I think I'm done

Well whatever man, I really don’t care to argue about this. Because it doesn’t matter to me. I know my own experiences, and I don’t need statistics (to tell me otherwise). Believe whatever you want, and enter-the-world-of-infinte-numbers-and-figures-that-are-always-changing-and-moving. You don’t even know where it’s coming from, other than a “machine” or “A.I. software” that is giving you inflated/artificial numbers that do not necessarily have any bearing on the REAL EXPERIENCE.

Well how come MY experiences, is like 20% of the time, i’m being put in games that are already going (full-swing).
And then another 30-40% with new players, and/or A.I. controlled teams…
So that’s LESS than 50% of the time, i’m being placed in a “decent match”, and even LESS if you account for “the really fun matches”, which is LESS than 10%.

Shouldn’t the goal for having “REALLY fun matches”, be in the range of at least 75% of the time?

It should not be a rare occurance, finding a fun game…
Just saying.

At least with the campaigns, we could decide the battlefield variants that we want to play on…
Now it’s AUTO-RANDOM, with no bearing on anything whatsoever.

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i know where it is coming from and there was no inflation nor artificial numbers from them. ffs DF didnt even plan for that source to be used as way to get data from them. and all that data is further backed up by actual match replays where you can see if those players actually play like human or like bots. unless you are delusional enough to claim that DF would simulate tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of players in match just to inflate numbers of their game. also console players are almost impossible to fake cause they are connected to their @live or @psn accounts.

so i should believe your anecdotal evidence is proof of “REAL EXPERIENCE”? you made claims of 7, 8, 9 and 10 minute matches as constant experience and i only found 2 10 minute matches. should i download every replay and check your claims about late joining 20% of the games? btw 20% of the games isnt even statistically significant when your sample is 12. i have maybe experienced 1 or 2 late join after a minute of gameplay on 33 battles.

i have fun matches in over 70% of the time. like i said merge brought more humans per battle and tougher battles. roflstomps are also cause of bad balancing that they last did 9-10 months ago.

and it is more fair now. before you picked campaign/side that had significant playerbase/experience advantage and you pounded on newbies and masochists.

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Perhaps what he wants is empathy and not facts.

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play consol only cause game crashes with full cross play can’t play at all having to restart game every match longer then 5 minutes

before merge i had maxed out normandy tunisua stalinggrad and pacific, and berlin axies , under a year of play about, but the yeah starter bolts will one shot a guy with stg-44s and fg-42 but i did not run in to them as often as i do now honestly br made op weapons spam worse given it is now easier to get them by throwing a universal currency at it rather then limited number of order cards

By all fucking means, my friend. If you’re consciously going to allow me to live inside your head, just to try and PROVE something… Go for it. But I’m just letting you know that you’re going to be wasting your time, if you come back and try lecturing or convincing me of anything.

I’ve already been on this merry-go-round with you, before.
I’m not interested, but thanks anyways.

Okay, so you have fun… therefore I’m wrong about everything I’ve described through this entire post/thread.
When you’re playing with a pool-of-buddies, and you guys NEVER lose (or rarely lose), then yes… I’m sure your specific gaming experience is quite delightable. You guys get to use your microphones, and talk amongst each other… Meanwhile, all the SOLO players are at the mercy of RNG and random teammates (or lackthereof).

My faction preference does not fluctuate base on what everybody else is doing.
I’m going to play where I want, with whichever faction I want, whenever I want. No bias towards any of the factions, as I have max gear for everybody except the japanese.

(but not anymore).

I’ll only be around the forums for a little while, until eventually disappearing entirely.

Oh yeah, let’s not forget to mention and account for other variables that are also affecting the quality of gameplay.

Did you catch my post from the other day?

Was playing US in H&G and I had no trouble fighting the germans.

It’s the second time he leaves in dramatic fashion :eyes:


Here comes Forlorn.

I expected better from you (by now). I established months ago, that I was sticking around until I saw the results of The Merge. Where depending on the quality of the outcome, would be the silver-lining regarding my decision to stick around (or leave).

Now we’ve arrived.

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Honestly, I have some empathy for you. That said, if “we’ve arrived” and you’re gone… then why post on the forums? Just. Be gone.

I’m not pushing for that, just for people to have some emotional and intellectual honesty with their dramatic statements.

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The US is the second populated faction in the game. and there was the soviets. which often times gets wiped out first during matches

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Because I’m still replying and talking to those who continue messaging me.
I don’t owe you money, so stop trying to push me out the door.
I’ll be gone before you know it, and then this place will be barren of my existence.
It’s gonna be lonely for some.
A celebration for others.
Either way, perhaps you’d be better by not telling me “what to do”.

Thanks though :slight_smile:

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Okay, so if we keep spamming you. You’ll be effectively forced to stay here, according to your logic.

@Adamnpee As I told robihr, feel free to allow me to live inside your head.
I promise you won’t be lacking entertainment.

i am pure solo player. just i can carry cause i dont play on consoles.

people have tendency to overly dramatize their experience and it wouldnt be the first time that their subjective experience comes before objective facts. i like to prove people wrong cause i am petty asshole and would like to prove you wrong, but i have better things to do than going over your replays…

nope didnt see it. this is valid objection. i already said that they have shown utter incompetence with pushing for this update despite feedback about how bad it was. most of the bugs were shown on test server and could have been expected on live servers when they pushed for it.

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Smart move.

Anyhow, since you’re a connoisseur of statistics, here’s a few screenshots from moments ago.
Grabbed from ActivePlayer.io

Here’s TitanFall 2’s statistics (the game was released in 2016)

And here’s Enlisted’s Statistics (the game was released in 2021)

Not only does TitanFall 2 have open-microphone communications, ALL players have the options to choose which game-mode(s) they want to play, and the matchmaking works wonderfully.

The people who are driving Enlisted’s development, should take notes.

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yes i trust those statistics… not. ffs it shows active online players in last hour as 1k when actually it is ~12k unique players.
except maybe twitch statistics everything else is wrong about data for enlisted.

also from taht site:

Press F2 in Enlisted.
Behold, voice comms.

Fuck, I can’t find F2 on my Xbox controller. Can you give me a tutorial?