Test Server Gear Preferences: Full tech tree feed back

I have spent a good while going over the gear and attempting to make it more reasonable (not everyone will agree). Please see below. It is mostly based on power level IMO. I see what you were trying to do by making the lockout come at certain tiers, But I think it’s better to leave the tiers as “just progression” and rate the individual item appropriately.

Protection of new players:

Something that is missing completely from this new way of doing things, Is the protection of new players that the developers have expressed a wish to provide.

To that end:
This is just an extra suggestion on top. I have placed it in the other corner on the equipment cards so you can ignore it and see what it would be like without it.

I am proposing to split Moscow into 2 Preferences. Really it will just be a copy paste map pool BUT

one will be;

Battle of Moscow Axis Offensive:
(this will be protected, entry level gear only. can only be matched against itself)


Battle of Moscow Soviet Counter Offensive:
(this will allow Higher power gear and veterans the possibility to play these maps without ruining it for new players)


Why split it into 2? this is So New players Can play with Stock equipment and have no possibility to be put against the stronger equipment, while at the same time, letting much stronger Equpment experience Moscow maps without clubbing the hell out of new players.

This can be done with Pacific also, but I haven’t taken the time.

My reasoning for changing gear Preferences

The reason I have taken most weapons down to 1-3 Preferences is it gives the player more ability to choose his/her arena. Having 4-5 removed all player control and although it was good for Making matches easily populated, it can give you a horrendous matchup experience, aka test server.

Tech tree Preference Revision:

Other than that, Here are my revised preference trees. It was time consuming and hard to maintain concentration so no doubt there will be some poor choices or items I have missed. Feel free to point them out!




A few Notes:

*it is important to know that Undesirables overwrite Desirable, So you must consider this when making your deck.

For example: IS 2, can never join a Moscow or Stalingrad game (M S)…even if the rest of your deck desires Moscow.


Tbh I wouldn’t split moscow in two and instead split

  • low lvl - moscow
  • mid lvl - stalingrad
  • high lvl - berlin

And add more maps so playing only one theater is a valid option (as stalingrad lacks maps currently).


ill need a few moments to think that over to understand your meaning. sorry fried atm.

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Ok I think what you are meaning is how it would be if you ignored my additional suggestion.

My additional suggestion was just an innovation to protect new players, But also allow the possibility to use stuff like the PPSH on Moscow maps etc etc, without spanking newbies. (I know many are upset that its power level pushes it up so high, even though it was present)

Trying to work in a functional compromise :slight_smile:


Oh, so like a “noob BR”. I guess it makes sense.


Correct…If your entire Deck has only M (green M) as the preference. you can see nothing but M (green M)…

As soon as you add another to your Preferences like M T or M S, your protection is gone, and it will switch over to M Moscow Soviet Counter Offensive


I just love your post/topic, man. You did a great job!

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I like this.

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I’d still leave Beretta M38 (40 rds) allowed in Tunisia too, like all the other Italian equipment.


I have updated

I left the N on it as a trade off for being more powerful than the rest of the T gear. Just expands the match maker and means you cant target just Tunisia MM with it. (50/50 Tunisia Normandy)

You have an opinion on that? ( I am open to putting it to just T since…makes sense for Italy. but then it automatically becomes best option for T)

I may be biased.

But personally, I would leave Normandy and Berlin out of the favorite choices for all Italian stuff.

This way it could still be brought there if uptiered along with German stuff, but if I make a full Italian lineup, I know I will be fighting in (almost) historical theatres.

And of course, should an Italian front campaign 1943-44 ever come, the best Italian equipment should favor that over Tunisia.


I can get behind that, have updated.

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Congrats you are building on the developer base and getting a potentially more sensible design done in less time.
So, never understood where the staff in charge of this segment spent their time. And the people responsible for reviewing and overseeing his work

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I guess it’s easier to modify than create.

Updated Allies tech tree… apparently, I missed most of tier 2

It doesn’t actually take very long to try to create something. After all, the drafts we see now actually took months. You’ll always be a lot faster than them, and you’ll even self-check and make quick corrections without having to wait a long time longer to change things just a little bit.


Anything that focus on new people coming, and anything that can be done to keep the focus on the new player having a super fun and outstanding FPS battle experience is a total win for the game.

None of this merge/br/consolidated techtree/new economy/new matchmaking nonsense is worth a damn if the game dont get a good, solid influx of new people wanting to have fun and spend money out of joy and buying stuff just because they find the game fun.

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Having a another look today I think the M (Newb protection zone) should have the equipment expanded more. nothing too powerful, but just interesting (expand the variety here a little to give people a protected taste of different gear)

What do you think about moving the following to Newb Protection zone (none are unmanageable)


  • Semovente (only AP shells, no mg, easily penned)
  • R2000 series 1 (Only Mgs)
  • Breda mod 30
  • Potez 633 (decent Bombs, meh machine guns)
  • Mochetto m91 (premium)


  • yak 1
  • BM-3-24 (premuim)
  • SB -2m??

I am also wondering about allowing the PPS-42 vs the MP-38 as the pinnacle of Noob zone. Just to wet the appetite of new players. Thoughts?

Ofcourse this is just for discussions sake.

Just as additional info, the AP round of the Semovente works decently against infantry as well (the explosive filler is enough to grant a tangibile splash damage).

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That it can, but enough to make it too much for a beginner tier? I dont personally think so. Dont get me wrong I love this thing, but I think it could safely reside here as an extra introductory piece of equipment. I think a case could be made for the m15 45 being here as well (in its current state)

They should have a combined era and br. So, AVS and Fedorov are to early war what AVT and AS44 are to late war. Vg. 2 and MP3008 are to late war what Vz.24 and MP28 are to early war. And so on. That way more powerful guns that are older will still show up in early war maps against acceptable early war counterparts. And for guns like the Lee Enfield and K98K which served the entire war they will be the same BR for both periods and other weapons will dictate your setting and matching. This way we can still have Kar98K squads in Normandy and DP 27 in Moscow.