If we can't have stronger engineer fortifications then can we have an increase on how many structures we can build

That’s good bait not gonna lie

  • Defenders need to know where all objectives are going to be.

  • Sandbag walls, barbwire, and Czech hedgehogs (*DEFENESIVE fortifications) need to be IMMUNE to fragmentations damage.
    Direct blast damage can still destroy.

  • Fortifications should not be able to be deconstructed by basic infantry, unless a CONSUMABLE of some kind like a toolkit is used.

My group has played 3 defense games against the same people today on Berlin campaign. The first match, I went up and tried putting down a little cover and fighting tooth and nail on objective.
We got annihilated. Tank spam like crazy. HE shells continuously shredding infantry.

Second game, I brought out a tank to try to contain theirs a bit. They rushed right in and kept taking objectives.

Third game, I tried pulling back and fortifying. Got sandbags up in the windows to protect a little bit from the tank spam, but the doorways of course were still the easy targets, so the spam continued.
As soon as we got wiped out and I was running back, tons of squeaking of fortifications being broken down.
They had ordered their entire squad to break down all the sandbag walls and had them down in a matter of seconds, didn’t even need engineers.

This is the shit that needs to stop.

Tank spam, flamethrower spam, etc. cannot be stopped at all without the use of fortifications. “JuSt ShOoT tHeM” isn’t a solution. Inevitably they still get through and there is nothing you can do about it.

I’ve played custom games as a test, where the rules were that you were not allowed to break down fornications unless you were using engineer, and you were not allowed to use explosive packs AT ALL, and my god were the results far more interesting!!!

This is back when you could double stack sandbags as well.

  • Tanks actually PUSHED UP out of the greyzone.
  • Flamethrowers had a much more difficult time reaching the objective.
  • Snipers were actually being used fairly frequently by the push squads to eliminate barricaded MG nests.
  • Smoke artillery, smoke shells, and smoke grenades were actually used pretty frequently.
  • Engineers were supported a lot more on offensive pushes.
  • TNT was used to break through the barricades.
  • Trenches were being dug to move across better.

OUTSTANDING gameplay that should become part of the standard experience.


you really just had to summon it didnt you.

he didn’t summon it it would appear if any topic was talking about the defence it’s just a fact at this point.

And I probably wouldn’t be too far behind or I’ll be somewhere in the background observing

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Spreading defenses out would be great, one frag shouldn’t destroy everything I build, EP makes sense but not frag.


Honestly I don’t think grenades as a whole should be effective against them.

You have to be standing directly next to the location to build it, it should require a TNT mine (as far as infantry carried ordinance) to blast through it. The TNT mine cannot be thrown, making it far more balanced.

AT launchers MAYBE, but not explosive packs.

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I still say yes to EP because it is a bunch of Dynamite.

Look at it from a game-balance perspective though:

A grenade that can kill infantry, tanks, structures, pretty much anything that has absolutely no drawbacks whatsoever?

Shouldn’t there be SOMETHING that it’s not good against?

  • Frags can’t hurt tanks

  • Molotovs keep you out of an area as well and don’t hurt structures

  • Impacts don’t hurt tanks

  • White Phosphorus doesn’t hurt tanks

  • TNT mines have to be placed not thrown, and manually detonated

  • AT mines must be placed, not thrown, don’t detonate by infantry running over them

  • AP mines must be placed, not thrown, don’t damage tanks

So why does this one grenade type have the ability to kill/ destroy everything, on top of being able to lob it a distance, unlike even the next closest thing, TNT mines?

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the only reason I can think of is why the defenders have not been buffed it’s because of half the community and the devs Because they’re trying to steal The players from cod and half the players have cod mindset they don’t like a slow game and having to strategically clear an area they’re much happier with a fast-paced gameplay

What’s crazy in this regard is that there is a massive amount of players that were displaced after the Battlefield 2042 flop that are looking for the more strategic gameplay. That is the group they need to target, not the COD players


Calling them kids is a compliment not all of them are kids and the only reason We’re getting COD players because they’re tired of getting their teeth kicked in and they came to this game so they get the same satisfaction but without the misery.

Don’t you think a team of engineer can exploit the game by knowing all the cap on the map?

Be nice if such a team existed and fortifications actually held up from explosions otherwise I don’t see a problem

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No, not really.

By knowing the objective locations in advance, it lets them spread the defenses out on the way to the objective, moving the primary fight to the area leading up to the objectives, rather than only on the objectives themselves.

Even IF a FULL TEAM had the thought to build defenses in advance, it would require them to alternate roles in coordination with the rest of the team, in addition to more time than they would actually even have.

One or two players pulling back to set up defenses is about all you can really afford as a team before the enemy has enough numbers advantage to push you back.

Additionally, due to limited number of structures per player, it would likely require a FULL team of engineer players alternating to be able to actually defend each objective fully.

Lastly, there is only so much available space for useful defensive fortification. If you cluster it too heavily, then you screw your own team over.

Ultimately, the likelihood of a “team” of engineers using it to its maximum potential would be exceptionally rare.

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In which case I suggest a radius nerf for the EP, buy usually I take realism over balance.


At which point the coordination would benefit greatly from a voice chat with randoms. Preferably proximity chat because console can’t type


heck I even feel like I’m missing types of sandbags and defense designs, like wooden bunkers, yes, this is not hell let loose and I understand it, but I can’t help but feel that as a defender I’m missing things


Wrong. Frags work against open-topped for example.




It’s much weaker against infantry since it has fewer fragments.

Ok, open top-tanks can also be SHOT into, so they aren’t really counted for this.

MAJORITY of tanks are enclosed and immune to frags, impacts, and WP.

I can see bright future of enlisted with all 3 of you “tactical builders” staying in the game.