Important changes after the second test

yea that the only sad thing tbh i really like moscow despite not playing them that much


Please rework premium squads uniforms!

Some premium squads, like the Fedorov MG and MG42 early, are tier 4 weapons, meaning they will almost only get Stalingrad/Berlin maps, but their uniform is only special in Moscow, which they will barely, if not never, get, making those special uniforms completely useless…


Some uniforms would basically be usable in more campaigns, the vatnik and armor of the fedorov MG was used in Berlin and Stalingrad too, just like the coat and camouflage of the MG42 early squad…

Maybe let premium squads keep their unique uniform in all campaigns instead of limiting them? Else they loose the uniqueness like the two squads above…


Keep the feedback coming guys! This is all for the game we want to play!


my question for now tho is are we going to have a test for this? or we are yoloing it and have it on launch cause i think testing can be useful before yoloing

beside we dont want it to happen like all those triple A game right? like cyberpunk for example


Not only the fields and buildings of Normandy and Berlin, but also the snow maps of the Western Front, such as the Bulge, seem to be quite unique. Personally, I would like to see places like Huttgen Forest or Carentan. Gustav lines throughout Italy also seem to have their own unique characteristics.
I think it would be good to add more maps to increase diversity.


think that this is most important thing for new players:


This is the beauty of the BR system, if you’ve noticed to post says:

“battle rating 1 and 2 will play mainly on the maps of Moscow and Stalingrad”

This means that the maps could be flexible, if not right now then in the future. Let’s say you play a BR 1.0, 8/10 matches will be Moscow and Stalingrad, but you’ll also play 1 Tunisia and 1 Normandy. In my opinion this is great, more map diversity is always welcome. This could never be achieved under the map-based matchmaking.

that will help everyone imo i mean less grind is less grind

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Considering the Paramarines deployed with 50% Reisings and 50% Johnson LMGs, they arguably should be automatic rifles.

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I hope so. I don’t mind if maps from some campaigns are more likely at certain BRs, but I would prefer if it was still possible to end up in Tunisia with some high-tier equipment.


i dont mind the grind if it is optional. problem is mandatory grind that gives you weapons with basically same performance or marginally improved one 5 times in a row.

Is it possible to just keep the merge for leveling and unlocking.
And keep the campaign level as weapons allowed per campaign to allow historical accuracy.
This ways players are encouraged to change campaign to try different weapons in their specific era.
Common weapons will just be a plus for grinding like kar, mg 34 ,mp 40 , pp34 , madsen, dp 27


Sounds good, but will these changes further delay the patch?

Depends on how hard it is to make a B.R system, I’ve heard they had one in the works, Maybe a month or so. at this moment we don’t have a date.

I hope so, it’s far more harmful for a game to release a half-baked feature than to take their time and perfect it. 1-2 more test servers would be optimal imho.


Just why not campaign based PLUS BR based matchmaking? If you have enough players, especially for German and Soviet (and USA for NA server peak hours), you should get enough players to match for both campaign first, then BR matched battles.
If you have too uneven playerbase, nothing will help at all.
BTW, where is the compensate for those who choose to join any team and /or in the weaker side of the match?


I certainly hope it is the case, but look at the wording for allies. Tier 5 USA is in Normandy exclusively. Why not Tunisia as well but with a lower chance? The merge should not hinge on any sense of pseudo-historical accuracy anymore. Let us have fun in all theatres of war with all the available weapons.


Awesome, back on track!

Feeling relieved.

Stalingrad Engineers

Don’t like the Engineers having access to assault rifles. But if you insist to pleasure this group of sad players I believe this is the greatest compromise/solution (I never had thought of to begin with).
In my opinion.

I would be happy if you restrict the weaponry to this event squad and that they will function as a normal event squad. They get MKb and can’t swap it for StG, etc.


Big sad

There’s definitely equipment available that can make up the difference in mag size. Unless the plan is to also remove the mg34, ppd34, and dp27 from Moscow too, which would be crazy imo Alternatively they could finally ungimp the mp28 and give it the 50rd mag.

Regardless they put new players into separate lobbies, as they’ve said. They should really keep them all funneled in there until they unlock weapons that are somewhat comparable

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Because the main reason they need to shift to this system is to consolidate the playerbase and put an end to people stacking campaigns. That’s why they said they might further restrict based on BR if the match join times are quick enough that they’re able to without wait times that are too long.