I think I'm done

I tried giving it another try (tonight), and played 3 matches.

What the hell were you guys (Dark Flow’s decision-makers) even thinking?
I’m a tier 5, being placed in Stalingrad with a team full of Gold-Ranks (on my side) vs a bunch of noobs (on the other).

We were playing destruction, on defense, and the attacking team couldn’t even get passed the first-pair of objectives.

  • Tiger II
  • JU-188
  • German Paratroopers
  • Normandy Squads with MAXED gear (across the board)
  • Confined Objective Area
    = Boring as f**k

I’ve played 12 matches since The Merge, I’m sitting at 91% win-rate.

The matches are entirely boring, and I’m only losing like 0-3 squads per game.

Whatever the developers have done, has ruined The Enlisted experience…
Now we have A Game that is similar to Enlisted (in the context of having the same maps, weapons, gear, and vehicles)… However, “the feeling” is entirely different, and is no longer appealing by any means (for me).

Good luck to you all, but I’m not interested in watching a “dog chasing it’s own tail”… which is metaphorically, exactly THE SITUATION we’re all watching now.

Meaning that developers find themselves in a perpetual-cycle of “fixing things” that they’ve already fixed 100x over.
I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be, to constantly be going-back to the same issues, over and again… While at the same time, having the balls to CONSTANTLY introduce new premium content (because the business needs money to pay for all the expenses involved, and everybody’s wages).

Have you guys ever considered to STOP, and evaluate “the big picture”?
Meaning: It’s not a good idea to constantly introduce NEW material into The Game, until ALL of your bugs, and issues, and quirks, are RESOLVED.

You’re supposed to move slowly, with efficiency, AND QUALITY.
But instead, you guys are VERY AGGRESSIVE with you business strategies.
To the extent of false advertising, in-order-to-lure unsuspecting players (potential customers), into spending their hard-earned-money.
I’ve even caught you guys “faking reviews”, in order to give the illusion that this game is “better than it actually is”.

(No offense, but if you want to succeed… trying to manipulate and deceive, is NOT the correct path to take. Not everybody’s an idiot, even though that’s who you’re relying on, to purchase your digital pixels.)

If you’re just pumping-out one product-AFTER-another, AFTER-another, AFTER-another, and you won’t slow down (to resolve your STANDING ISSUES, which have been stacking-up), then your game is destined to fail. No matter how hard you try, you’re just a “dog chasing it’s tail”.


Just being honest. Not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings.

It was a fun 4,000 matches that I logged (in the past couple of years), and even more fun inside the forums. But all things eventually end, so it’s not a big deal for me (since I didn’t waste my money on something that can disappear on a whim.)

Take care everybody :v:


You could try playing Soviets or US BR 5, I can assure that it will not be… boring.

But yeah Top tier is just germany stomping everyone else because of very large player population imbalance.

BR 2 is ok I guess, except if you end up in a team where everyone is a new player facing full BR 3 line up, but you should give it a try I think.


Yeah I’m not interested in spending HOURS of my time, trying to allocate and figure out the right gear to use, to play in matches that are ALREADY broken.

No thank you.

With the Situation this game is now standing… the developers are facing THOUSANDS of man-hours, to figure out “how to solve ALL the problems” (just to save the game, and not lose the playerbase).

Once enough people leave, it’s metaphorically like a snowball going down a hill.

Might as well nickname The Merge, as “The Exodus” :rofl: :rofl:

You really gonna stick around for the next 6 months, constantly watching EVERYTHING bounce-back-and-forth like volleyball game?

Whatever floats your boat. I just see This One sinking, and I’m not gonna waste my time, watching MORE bad decisions. Meanwhile experiencing boring and /or broken gameplay.

(We STILL do NOT have a “yes” or “no” option, within the team-communications).
That should say EVERYTHING you need to know.
And I’ve been bitching about THAT :point_up: for almost a year…
But at least we got paratroopers for every faction now, I guess it balances out (right?)


We and Enlisted.


Maybe for some, but not for others.
What happens if 15% of the playerbase leaves?

Say you have a bunch of friends who you play this game with…
But now they’ve left… and you’re all alone…
So then you leave…
And this can be applied towards the whole community.

Soon it’s 30%…
Then it’s 40%…

Next thing you know, the majority of your matches are composed of A.I. rosters, with only a few human players in-between.

What happens to the game, when it’s no longer meeting “the required” revenue, to maintain it’s existence?
If it’s not profitable, who is going to continue paying for it, to allow the game to CONTINUE moving forward?


But at least you seem to be like me.
Because I have seen you complaining on the forum for more than 200 days now…

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Nothing has changed in the matter of how people are playing this game.
There’s so many people who play this game just casually, especially on consoles. Majority of them most likely doesn’t know if T-34 was historically russian or american tank.
I really doubt 40% of playerbase would just stop play this game because of merge.


I’ve had the foresight to see the direction this game has been heading, and now we’ve finally arrived.
For the past “200 days”, I’ve been expressing my concerns, while also providing suggestions and ideas.

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Time will tell :hourglass_flowing_sand: :hourglass: :timer_clock:


Have you never watched a game “die”, before?
Are you new to the video-game world?
Games die ALL THE TIME, my friend.
What makes Enlisted, so special?

We don’t even have a “Yes” or “No” feature, to communicate with our teammates.
Which is a recipe for incompetence. Who TF is in charge of developing this ONLINE video game???


“This time…, this time we will stop Enlisted!”

So, you are Tsundere…
I too played for 48 hours straight after vomiting my hatred for the merge on the forum.


Nice deflecting :man_shrugging:


People are saying exactly the same thing about WT and WoT for ten years already, but whatever…

If you don’t want to play this game, just stop and go away. But that’s not your intention.
You’re intentionally trying to ruin day for people who actually cares about this game. Telling them how this game has no future etc.
Because you’re frustrated, so everyone else needs to be frustrated as well.


Of course I’m frustrated. Is it not obvious?
I’m frustrated that the devlopers have “dropped the ball”, and I’m no longer interested in sticking around (while they ignore the community, and do things that NOBODY asked for).


I learned in Boy Scouts that sharing with friends doubles your joy and halves your sorrow.


I also decided to delete the game.

It is not because it is unbalanced piece of crap, but rather - all the Gaijin scumbaggery.

  1. “Birthday discounts” - premium flametroopers, special offer, they will be removed from the store. People spend money… and then Gaijin nerf all flametroopers so they cannot run while using flamethrower.

  2. Silent nerf yesterday, when stats of many premium squads were changed without any notification for the players.

  3. Premium soviet paratroopers are much better than the free version. (Panzerfaust 100 vs Panzerfaust 60 / BM-41 vs RM-40 mortar / sniper AVS-36 vs sniper SVT-40).

This game was always P2W… now it will turn into PVE.


Same here. Most matches I’ve played were boring steamrolls.
But I’m willing to wait a bit longer to see if devs will fix stuff. Imo it’s still too early to draw final conclusions.


Yeah man, everybody’s gonna have their own reasons “why”.
And my original post, is for the developers to read and learn from.
If they are unwilling to face harsh criticism, then they have no business in the gaming industry…
Imagine what would happen if Enlisted was released to Steam (in it’s current state).


so, what i gather is basically… “the merge did not give me the promised balanced player spread on both team! curse you DF and gaijin! :fist:
i will never forgive you anymore after this! i quit!”?

i guess, that’s fair? at least you are malding because you didn’t get the promised good match you seek, which is perfectly reasonable.

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12 matches with 91% win rate = BORING

But you-do-you


7 minute matches
8 minute matches
9 minute matches
10 minute matches