The ideas of the past are gonna come back to haunt this winter

[If we can’t have stronger engineer fortifications then can we have an increase on how many structures we can build]

30 sandbags and 25 barbed wire and 10 Hedgehog and 5 ammo boxes.

If we had this we could leave our fortifications more spread out instead of focusing in one area Or put up a decent amount So it doesn’t all get destroyed from one Explosion pack or a random Explosion.

And please do expand upon this or improve my idea

If we can’t have stronger engineer fortifications then can we have an increase on how many structures we can build - Suggestions - Enlisted

And maybe guardian reapers ghost will come back and haunt some of you players


I concur. Engineer structures either need to be strengthened or have the amount increased. Maybe they can allow this through a perk.

This can appear as , 15/25//40/70/100% durability of structures in the soldier perks menu.

They can allow higher tier engineers to build more quantity of structures.

Ultimately though, maps need to be wider and bigger and defenders need to be able to fortify the next defense point by being allowed to know where the next defense point will be. It’s too easy as of now for attackers to rush points due to the fast paced nature of this game.


I would remove the constraints on Engineer building all together. Build whatever you want in whatever qty you want.

The limits should be set by building time. So some structures will obviously take longer than others and there are already attempts to influence these via the perk system.

Ultimately, any mega construction will last several seconds vs large Caliber HE and bombs - even in low BR games.