If we can't have stronger engineer fortifications then can we have an increase on how many structures we can build

30 sandbags and 25 barbed wire and 10 Hedgehog and 5 ammo boxes.

If we had this we could leave our fortifications more spread out instead of focusing in one area Or put up a decent amount So it doesn’t all get destroyed from one Explosion pack or a random Explosion.

And please do expand upon this or improve my idea


While I agree the sandbags could endure more dmg.
Other than that, if you cant handle with the current tools you have I highly doubt the extra 20 bags will do anything.

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I can handle with what I’ve got but having an increase means I can block a road or cover an area with barbed wire Instead of rationing my defenses

There’s nothing worse than area overspammed with junk like barbed wires and sandbags. Especially if it’s objective building.

Structures are already pretty decent & balanced. I really don’t see reason why they should be buffed or increased un number.

There’s just one particular guy here on forum, who’s purposely creating completely made up fake environment, in which structures are something underwhelming.
But since this particular guy isn’t playing game, but mostly just 200 aeay from combat zone is trying to do some kind of “defenses”, I really don’t see his opinion relevant a bit.

Engineers are still the only must have class in game. There’s literally no need to buff them.
If they should get buff, option to build rally points should be completely taken from them. And instead given to new soldier type “squad leader”. Until this happen, any buff for engineers is jsur completely unreasonable.


Not exactly sure why you cant do it now, fair share of roads in urban enviroment are so narrow that 1-3 hedgehogs are more than enough to stop tank.
Throw your barbwires in between and you have a roadblock, will it change the course of the game ? No.

It’s all about buying time for my team to get organized and get back to the next objective or hold an objective

pick up a gun and shoot the incoming enemy, works 10/10 times and slows down enemy far more than your roadblock.

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That’s true but how long do you expect me to live holding off an enemy squad by myself my defenses On the other hand don’t have that problem unless they go to deliberately destroy it

Depends what end of steamroll you got by matchmake RNG gods.
If your enemy team is the one with useless ppl id expect you to hold it as long as you have ammo.
Considering the engineer ammo box, anything between 5-entire game lenght will do.

If you how ever got the useless team and enemy has USSR national team in theyr ranks your best option is still the shooting.

If that’s true then we’ll be stuck following the philosophy of fast-paced gameplay and Zerg rush Instead of having a Stand off.

And honestly that’s not my cup of tea I hate the concept of fast-paced gameplay it’s not fun and it’s miserable I’m playing to have a battle not end in 10 minutes especially when I have boosters.

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Its called an M2 browning

Yes but that’s easily destroyed and no one goes out of their way to destroy a mountain of sandbags or tank traps or barbed wire so they’re more reliable.

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Or you place some landmines.
They are harder to see and can kill enemies and they tell you if people are there.

That’s true but the Idea is to delay them and by as much time as physically possible and take them out of the battle.

And I forgot to say whenever I build the machine gun nest someone marks me and rockets land on my head or bomb hits me.

If I see a tank trap, I usually just get out and remove it.
its not going stop me, or really slow me down.

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Well you’re the minority and if I’m gonna block an area I’ll probably put six or as many as possible to deny access

That still won’t really stop me.
Especially if my teammates want some tank support they help if they see me.
And there are also usually alternate routes that provide juicy targets.

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Well you certainly are determined

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I am thanks.
My teammates need a capture point cleared, and I am happy to do it.
I am sure you are too.

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I can’t say I’ll spend time doing that because every second matters in a battle especially when you solo play but I will find a way around to help my team If it’s at all possible

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