Current state of the game

I’m curious as to see how people feel about the current state of the game.
I’m enjoying it but I feel that the mismanagement of the gane will kill it or at least reduce its popularity a lot. I do find it very suspicious that they never release official player numbers.

Here I was expecting a rant

Game’s fun. Always has been. It’s still my favorite FPS game

Game is in worse state than few months ago.

Before the Merge there were campaigns (Moscow / Normandy / Berlin / Tunisia) with Normandy as the most balanced and populated campaign.

Currently - there is no balance. Even at high BR teams are dominated with idiots with Springfields / Mosins / Kars98k. Skill of a player means nothing, because overall - it is a number of idiots which decides which team will win the match.

The only good thing is a nerf of impact grenades and grenade launchers.

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I’d say it’s ok-ish overall. Biggest issues being MM and playerbase shifts heavily affecting matches and shitty economy.


If that is true then replace the FG 42 with a grenade launcher with a 100 round belt fed MG

That is not a balancing issue, it is a playerbase issue

It’s pretty great… but it’s infuriating because it could easily be so much better
The game has a lot of potential, and it really is fun, but there are a few issues that really make me and other players just want to drop the game (the unbalanced player base for instance)

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I think the game was much better before the merge. I used to join a campaign to suit my mood, but we don’t really have that now, I miss Tunisia quite a lot :unamused:


Well there’s a video on youtube calling out Darkflow for being greedy, grindy, and buggy, in 2 weeks it got 172k views with 99% like ratio. People overwhelmingly agree with the points made by the guy in the video.

However I feel like there are many aspects of the game that does not increase the playerbase, for one singular thing is not the cause. There are so many FPS games and WW2 FPS out there. Some of them set a very high standard, and cost no more than 3 meals for the finished game. Enlisted premium squad cost as much as a newly released game, Helldivers 2 is pretty popular at the moment and it’s $40.
The animation in Enlisted, the voice acting, the way the weapon feel are all subpar quality relative to other WW2 FPS. Enlisted doesn’t give a WW2 vibe, it’s more PUBG kinda vibe.

Having no voice chat feature could be a factor for the game not retaining players as the lack of communication will often lead to player frustration and make them not want to play the game. Voice chat make team coordination more efficient, and make online play more easy, fun and social.


I like the game, if I didn’t I wouldn’t play it.
I always loved the idea of commanding a squad and thought that shooter games should have squads to prevent corner camping and sniping from the other side of the map.

But the merge update was only a rush for a month. It was nice to fight real people but the challenge slowly faded away as more and more people started victory farming.

Nowdays I rarely see fun balanced games, its always a stomp or the weak side is getting carried by 4 tryhards which still isn’t fun since they just exploit everything exploitable.

Honestly removing the 50% victory bonus could make this game so much more fun.
People who played the objective should get extra xp not a plane spammer who spent the match in the air.


Hey Guys you should really watch this. I can understand his frustration i was at this point 1 year ago, i did make a break and now i have fun again and can laugh more about it.

i like the game, I’m enjoying it a lot.

the only thing I wait for is some massive meta shift or some new realistic larger game mode to refresh everything, devs said there will be an event with no grey zones and I’m really excited for it :slight_smile:

also I’m looking forward for
more animations,
movement rework,
more voice lines, eg. tanker voice lines
bipods obviously
and maybe some other useful features like an APC was.

also micro transactions never bothered me that much and the grind hasn’t been an issue for me (i’m old rpg games veteran in which it took a whole week to level up) though I think charing 50$ is an out-of-the-world price and it hasn’t come to my mind to spend so much money on premium squad even once, though I bought premium account at Xmas and I don’t regret it, good deal, I wish there was more “good deals” in enlisted like that.

Yes that would indeed make this game fun but without it wouldnt grind be too long if they ever remove this I would Like to see at least 25 percent increase in overall XP

Exactly and this is gonna get worse because of the upcoming silver reward for battle hero if im on the objective winning game but at the end all medals go to the tanker whats the point in playing infantry then


Game development is a joke because it is often stuck at bottlenecks caused by the devs for the most part.
We finally got the merge, but now we are stuck with fixing the MM. Yeah, they recently adjusted some BR after about five months or so. That is too late and still doesn’t fix the issue with BR3, which the devs have refused to fix so far because of “player numbers.”
AI is still struggling, and personally, I do not feel like it has improved a lot in recent years. They technically can do a lot, but in reality, they still fall like bowling pins. The graphics are also not really great, at least before they tried to reach out to old-generation consoles. Customization is still the same as of its release years ago.
There were no national soldiers for the Allies and Axis because they hadn’t figured out how folders worked.
Gunplay is still shit. It still encourages auto spam too much while also heavily penalizing machine guns. Devs still “adjust” stuff with dispersion while also giving newer weapons way lower dispersion compared to old stuff. Bipods… oh boy the bipods…
Jack - Laugh
Vehicle gameplay isn’t much better since only heavies work in this game, and sometimes meds because of the gameplay environment. Carrier planes are still slow as hell and dogfighting is still boring as hell and just depends on who shoots first.
The economy became arguably worse, only somewhat saved by the fact we can now research what we “want.” They still failed to adequately address the silver gains in the battles, events, and battle passes (or reduced prices).
Maps are still horrible, including new ones, and they do not make a lot of new maps in the first place. I only play Japan rn because they need to be researched, but fuck I hate the Pacific maps. Not only do they suck in terms of gameplay, but it is also the same two maps over and over.
We get more features, but they are bugged or useless half the time.
Speaking of bugs, the devs struggle to get behind that bugged rat tail, and sometimes old bugs return.

Dev-team still fails at communication and PR. They have so many channels, like did you know they are active on Telegram? Why?
And don’t get me started on their marketing and the Steam “release”…
Julien Selbstmord
They still demand ridiculous prices for squads and I love that they refuse to make researchable paras or no free squad slots for F2Ps, which is something even War Thunder does.

I don’t know. I mostly play Enlisted because I am already too deep in it and might as well go with the ship until it sinks. It is just sad to see how much the devs fail to make this game good. It’s not better that we don’t know what they are even doing right now beyond maybe fixing bipods. Oh, and para cloths moving with the wind… top priority.


If that was in the game this game might just break because of how DF set up the maps it couldn’t handle it

Generally, I feel the game is in a positive track over the last few years, but there have been plenty of bumps and potholes.

The merge had to be done, but due to the original idea (as seen in the first test phase) being about making weapons going to certain maps instead of balancing, and then it being hastily changed for balancing based on weapon equipped, it feels rushed. We need far more queues, but don’t have the playerbase to keep game matching quick without adding so many bots again.

Playerbase shifts are too heavily influenced by events and new gear releases. Events really need to go back to having a token to claim which one you want rather than one specific one first and gear releases need to be more balanced when possible between the factions, understanding that Japan, due to less gear does need more added to them.

Pack prices are still wildly overpriced for what they are, but its par for the course with Gaijin as a publisher. Darkflow themselves have done a good job keeping them not overpowered (comparing to what is available in the tech tree) for the most part though. (with a few exceptions). There isnt anything invulnerable though which is great. I also really enjoy the recent theme of having an event “copy” of some premiums when they are released.

I mainly want to see 3 things prioritized sooner rather than later:

  1. New Player Experience:
  • Both the in game menu UI and tutorial in game are wildly insufficient and counter intuitive to a new player just joining.
  • New players often do not go to Youtube and other media to find answers (those that do are in the minority, just the reality). As such solutions need to be made available in game. Silver gain in the early game is dreadful. while the current gain is still poor overall, established players at least have gear to play with to gain more over time. New players do not. This needs to be resolved ASAP … either by a New player event that grants one time silver rewards (far beyond what achievements do), or just a massive new player Silver Booster that lasts X games with no expiry.
  • UI, especially related to the Research tree, needs to be updated for simplicity. In game fails to instruct how it works and how to unlock things properly. Simple fixes would be tool tips (dialable in the settings) when hovering over certain critical points or a general tool tip guide the first time you open it up.
  • Squad unlocks should indicate which squad it unlocks from the tile directly, simply adding the squad type to the left in the tile would be sufficient I think.
  • Tier unlocks (the 9/9 to finish Tier 1 etc) need to be more clear on what they do, again a simple tool tip when you hover over it stating that it enables Tier 2 training and unlocks Tier 1 equipment in the shop, would be sufficient. Also would like to see Tier 2 training not require specific Tier 1 equipment to be completed, but just tier 1 to be completed to begin tier 2 training at any point.
  • When adding a Tier 3 - 5 weapon for the first time where it would increase to the next BR matching, a tooltip should advise new players of that change, again tooltips disable in the settings.
  • BR’s should also be added to the actual tiles within shop to avoid confusion.
  • Gold Vehicle orders should also have a pop up if you do not own a valid squad if you go to purchase one (or alternatively have a lock indicating you do not own the squad in the can be used by squads that if you hover over it states specifically “You do not own this squad”
  1. Bug Fixes Bug Fixes Bug Fixes
  • Getting as many bugs out of the game should be priority number one, they should not be an after thought, but a main concern. Ones that are being worked on should be annotated. A visible spoiler of known bugs on the forums, with which ones are resolved, being worked on, and acknowledged for player visibility. This would also allow playerbase to comment in case they feel one is more important and is not being worked on.
  1. Playerbase size improvements / expanding the playerbase. — Leading to more Matchmaking BR’s
  • This really falls into two categories: Advertising gets eyes on, but pro-player improvements keeps them engaged.
  • Advertising, Gaijin does a good job of getting sponsors out … but would love to see things like perma twitch drops for simple things like 1000 silver per hour watched (regardless of partner or not, and then more rewards if watching partner streams).
  • Pro-player improvements: Improve QOL for players, things like increased silver game in game or by other means without the cost of IRL, improves QOL, giving options in game to negate certain modes that a player dislikes improves QOL. Like the Bug Fixes, a QOL thread should be maintained with small things to work on and improve QOL to the game, with a primer of acknowledged, worked on, added.
  • Also, I’ve seen this in another game and found it well received. When writing patchnotes: make a symbol that indicates player suggested change and place it next to changes that were suggested by the community. This gives a huge nod to the community and betters their will to suggest things as they are recognized for their efforts when things are changed, and shows that those that dont add their suggestions that suggestions do yield results.

Im sure I could think of plenty of suggestions more and i have posted several in the past on the forums, but as for state of the game … I find it good, but it could be better, and acknowledge we’ve had backsteps in the [recent] past.


I was fully expecting a rant.

But my opinion of the game as of current, it’s always improving sometimes some improvements may break others. But with the spaghetti coding of the game slowly getting better overall it’s quite good. That is factoring out A lot of things such as lack of player count, lack of information on some of the things in this game such as One particular squad order (telling your bots to diffuse or arm a bomb, literally just found out about that 20 minutes ago) for example, minor things. But each of these things the devs have made an attempt to improve.

All the negative things can be solved with player voice and the necessary manpower to make it possible. So far both of those have been highly successful to varying degrees. But I do wish they would bring back the video series where they would tell you how to do certain things in the game or that certain things are possible. I guess that’s left mainly in the hands of content creators. I don’t think people understand how little of the dev team is actively working on this game, and how many work for DF as a whole. So I’d say they’re doing well with what resources they have. We still have quite a few minor issues to iron out but I feel a lot of that will come with the steam release coming to fruition.

Bad, i am tired that we don´t have match maker. This is getting so frustrated that this game has been long time in the state of your teams dominates or opposing side dominates…

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