Improving the matchmaking for low Battle Rating

The soft rule in place now is enough

there is specially with the new German paratroopers you can make very strong German BR I build

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Better than getting killed by the camping T-34 or Panther over and over again.
And why does FreedomTM cares about other people? Let them have their routine if they want it and you can get BR5 matches with T-60. Stop taking away the freedom of “routine”, damn commie.

Or just play BRV with same P-47 and M1919 Loadout over and over.
How often do you switch your weapons and vehicle loadout, let alone play non-America?


sounds good so far.
please add a general ± 1 BR as hardrule. would be fine for all BR’s. :slight_smile:


Great job devs! This has encouraged me to get into br 1. Here are some suggestions to make br 1 even more fun:

Unarmored apcs such as the trucks should be br 1

Motorbikes should be br 1

Mp 18 should be br 1

Some crappy mgs such as the breda 30, madsen and vickers berthier should be br 1

Mosin m91/30 should be br 1

ptrs 41 should be br 1 if type 97 also can

I hope we see these changes some day


I have BR lineups 1 through 5 for Japan and rotate between them all when I play pretty regularly, legit some of the most nail biting wins in those low BRs.

@MajorMcDonalds this will definitely save you the trouble of going over those negative reviews on Steam. I saw the hard word that you were putting in over there. ‘I am using bolt action rifles but ended up facing high capacity SMGs and MGs.’


Hopefully the game will be more balanced now for all players. :slight_smile:


Indeed. I am truly looking forward to playing at BR I-II now.

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This is an excellent change! What I like the most about this game is the fact I can play with mostly Bolt Actions and have lots of different options when it comes to that type of weapon in addition to the occassional early SMGs, thank you!


I use BRIV and really Ike it sorry mate, not always against high tier and not as sweaty but nice toys too.

if anyone wonders, DO NOT PLAY BR1. I played few match with soviets and allies fully br 1 equipment and only got 1 match with pure br1 all others was against br2 and br3, pz3ns MG34s, t28s mp40s rules over bolt rifles as always

Now do the same for high BRs

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I’d like to see either BRIII or BRV as individual, hard-locked BRs.

I probably prefer BRIII as its own hardlocked rank. Let BRIV-V (and BRI-II) fight among themselves.


They should either lock each BR, or just introduce ±1 MM for every BR. (With added rule that BR1 and BR5 can get into pure BR1 and pure BR5 matches retrospectively)
And stop introducing some pseudo soft rules.

Locking BR3 and letting BR1 to fight with BR2 (same for BR4/5) will eventually lead up to only one thing. BRs 1 and 4 will always going to be downtiered. And thus they will always be more unpopular in comparison to BR2 and BR5.


well either way i get to flex my lewis/mg13 drum squad so im good

So, when we gonna have that gun on the picture?

As the news says, it should be impossible to play BR I vs BR III now, unless you are using something that is BR II or higher. Please check the BR it mentions in the top-middle of the screen, above the clickable nations to switch between, before clicking “Start”, since sometimes the BRs on the squads can bug out (known issue) and show the wrong BR.

If you are seriously still getting BR I vs BR III, then make a bug report for us at the link below, since this should not be possible, and send us a link to the battle replay of the battle is happened in.

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for beginners: yes, this will be more balanced. so the get less frustrating and won’t leave because they end as free farm against BR III

do it in the upcoming weeks / months for the rest of the BR’s, too and the game will be more balanced on every BR.

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Simply making it far less likely to be placed in a +2 uptier for br1 players would have been a much better decision. Why on earth would you simply remove the possibility of it occurring entirely.
This game continues its trend toward the boring hum drum of war thunders’ systems.
It is NOT necessary for every nation to have complete parity with each other, in all weapon types and vehicle types. It is NOT necessary that EVERY match is extremely balanced in player BR. Maps need NOT be perfectly designed towards balanced halves and approaches to cap points. These inequalities among players and game systems help make the game enjoyable in the long run.

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