Important changes after the second test

Back to normal? Good choice.


i will wait for next test server until i make any strong opinions. We should be patient and see where this goes



OK, This sounds MUCH better, but I do have some questions:

How will this work when queueing with people. . . will it simply use the Highest in the party? If so, Can we have a pop up that just prompts the leader that someone has higher tier equipment equiped and you may face higher end battles?

This makes me VERY Happy. As someone that just wants to play everything, this gives me an option to do so. Can we get confirmation on what BR 3 will look like for each nation, or is it simply the weapon unlocks?

EDIT: Especially Premiums, as arguably BR 3 Premiums just got a heck of a lot more valuable. Also, can we eventually get what BR a premium squad is in their descriptions on the store page as well as in game?

Very good to see. But, as such, I feel that this needs to be more clear in game.

A welcome compromise. I like this a lot … give the full access immediate access is great. Hope to see more details on these squads soon.


good change, and maybe strengthening weapons like pps43 and mp3008 is a good idea make them become level 3 even level 4 weapons,so that they wont appear in Moscow and have a chance to fight high-level weapons in Berlin

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hmm i see 1 guy out of 24 that really love that previous system and i gotta say get over it like he clearly like to killa bunch of bot which i dont blame because that what i do too but holy hell that test server system was bad imo

i think this one will be fine? i mean it kinda like campaign system where you can meet low tier and high tier if you use middle instead of “oh you use this? go to hell” kind of thing idk i really want to test it tbh

oh i should have said this but i think having some sort of “equipment evaluation” as like in game thing would be cool for this system cause like idk what my stuff gonna get tier right? i think it could work? maybe


Enlisted has fallen. Billion must farm bot lobby.


Greatest news i have read in a while :wink: The devs do listen and reconcider stuff. Good to know :slight_smile:


People on tier 3 playing the roulette each time they queue a match

Gambling heaven


Perhaps the updated map mode can no longer be limited to previous “battles”,there is no longer “battle of Moscow”, but use “instead 1941, the Eastern Front”


yep that me buddy


To be honest most tier 3 equipment is competetive against a tier 5, except maybe the tanks. The important thing is that tier 1 & 2 won’t be able to meet tier 5, which was my main gripe with the previous system.


how to fight fg42/2 with svt38

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Yeah same, let’s just see what weapons get put into what BR, i guess semi-auto will stay around tier 3


Hopefully those players who claims themself wants BR end up enjoying this.

But, I’m not a fan of BR, and I don’t think he will bring anything beneficial to the growth of the game.

Take my word of advice, if dev team end up getting stuck in this BR direction, consider a new game mode to increase players.

But I’m not entirely worried. Because it’s just about arcade mode battles, right?

It doesn’t affect the bigAction game mode combat, I still allow all the weapons to appear together and each weapons and vehicles has its own purpose.

:heart: Engineer solution is a enough good solution for me!


The special engineer squads sound cool, appreciate those :+1:t3:

Keep new players in separate queue until they unlock acceptable equipment, not after a certain amount of games played. Keep the game fluid.

I hope the ppsh and 717 are tier 3 so they can be taken anywhere. They were used early and late after all.

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Well its not like it was accurate anyways lol


the goal is to separate the bolt action rifle, semi-automatic rifle, and fully automatic rifle, that brings balance


Oh thank God. I want balance over historical accuracy. Despite the fact I maxed out every campaigns except Stalingrad, I dont want new players fighting endgame players. Thats the surest path to dead game. Enlisted is never really historically accurate to begin with. Mkb42H aint firing in Moscow or Jumbo fighting in Normandy.


shhh, we wouldn’t want to burst his bubble :wink:

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