Important changes after the second test

Instead of trashing the old system, they could have just recalibrated the prefered maps (eg. tier 3 gets preference for B/N removed) and that would have fixed it.

But I guess it’s just better to burn everything and make it more stupid i guess.


he probably meant KV-1, which is more powerful than König Tiger in campaign power terms.
Up until penetration fix, destroying KV-1 was a challenge.


KV is a challenge, but can be taken out. Not really different vs. KT in B.

Dicker max enters the chat :slight_smile:


srry i was thinking about KV-1

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no, there is a max number of how many times you can get a bp gun.
In the case of most weapons that is 4.

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Keep the discussion on topic and civil


is there a case of higher than 4 tho? i dont remember anything being higher than 4

I hope they do a 3rd testing before release.


up until Tiger II (H), even T-34 could front pen all German tanks frontally in Berlin, not my fault that allied players dont bother getting autistic like me and memorising the weak spot.


Is this how the new BR mechanism will shift? From “original map preferences” to “new BR”?" In what ways might the “British and American camps” need more tweaking? Because there are too many “original map preferences” in the “1~3” slot.

Hopefully the new br mechanic won’t be so simple and crude.

Hope you put these two squads at the end of the event, not in the middle. If there is a golden order after these two squads, then they have not actually reduced any of access owners’ workload.

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I remember destroying Panther and then Tiger in a single life all within 15secs but it was long time ago where population was more even and not everyone would held demo packs and panzerfausts. Now it’s pretty impossible to do since Axis is full of players with full gear spamming KT and Jagdpanthers.


this is actually the one thing i liked about moscow a lot. For most of moscow campaigns existence both sides had equally strong tanks. Heck even now a pz4F1 or F2 can easily be destroyed by the 45mm gun mounted on most russian tanks. I do admit germany struggles a bit vs T-50/T-34/KV-1 however.

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devs could also consider balancing the BRs by changing weapons parameters so their BR corresponds maps theyre used in,
for exaple slighly buffing last ditch german weapons so they better corresponds with high berlin BR, also nerfing some guns like avs36 or fedorov so they can be used in early war period maps without giving you too much advantage, that way you could use auto or semi auto weapons even at br 1 or 2 without too much advantage

( i know that some german and ussr mains wouldnt like this idea but why do you even need fedorov or mkb42 at br 4 or 5 when u have stg or as-44,
by nerfing fedorov alb mkb greatly they could correspond more moscow or stalingrad giving you the possibility to use your favorite weapons at lower and mid brs)


That’s true, the Soviet Mains in Berlin have been crying and crying because according to them their first T-34 is bad, when the only tank that cannot penetrate frontally is Germany’s latest Tiger 2 H tank, people complain only because they can and not because they are right, and that has us in the current disastrous situation.


So be it.
It’s not the end of the world.
Devs keeps continuously changing the game for the sake of balance. You should not take anything for granted. That will only make you disappointed in the end.

I also have 20+ MKb:s lying around, or 10 M1928A1 Thompsons that became useless over one night.
Doest it feel nice? No, fcking way. But my feelings will always be second order.
I do care about what’s best for this game.

I don’t think engineers should be able to equip assault rifles. It was an utterly stupid move they once made, and sadly can’t revert since ppl are so protective of their Stalingrad pass.

Now we have to stick with a totally OP class making more or less assaulters redundant.


Both t-34 and t-50 can get destroyed by 50mm and engy AT gun as long as you aim at their turret. With short 75mm you need to flank and hit t-34 under skirts

I don’t understand what’s considered in need of fixing about the current matchmaking system.

Is the intention to keep Tommy guns, Sniper Garands, StG-44s,and Mp34s completely out of the hands of low level grunts?

…that’s going to be no fun for them. Looting corpses of sweet loot was one of the most exciting things about early game

There are certain event/premium/BP weapons that are duplicated multiple times currently i think the max you could get was 5 per campaign with the Breda PG carcano. (since the PG (CR) and PG carcano are basically the same one)