Improving the matchmaking for low Battle Rating

Because there are no sources proving this?

Let alone the fact that the project was clearly not adopted to arm regular troops.


There’s a whole article on it here but here’s the blurb on my comment specifically

Experiments to improve the Ml, designated the M1E series, began as early as December 1942. Modifications, such as the White, Ljungman, and short tappet systems, and the M1E5 “carbine” followed. All “E” series rifles were semi-automatic and retained the 8-round, Ml-type clip feed system. John Garand completed the T20 in October 1944. The first of the “T” series, it was equipped with a
B.A.R.-style magazine and a “lengthened” Ml receiver and had selective fire capabilities. The T20E1 and T20E2 followed with further variations. In 1945, procurement of 100,000 T20E2’s was ordered, but the atomic bombs brought an unexpectedly quick end to the war before any of the improved rifles were purchased.

Exactly my point. Guy is saying it was never used. Which it very well could of been. Even if it was by just 1 spec ops soldier in secret. I’m just saying he can’t use it as an argument point here.

you can prove if it was used. you cant prove if it wasnt used. these are 2 totally different concepts.

How can you prove if it was used if pretty much everyone is dead from ww2 and it got scraped?

there are documents and photos. if it was used in ww2 you would get some logistical papers of being issued to soldiers.


@MajorMcDonalds @James_Grove

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was a bot using BR III stuff

If is written correctly

BR2 battle can have one or two BR1 or BR3 player inside the match, I guess you and your friend was that one or two from BR1 and the other guy the one or two from BR3

you are reading it wrong. they will play against BR2 and either BR1 or BR3.

just one? I thought that was actually random, as in if you have more br3 players in the queue, the match would simply have more of those…

well then they need to have better wording cause this is quite confusing tbh since br1 suppose to be hard lock (if i understand it correctly which im probably not)

also they said br1 wont be match against 3 anymore so this is confusing tbh

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you missunderstood me.
we played with BR I stuff only. according to the hard rule “… BR I won’t be matched against BR III anymore, only BR II…”.

and that’s why the new system doesn’t work like it supposed to be


I’m reading what I’m reading, the same post say

So I guess br1 and BR 3 player still can meet if mixed with mostly BR2 players, but we can agree Is hard understand because in the same post is said BR1 hard locked but it can vary depending on the matchmaking

How many updates till fixed?

you are completely misunderstanding meaning of that sentence.

so BR 1 and BR 2

this doesnt mean you can have both BR 1 and BR 3 in one match. it means you will play either
BR 1-2
BR 2-3

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This is a bot. Profiles weren’t updated so bots can still use BR 3 squads in low BR

yeah, I got the information few hours ago from other playser.

my bad - sorry.

lol no way a bot is using rare premium squad that kinda absurb ngl (but it is cool)

why wont there be bot that use chautchat mg? and other premium? that would be cool to see imo (i know that bot can use mg45 tho since i saw one)

i say at least 2 bot having premium squad is a cool thing (unless it already is? idk)

We thank you for reading the forum comments once in a while.

FG 42 were used by combat Units from 1943, first used in a certain famous commando raid, then again after Normandy landings where we have lots of combat footage of it. a couple thousands were produced.
The FG 42 ‘‘II’’ which it’s called in-game were produced in much higher numbers but wasn’t used until last month of War, because for reasons they were not assembled till then.
Still it was a weapon produced in way too low numbers to fully equipp all paratroopers which was the intention.
And the II nomenclature is a afterwars designation to differentiate the models.
For the Germans there were simply the FG 42, just by end of war they got an updated model.
In conclusion the FG 42 was tested, trialed, accepted, produced and equipped by combat units and used in Battle, the T20 Rifle was NOT.
But for all intents and purposed it firts Enlisted, but for me I would’ve loved if was gold Order Weapon only being able to be used by Gold Order Soldiers to limit rare, prototype and one-offs in-game.
Same I’d love if FG 42 was limited to german para Units.
But yeah here we are with Battle Rating and current matchmaking so what the heck :confused:

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