Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

Krieghoff FG boys have MG 15 instead of MG 42
And Sniper G43’s instead of “Sniper” FG-42’s now


Actually totally behind the Pz4 uptier, We should have Stug life relevant in Enlisted, and currently theyll never see any play with Pz4s spamming BR3+


Why? FG suits for paratroopers more.


Same as the event one now

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All for MG15, FG42 removal, for a FJ squad of all things, is odd…

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It does, but it shares ammo with the krieghoff + it doesn’t have sniper dispersion anyway, so it’s better to have a gun that has a different ammo type and that’s actually accurate


shiiit so many usefull Guns and Vehicles to play …

maybe with few more changes BR1-2 can handle BR3 more

But Hell that PPD 1944 should be BR2

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We forwarded this issue, thank you.



fantastic changes

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Well, If I remember correctly. According to Gun Jesus magazines of FG and FG II weren’t interchangeable.

Not even speaking of krieghoff that has completely different magazine.
So those FGs shouldn’t share mags in the first place. And it should be fixed.

And as for the dispersion, that’s a legit argument. But then one has to wonder why Sniper FG has such a bad dispersion in the first place.
Sniper class is already limited to 5 men and disability to take vitality perk. I think better dispersion for Sniper FG wouldn’t hurt the balance.


Finally the axis tunisian paratrooper have been fixed.


the fact that they have acknowledged that the sniper FG has a problem and they haven’t fixed it it’s just horrifying

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Good changes, especially BR adjustments and Type 4’s reload to be on par with the Johnson Rifle.


the Stug needs to be put into BR2.
ive played it intensively over the last month and its overall worse than puma, Panzer III J1 & Panzer III N.


Why would the Panzer 4 J be sent to BR 4?? That would make it completely useless like the H. If anything, the H needs to move to BR 3 alongside the J.


Puting stug on BR2 is problematic. It has gun and armor on par with other BR3 gear but heavily lacks in other aspects (no turret, no MG, 4 crew, low siluete (ironic since irl it’s an upside)).
Imo changing it’s BR is not as simple.


The short barrel StuG is already BR 2 though

  1. Pz IV J needs to be moved from BR3 to BR4.
    It’s a late war 1944 model with removed electrical turret traverse for cost saving and it looks very much out of place in early war maps. Its cousins Pz IV F2 and Pz IV G are almost the same, were used basically throughout the whole war and would fill its shoes just fine while Pz IV J goes to its late war brother Pz IV H.

  2. All Volkssturm weapons need to be moved to BR 4 and made cheap (for collectors and roleplayers).
    MP-3008, VG-2, VG 1-5 are not essential to the German tree as it’s already very much full with content, so they should be removed from battles where they could never even have a chance to appear, being late war last ditch weapons.

  3. Puma needs to be moved to BR4 (and be upgunned to 75mm).
    It’s a late war vehicle and it has no right to appear in Tunisia, Stalingrad or Moscow Oblast.


Because see above.