If we can't fix explosives in the game can we have a replacement for the FG42 Grenade launcher

Like with a 100 round belt fed MG or an extended magazine or something else unique for that event squad

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You mean like these

Or this a pistol grenade launcher

Or these Italian rifle grenade lunchers

Italian Granade launcher rifles



Or German grenade launcher(Originally flare gun but can fire HE shells, too)



The German army of the Third Reich period originally utilized two basic models of flare pistols, with one having a short barrel and the other a long barrel, that were both introduced in 1928 to replace the earlier Hebel M1894 flare pistol that had been the standard issue flare pistol utilized in WWI and earlier. Both patterns of the 1928 flare pistol were developed by the Carl Walther Waffenfabrik, (Weapons Factory), of Zella-Mehlis and were constructed in steel until the mid-1930’s when they were produced in an aluminum alloy. The long barrel model was only produced in steel and further production was discontinued around 1935. Both of the basic flare pistols were issued with a specific holster and were capable of firing over forty assorted flares with different functions and purposes. The main purpose of the flare guns and flares was for signaling although they were also used for illumination and producing smoke screens as required. In 1942 the Germans developed a high explosive grenade shell to be utilized with the flare pistols in an attempt to provide an inexpensive, close support weapon for the Infantry. The new, high explosive, grenade shells required that the flare pistols be retooled by rifling the barrel and adding a dial sight. The retooled flare guns were designated Kampfpistole, (Battle Pistol), and were marked with a “Z”, to indicate the barrel was rifled. The Kampfpistole could also fire additional anti-personnel, illumination and smoke shells


No you need to suffer crappy impact explosives too

why did you say this when I say explosives are inconsistent and this is for our event squad

what you say honestly doesn’t matter because you have paratroopers which actually work while ours are magically broken in some unique way and It takes forever to be addressed

As a replacement, you can have a FG-42 with a 10 round magazine


Nah cat that would be too cruel


Faster reload and we won’t have a problem

I don’t expect much from DF so I’ll take a faster reload so I can put more bullets down the line

And since it has less bullets let’s have a decrease to the dispersion as well

And I saw what you said about the FG42 sniper so don’t give us the same dispersion levels as that because I know you know it’s broken

I thought you wanted raplecment with grenade luncher thats why I suggested these otherwise there are tons of weapon that can replace that Like

Fg-42 in 8mm Kurz


Knorr bremse paratrooper rifle


I want it as a gold order weapon or tech tree and not for our event squad


it probably gonna be GO tbh since the .45 owen is also a GO (kinda like G43k)

Parrot is just trolling at this point.


i mean it his signature man (the 100 mg and grenade launcher stuff)


It reminds me I completely forgot there are grenade launchers attached to my paras fg… (that says a lot about how often I use gl, eh?)

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No it’s thanks to this person here saying this about explosives that made me think about this

maybe you have a skill issue…?


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I agree it’s a good thing grenades got toned down a bit.

They’re still useful.

They’re just not aberrant anymore, which is why we don’t see Winnies spamming them.

this is about grenade launchers and explosives sometimes not working So what does this have to do with anti tank weapons