If we can't fix explosives in the game can we have a replacement for the FG42 Grenade launcher

you’d never guess what a GL counts as

It’s the main gimmick of this squad so the least they could do is make it work or replace it

The anti tank variation or the infantry variation ?

Right. Not the para bit or anything…

But, they still work.
Good as a breach and clear tool. You know explosions have concussion effects, yes?

Send one in a room, or near the cover you know where an enemy is, he won’t shoot straight and you can take him out easily, because the base gun is quite good.

He was troll all the time.


If only him himself, knew…

I do that but sometimes it doesn’t work and I end up getting shot for trying

Dropping down behind enemy lines or in a combat zone with it and trying to rely on it is sometimes insanity or kind of Russian roulette

Broken how?

funny, insists on the fg42 and not on all weapons whit grenade launcher


Explosives are inconsistent and they just finally addressed the Italian Paratroopers

Because people don’t like explosive spam and it’s the only thing unique about this squad

Some got too nerfed

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All impact based explosives are inconsistent. What’s your point?

We would have been better if they added a limit to some stuff instead of nerfing things into the ground

eh idk man AT rifle launcher seem to work all the time while normal grenade launcher fail dont know what up with that (that why i use only AT launcher instead nowadays)


It’s the weapon for this event squad while your paratroopers function and can do room clearing operations

I blame spaghetti code

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This reminds me - why not change FG grenades to AT version? It even uses HEAT warhead model ingame.

Middle one is used, antipersonnel one is on the right.