Improving the matchmaking for low Battle Rating

Ofc I checked them, infact most of the time I play low br, usually br2… when I saw the news I decided to play br 1 and I make sure every soldier has br 1 equipment for allies and soviets, and I played few match(probably 4-6) as soviets had 1 pure br 1 match rest of them was against mg34 users, pz3N and Apc users, as Allies I had match against grenade launchers and mp40 users, its %100 buggy

also there was a another match where my teammates had t28 and apcs…

Hehe not what i meant. Was refering to its mm situation and that “we have it how we want it”.

I like br IV gear, i just dont like that its mostly in BR V. -+0 for BRV would be awesome

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those are BR 2 and you will see them in BR1 MM

these are BR3

cant check your replay cause of recent limitations, but you are either playing BR 2 or it is bug if you are playing BR 1 and getting mg34 and grenade launchers.

Maybe you’re just sarcastic, but -0 sounds as much fun as 00.

Just because the devs

  1. fail to add rules to prevent overusing current meta weapons so everyone has either tons of Fedorovs or AP mines or seven zillion parachuters
  2. fail to create a matchmaker that considers equipment and skill of current players

so instead they force historically crazy limits on us, it may make balanced games, just like perfect red tomatoes. Tasteless.

My soldiers had %100 br1 equipment, Like I said, I played “few” matches, more than once. During my first match my teammate had t28 while our enemies was pure br1, then another match I had pure br1 v br1, after that I played in Pz3N and Apc Matches, I also fought against mg34 users, after the mg34 match I give up and returned to br2

Btw at first I thought something was wrong and restarted the game, I double checked my soldier setups but everything was br1…

this is BR2 so normal for new MM. you wont be getting ±0 MM.

from OP:

if you had BR1 setup, then this is the bug and you should report it on Community Bug Reporting System

well, I thought “hard rule” means “less br2” but it seems I understand it wrong, but other than that, I should probably report it because Mg34 and Launcher guys was weird, thx

I still don’t understand why are we focused purely on BR. I’m pretty sure a headshot from a Mosin is as bad as it goes, so why can’t I fight against other weapons of the same era? The balance would be that a squad will not have 4 LMGs but only one, not all Fedorovs but only one per team as it was not a really usual WW2 weapon, if there is a four-stack of pros then the opposing teams’ AI gets terminator genes to balance etc.

We’re spending too much time on the wrong things, the matchmaker should learn the overall perfomance of the players playing their squads, not just enforce BRs and screw up all the timelines in the process. There were uneven clashes in WW2, and there were unbalanced opposing forces with very mismatched weapons, the only important thing is that whatever I play, I should not be facing 3-4 heavy losses in a row or stupidly slow, boring matches…

The focus is on BR because they wont do what you are talking about.

Class limits and weapon/equipment limits as a way of balance has been requested for ages, and has been shut down

BR is the only recourse at the moment


In terms of vehicles - it should be extremely balanced. You could try to face some IS-2 and King tigers with BR IV tanks many-many times in a row and you will get the point :smiley:

just checked paratroopers info and it seems like low level premium paratroopers can have mg34 from box. beretta m38 is their stock weapon and it is BR1 so they count as BR1 squad.

but even with that possibility for mg34 i see no explanation for rifle grenades.

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Pretty sure there are a lot of people who dont want +/-0. I also do not want that. I like +/-1 for some diversity.

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I agree to the extent that vehicle balance should be more fine tuned than other areas of the game, but a lot of these struggles the lower br vehicles face, just boils down too universally small maps.
Sometimes a player should indeed come across a vehicle they cannot penetrate frontally and or easily, they will then have to adjust their methods to the situation (flank and spank/infantry support etc).

Diversity of being forced to play meta things because each time there’s possibility you end up uptiered and your whole lineup instantly became lackluster by design.

That’s not diversity I want, that’s not why we have BRs.


BR1 is no match for BR2. BR1 lack of many squads like machinegun and attacker plane, and their weapons and tanks are trash when face BR2


Yeah, plus BR1 can’t even use “APC” (aka trucks without any kind of armor) for whatever reason. I really don’t understand that.


But doesn’t that just make sense? Trucks and some other stuff are only available for non-br 1 players, making them a bit unfair against genuine br 1 players esp. since we are so concerned with seal clubbing here.

That’s a great move.

But please also cap the BR 3 uptier only to BR 4.
The average BR 3 player has no place in a BR 5 fight, and i cannot imagine that this is a fun experience for most of them.

This way you would also achieve the significant +/- 1 milestone.