Important changes after the second test

Maybe it should be lmg/smg for the murricans and smg for nippongo (or maybe optional lmg too if you are masochist)

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They said across multiple events, with Soviets and Germans getting the first one. You know, since US and Japan don’t have any assault rifles.


The US does if you class the M2 carbine as one? I don’t.

My only guess is this also means new AR’s coming to both the Japanese and Americans.

God I’d hate to be the one looking for Japanese ARs.

This “Stalin visitor” solved well, so I don’t have to worry about going out of print, because our can obtained. but they are faster…

they either get a weird prototype, somekind of captured weapon from allies or German made stg.


Japan really never had any ARs in WW2. Type 4 was really the close they got. So that will be interesting


Yeah, axis mains/wheraboos were sad and cried about it.

In one of 6 campaigns, yes

In one of 6 campaigns, yes

Not exclusive to Stalingrad pass owners, anyway.

In one of 6 campaigns, yes

Besides all the benefits you already had (and the legacy things you mentioned): You’ll get at least 3 slots refunded in gold. It will be more or less a full refund.

(I have the Stalingrad pass myself)

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A reflection of the decline of this game, the Japanese do not have weapons to face the American top tier, a merge will not fix anything for them since they only face the USA all the time, at the rate we are going to do a whole “merge” of all nations just like in War Thunder where the Japanese fight alongside the Soviets and Israelis against Italians, Germans and Americans on some map of Finland since they will not know how to fix these problems

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what does Axis has to do with the full-access pack?
enough forum for you today.


… I don’t see why something people spent money on makes them a Wheraboo? I’m more disappointed in the fact over all.

AR engineers were exclusive to Stalingrad pass owners?! What the hell are you on about mate?

Over all, People who bought the pass got 2 flame thower tanks… And a Panther IV G.

Slots paid back in gold is great.

AR engineers were unique, At least we are getting them back in a shape.

And yes, If it wasn’t clear by the name Stalingrad access pass,

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So Japan being idiots and not having good R&D during ww2 is a reflection on this game being bad?

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Those are assulter’s as far as we know. Not engineers.

He’s stating that DF is going to release an event where you can acquire assault engineers. So yes they very could be engineers

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ah it the thing that one guy was suggesting i remember this now i like the look of it tbh

It is just an example of one of the contradictions of the merge, the BR system is not going to increase the number of players in the battles between Japan and the USA, it will divide them even more into different BR’s and the Japanese will not be able to fight against Germany or something like that to make the excuse that it will enrich the gameplay. Top Tier USA will be fighting against Germany, not against Japan, over time people will only want to unlock the best weapons in the tech tree and will never look back, some say they will but the vast majority play Enlisted to unlock the better weapons, not to play with the worst just because there are some people on the forums begging to become enlisted in war thunder 2


for the army yes since they were busy on how to make large artificial coral reefs

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Beacuse Axis lost out MkB on engineers, Soviet were to keep AVT since it was already available in Berlin.
So you heard a pitfully sad group of Axis mains crying in forums.

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Because Japan decided to focus on naval supremacy and give the army next to nothing. Now if enlisted has a naval aspect sometime way in the future people would be playing Japan alot


‘We propose a compromise: after the release of the major update, in one or more events, we will provide the opportunity to obtain four promotional engineer squads, one for each country, with the unique feature of being able to use upgradable assault rifles.’
Oh snail god! Hallowed be thy name. The Emperor demands new toys.