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When is The Game considered “Broken”?
My view from the home-screen 
And considering I’ve only logged 9 matches, since “The Merge”, I was not impressed being placed in a 1v1 lobby, where the remainder of each team, was nothing more than A.I. Bots.
Sample A: The countdown timer is at 1 second (remaining), and it’s just me vs AllMIGHTY BR
101 kills and 2 deaths (without using a vehicle). FFS, I thought the matchmaking was fixed? What did you guys do, for the WHOLE YEAR??? The game is worse than ever, and I don’t
even care about spending my 5,100 gold credits that I was refunded lol
Hitler seems to have succeeded in cultivating the devil’s fruit.

Yeah I have seen entire squad running around with these poses and killing people. I was not reaady for this… Seems to me that it only affect german soldiers though. Funny bug.
Playing germany at BR 4/5 you will be facing only bots and clueless players, very convenient to grind the event.
While this might be fun for new players, and masochists… personally, I don’t enjoy bot matches. They are boring as f***
I came to the game, to play a WW2 shooter (vs other people). If I wanted to play against the A.I., I’d start up a single-player campaign for an actual ww2 game. The A.I. in Enlisted, is completely braindead, and have the intelligence of 1990’s A.I.
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Yeah that’s true, but why people are not playing top tier soviet/usa, I really wonder…
Personnaly I grinded the entirety of Normandy allies campaign. I have a full BR 5 lineup for the US. Which I will probably never use anyway for at least the next couple of months. Pretty sure I am not the only like this.
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Yeah it’s quite the mystery. I have no idea why, either 
Same here, I have the American’s (normandy campaign) fully leveled, and same with the soviets. Haven’t played the Pacific yet, nor do I intend to (in the game’s current state).
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I’m glad people are finally seeing these creatures I have been seeing them for years
Most high tier people probably think like you too tho tbh since I haven’t seen many tier 5 US/USSR there are like 5 guy in those 2 faction
Anyway I am now in br2 Russia it not exactly chill but it is doable
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I saw an soviet assaulter running in this odd pose
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I want to fight them next Halloween! lol
During the latter half of the battle on Dday, some Allied soldiers claimed they saw some “unusual” enemies
These German soldiers have biologically impossible features, their arms are extremely long and stretch like rubber, and their eyes have no pupils.
“The arm of that ghost stretched out at least twenty meters and grabbed my neck! Fortunately, the comrades behind me beat it into a sieve with a submachine gun.”
said one of the surviving soldiers.
These creatures are hostile to everyone. When the Allied forces inspected the fortress behind the battlefield afterwards, they found traces of fighting inside the fortress. It seemed that the German army was also fighting this strange creature.
In order to continue the war plan, the Allies almost blocked the news at first. Any soldiers who claimed to have seen these creatures would be forced to be sent to the rear for recuperation due to mental illness, and the bodies of those creatures were secretly burned.
But as the battle progressed, more and more witness reports came in.
In Le bre East, the Allied soldiers saw the German army fighting another group of “German troops”. Their whole bodies were completely black. That black was by no means a common black in nature, but a black that could absorb all light.
And they spread like fungi. Some soldiers said that they saw those creatures holding weapons of the same color as themselves. Those weapons could no longer see any features, and the type could only be distinguished from the outline.
These creatures are hostile to any human being, and they attack not only the Germans but also the Allies because they require human corpses.
“I saw the monster approach a soldier’s corpse and assimilate it into one of their kind.”
So many people lost their lives in the war, that’s why these creatures are on the battlefield.
But by the time the Allies and Germans reacted, it was already too late. They had assimilated so many corpses that they were now numerically superior and intended to completely wipe out all living people in the war zone.
In order to fight these creatures and survive, the Allied forces and the German forces temporarily joined forces.
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I’d like to point out that,
Your soldier named “Big Stick”, is using a mannlicker.
Good one 
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I was wondering who was going to notice first lmao!
Nice observation lol
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