forced into all the tiers. Tier 4 would be, in my opinion, the maximum needed; any more wouldn’t be necessary.

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Whats the point of an unique faction if it cant do basic on its own beyond shitty tanks and SMGs?
Doubt people want to play a faction where they can get like one or two LMGs and rely on SPGs to destroy III+ tanks.