If you want Jumbo's armour nerf then need more bullet penetration like German tanks

it was a great improvement for Jumbo, with zoomed optics it was impossible to play. Well, the only possible way to use it, was as an “sniper tank” and I don’t like to play a tank like this. I like to fight with my mates giving cover and clearing the way while they deffend me of enemy infantry.

But again, ty for your idea

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I don’t have any problem with you too, and usually your posts are very good. But must say the same as you say. Those people who have problems against Jumbo, maybe they must watch a tutorial or something like this.

Some time ago, I did a tutorial in youtube to help my viewers how to kill Jumbo’s (2 shoots with a Puma) and all other EEUU tanks with a Puma, and now I’m going to do the second part of how to kill German tanks.
while I’m testing it I can say German tanks are hardest to kill than EEUU tanks.

look, I mean the point at 5:19 and the right side is on the beach, where I place my tank more or less, at 11:40

( I don’t want people think is SPAM so I will delete the video in some minutes after you tell me you watched that 2 moments)

-and sorry if I get confused, my English is not so good and sometimes I get lost in translation

i talked about spots for german tanks?! from those points it is not really possible to support the infantry down the beach, you know?

I mean, from the point at 5:19 ir you place your tank there, you will kill everyone in the beach and if there is a tank, you can hit from the side.

I would rather say it was a great improvement for any thank with Commanders cupola, and a nerf for all tanks that don’t have it. And that is the way it should be. If they remove map or indicators on maps for tanks that did not have radio operator you get another balancing factor.

But now we are mixing apples and oranges.

Tanks are not compared by their side armor but by their front armor. Side armor helps, but it is not decisive.

Panther is a frontal beast, but is a kitten from side.

Can Pz4 kill a Jumbo from the front? Yes it can if it hits that exact pixel.

Can Jumbo kill a Pz4 from front at ranges we have in game? Do I need to answer?

And don’t get me wrong, Jumbo doesn’t need to be nerfed. Sherman with a better gun and less armor should replace it. Easy Eight maybe?

devs said Jagdpanzer will be in Normandie so, it will be the counter for Jumbo, so this is why I don’t want more nerfs for it.

Ok, L/70 can deal with Jumbo, agreed.

One thing that bothers me … how exactly was Jumbo nerfed? Optics?

But again, same tier German tank is fighting something it never should on opposite side.

Jumbo OP, Sherman 76mm balanced.

I don’t know where tank “experts” find Jumbo to be OP. It’s a balanced counterpart to Pz. IV H and Jumbo is not that hard to kill.
D Day position and fight:

Don’t remember name of this alternative version of D Day so let it be D Day 2:


yep, optics, but people want more, you can see here in forums a lot of people complaining about Jumbo.

and for the last point, a lot of things where not. For example, German planes on D-day. Devs said they will try to balance with weapons and vehicles, but if they can’t, they will use those who need but exist on that time.

don’t remember the exact words

Great vids, but people won’t look. A lot of people who asks for nerfs don’t want to learn how to counter, simply, they find is hard to kill and want it out.

Ah and there is a bug or something like this, if you hit a chain wheels on Jumbo, the bullet penetrate and kills crew. I saw a dev or moderator in forums said it was possible to do while is not fixed. (I think they said on reddit)

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Yeah, sadly it’s true. I hope ppl who just read will see theese vids and will play better against Jumbos.

Dunno, never meet it. I only know about MG dot and command tower as weak spots. And that you can immobolize Jumbo by destroying it’s transmisiion through track.

" great video ".

that’s actually questionable.

i mean, sure, no tanks are op if they aren’t looking at you.

because as far as i can tell, in the same scenario, where you have to lose half of your time just to get up hill, and eventually get 2/3 shotted.

when even the dude it self shows how many shells needs to take down a jumbo. and you say:


it’s simple an outstatement.

because again, you have no match when you encounter skilled players ( which from what i can see, you haven’t encountered none ).

unfortunately, in enlisted, the jumbo is like some sort of " gold machine ".

because once again everyone can use it, and the majority of encounters you can sustain alot of damage. the same cannot be done with the pz iv.

that’s the main bloody point.

i don’t recall jumbo players in need of flank others tanks.

even you said:

the point with a pz iv, even if you stay behind your own troops that will not guaratee your safety.

i simply don’t understand how you can look at the same tank and define them fine by fighting each other.

because what the jumbo can do easely, others tanks cannot.


On the second video, when that Jumbo was showing you his side, if you hit in his rear side or rear side under the turret, there is ammo too.

I see, Thank you. Will keep it in mind.

“A pzIIIN destroyed my tank in 3 hits. we found suddenly and only had time to fight in a frontal fight 3-4 Meters. He shoot me 3 times, each time he killed 2 crew members and while my crew was changing seats, he had time to reload and shoot again”

I suppose he was shooting at my MG port. but he killed me super easily. but I was not recording at that moment

I had to flank him with my other sherman to kill him

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now, not to sounds too evasive or anything, but the goddamn pz III like many others tank is effected by the stupid same problem where damage model it’s complealty fucked up.

the same for t70, t35, ba-11, yada yada yada.

If zoom is to big to its historical counterpart it has to be lowered. This is a bug, same as on German snipers in Moscow.

I shared my thoughts on this many times. German tactical bombers should not be in this game, especially in Normandy. Any tactical bomber with that much bombs will only bring rage at all airplanes.

So now we should reference bugs for balancing reasons? And what when it gets fixed? Can we look what will happen 2 steps ahead or that is impossible?