Improving the matchmaking for low Battle Rating

:man_shrugging: Like it or not, thats the way they went regardless of what some of us prefered.

If its what we are going to get, might aswell suggest to make it the better version of itself. (they briefly present a map based system which I liked the potential of more, but it was scrapped immediently based on community reaction)

In what way?. What it does do is give you complete control over the experience you want. The MM might only put you up against the same BR as yourslef, but that doesnt mean you cant take every single piece of equipment you like from below that BR. As your BR rating goes up, so does the pool of gear you have available. Thats not restriction at all. Thats almost freedom. It makes whatever you take “relevant” because you wont be uptiered, beyond a point of your choosing.

If you want to play a period of the war that had no chance of going outside that, you can

  • maybe you want to play the era of the TIger tank, or the T-34-85, But still use bolt actions without tiger 2s and selectfires showing up
  • maybe you want to play The SVT 40, Garand or G43 without the Selectfire spam having a high chance of being in your game and killing immersion. you can
  • say a new player unlocked his First BR 4 equipment and uses it excitedly , only to find himself in BR 5 most of the time vs Full decks of far better stuff (while he is still mostly BR 3 gear). His new unlock is bitter sweet, because its better not to use it

On the flip side, if you want to see that stuff in your game while using a Tiger or t-34-85, you can…you just give 1 Guy the equipment to uptier yourself to whatever point you like.

The difference is the player gest to “tailor” the level of their experience. Its control, not restriction

Its also FAR easier to balance equipment BR when you dont have to take into consideration how strong it is if it gets uptiered or downtiered

ah well hopefully they implement something like it?

You mean when they introduced it ONLY on a test server with ±15 real players, put guys in Stewart against Tiger 2, called it Normandy and declared it to be bad?


They literally never ever tested anything other than BRs in real players scenario, which also feels intentional

That wasn’t my experience of the test. I was able to target specific maps like the pacific consistently without that bullshit. The main thing they were missing was Hard lock when it came to maps. They used SoftLock which buggered it up

But the confusion of how it worked, perhaps the bugginess of the test and the knee jerk tester reaction got it thrown out before its potential could be realized. whether that was the intention or not, who knows

I reeeeeally liked controlling map preference with gear being linked to maps.

but no…So yay for BR :man_shrugging:

I mean putting guys with Normandy BR1 vs guys with Normandy BR5 stuff was never going to work fine even if the map was the desired Normandy.

What they needed to do is test BRs together with map preferences.

Like if I build a full British lineup with Crusader, Hurricane Trop, SMLE and Sten I should more often than not be sent to Tunisia, instead of something weird like Ardennes.

Basically this but we haven’t heard anything since the announcement:

Well the now BR 1 rated stuff shouldn’t have had Normandy as a map preference on it. It should have been only pacific. you could up map yourself, much like you can up br yourself but…

Alas, it was killed before given too much thought.

To be fair “low BR” stuff was indeed used in late war maps.

Such as M3 Grease Gun, Stewart, M13, Mosin rifle, PPS, all Volkssturm weaponry, etc.


you rate grease gun as “P” for pacific so you can’t see Normandy or tigers if thats “all you have in your deck”. BUT you put a Garand in your deck with it which is Rated “N,P” for example…then bam…Grease gun can show up in Normandy and tigers. Exactly the same as Putting is Stuart in your br 4 line up, but map linked instead

Grase gun was rated for all allied map, same Springfield and m1 carabine etc… the old system was build for respect the HA usage of X gun or vehicle, but as veekay already told you because the matchmaking need take count of all players BR1 stuff was almost certain meet BRV stuff if they share the same location

Yes there was room for improvement by using hard rule and better drawing hard line for separate gun and vehicles in each map equally


If you think about it, in the end after all change for make it fair, it would be completely different from how was added initially, and as I thought would be to similiar to our BR system, so wouldn’t be so different as now

except it would be “map/theatre based”

And this don’t impact on the gameplay so is secondary

But it does effect what theatres/maps people want to play. which is Still a big deal to alot even now.

In anycase. Its not coming back. No point dwelling on what could have been

We are going get soon a map preferences system as stated in the road map

I expect it will be hugely limited, like the war thunder Veto 3 maps.

If they do veto theatre, I might find it more interesting.

But it’s not the same.

I want to play Ardennes. Just not with interwar A13 and Italian tanquettes.

I want to play Tunisia. Just not with Puma and Volkssturm weapons.

Just banning maps isn’t enough.