Important changes after the second test

for some reason, BT7 and T28 both had no chance against that tank.

effective armor values changed very often tho - and still do.

Gold order Breda CR is currently locked at 3 purchases max.

BUT! In the test server I saw it available, so maybe it will be possible to buy a 4th one.

Also, I can’t wait for Breda Carcano to become available again. I had to get one pistol for collection purposes, but I want MORE Bredas. They’re just great.

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Big yes here. Only other change I would agree with would be to have a soft SBMM, which evaluates player performance as a key factor to match them against others but with a reasonable amount of diversity. This way we keep match diversity with weapons from all tiers, guns from low to high end etc. but still everybody will have a somewhat fair match.

I don’t want to fight newbies when I only equip bolt action rifles, I don’t want to fight the best players in the game when I equip a single MG42. I want a challenge, requiring me to think about how I counter that dude with his end level MG squad and sometimes I want to one hit small tanks with my AT gunners. Diversity is key, equipment and map wise. This was supposed to be the mayor advantage of the merge, please don’t fuck that up Darkflow! :frowning:


It’s armor is as thick as unangled T-50 but against 45mm it’s paper thin with green pen everywhere it’s only useful against 20mm cannons so it’s a kinda p2lose premium just like BA-11. WIth BT7 in tier 1 it will be made completely irrelevant and waste of money.


I still got a soft spot for those early war tanks. Really enjoy the panzer III b with the twin mgs, even though its not amazing in the scheme of things

Ill eventually get the 38t, depending on how the br thing turns out

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you can’t get lower than tier I and you have only enough armor to stand against first t-60, bt-7 going through you like a hot knife through butter. I also had a dream of playing with flamethrower tanks or LVT in low tier but it’s an impossibility since low tier in reality is mid tier with 50mm and 75mm cannons everywhere and even occasional t-34/shermans yeah not so fun for the weaker tanks. It’s either you take some powerful tanks or keep dying. PS M8 Scott is in tier 1… it will frontally wreck you every single time actually it will wreck all Panzers with no effort since heat has no dmg drop off it’s always 89mm of pen

In my opinion, BR simply does not bring any valuable effect to the game.

From all my deductions, BR does not make the game more fun. Although some players claim that through BR they will be better able to play with low-level weapons instead of participating in sweat battles, I tell you, this is false, you are still forced to participate in sweat battles and will be in boring farm battles. High-level BR is in my opinion It seems like it will be even more boring.

Those people claim “oh, BR is what I want”. As for what BR looks like, no one can accurately describe it. They just want the final result that BR brings, and what if BR does not bring such a result? They don’t seem to have any clear picture about what will BR changes the game, it’s just a trying mentality among many players.

Regardless of whether weapons are divided into more or less levels, there will be corresponding problems.

Spliting players by weapons is terrible, and the vehicles and weapons in the game aren’t all that different most of the time.

If divided into few BRs it will have little impact on the vanilla game, it just be some kind of placebo

If divided into many BRs it will further divide the players and most likely break the game at the top of the pyramid, since the advanced players will be in the game in smaller numbers, they will play more frequently Meet each other. Since their rules are based on a certain weapon, rather than all weapons, this will force players to lose any combination possibilities. I wonder if every player likes this kind of lord of sweat competition? Or what?

I’ve always thought that the real problem with games isn’t the variety of weapons, but the out of control spawning number of them.

You can’t remove a player from a low-level fight in Moscow just because he uses mg34. In real history, mg34 and 98k work together, automatic weapons with bolt rifles, not fully automatic weapons or fully bolt rifles.

There is nothing BR can do to deal with either the combination of weapons or the historical nature of the vehicles. In historical Moscow, T-34 and KV1 participated in the battle, and his opponent was indeed the No. 3 tank. If you complained about Tiger in the snow map, it’s just the same thing. They might take the KV-2 to high-BR Berlin, which would be hilarious and hilarious.

If there is some kind of BR mechanism that calculates the average score or weapon combination based on the number of weapons, it may be able to solve this problem well. But I don’t know if they will implement it, it will still be unwieldy for the vehicle situations. For vehicles cases, the best solution is always still personalSpawnCost

Another thing that makes me strange is that the discussion about BR in the community seems to have started since the beginning of the merger, and I used to think that the developers had decided to use BR very early, but it seems that they only recently in this news decided this matter. But in my opinion this just turns the map into numbers with decimal points, maybe this will allow players to better understand the relationship between number sizes.

On the other hand, although I am not optimistic about BR, I am not worried about any consequences of BR. As a final reaction factor It might be a good thing for the game if they end up messing up the arcade mode with BR.

Because I pin all my hopes for the game on custom combat. I believe that in maps like Big Action mode, game content can better demonstrate its value and attract more players.

So let them implement what is called BR, the community is cheering for it, let’s try it, maybe there will be good results?


i got 4 carcano bredas and 2 bp bredas.

Just putting it out there that I would prefer if Tier 3 was +1 OR -1 in BR instead of gambling with whether they go into 1-2 or 4-5

I’d prefer if it was preference for facing other T3s in matchmaking priority if they aren’t available it would pull people from T2 and last preference to pull them into a game with mostly T4s and 3s but no T2s.

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Nothing is as boring as current Enlisted.

It has been announced like a week ago.
But still, its basically WT with guns.

They? Iirc it was mostly stupid players that want it.

You can play against a Tiger II in a M2A4 and I think they are not the same. So the Sten against the StG.

That only counts for maybe Berlin and Normandy players since most top stuff in Moscow, SG and Tunisia is not really advanced, let alone Pacific.

Can we stop pretending that most players care about gun diversity?
We saw what people used in test servers and it was spam of FG42s, AVTs and StGs.
If people would go with combination, the game wouldnt be in its current state where everyone just spams high-end stuff of each campaign on the one side that has the better stuff.

Except you apparently can.

In real history, the F2 wasnt in Moscow, so the Mkb and the ZH and the T-50 would be a premium since only one was on like one recon mission for a week or so.

Which is why they came up with the last br map hybrid…


Let me add a little additional explanation

This form of BR is different from War Thunder in that it does not set any fixed score cap and is more flexible. Instead of simply calculating the best weapon.

For example mosin 10 points ppsh with drum 50 points

If the player equips 1 ppsh and 8 mosins, the team will get a rating of 10*8+50=130

If he has 3 such squads, he will get 3*130=390 as the base value for the match making.


It should be based on the average rating of the squad, not the total rating.

This may be a more appropriate approach as a player may have multiple slots, for example a player with 10 more slots

If there are three teams and their ratings are 130+230+500, then the total rating for MM should be (130+230+500)/3 = 286.6

Vehicle squads can also perform similar points.

The final matching system uses the total score of all the players’ teams as the basis for matching, and matches players with similar scores together.

This is a form of BR that I can accept and am more optimistic about.

This format allows free combination of all weapons. At the same time, players who want to engage in historical battles can find their suitable position in the random matching game.

Another bonus is that this BR base on total rating points can also be applied to custom game settings.

Two conditions, the player’s total ratings, and the maximum rating of a single squad.


this actually sounds really good alternative

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Yes, equipment diversity, a slight leaning towards historical authenticity, and a heavy focus on skill based queues, are what I believe would have made for a great merge.

Unfortunately many are only laser focused on equipment/vehicle balance, it is going to ruin the feel of this unique game. Let war thunder be war thunder, and enlisted be enlisted.


It’s mostly younger kids who have only ever known Battle Passes and have no idea about history

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Precisely. Introduce limited wunder-weapons and the game settles back into relative balance.
It’s the sweaty spammers that ruin this game, loading every squad member with the meta most powerful gun regardless.

Why can’t sweats just play the game normal???


Because the game lets them. Limits introduce both balance and HA


Unfortunately, if memory serves, the devs said such a mechanic was likely never going to be implemented.

Devs dont want limit, most players dont want limit.

I would really appreciate if you would stop speaking for “most” players.
The “most” you’re referring to is the loudest group on these particular forums, not at all indicative of the game’s population. The general consensus is the exact opposite in places like Reddit and Facebook


We’re stuck in this carousel of misery of meta weapons because of how dark flow set up the maps and it only benefits meta weapons but when it comes to Big action mod variety of weapons actually helps out unlike the public matches Where variety is a hindrance when it comes to end game.