I think I'm done

That’s soooo funny. Because I feel the exact same way, about your statistics.
Where your statistics, differ than my own personal experiences while playing the game.

So, maybe you might understand why I shut-down your own statistics, for the same reasons you just stated.

Statistics, for things such as these (tens and hundreds of thousands of variables being accounted for, at any given time), the probability of being accurate, is going to diminish. The margin-of-error is quite high, when the numbers being presented, are different than the first-hand experiences that players are having.

For example, I provided the link to my previous post… whereupon logging in to the game, it’s riddled with bugs, (both from the main-menu, and in-game). And then for me, I’m accounting for each match I’m placed into, where the battle has already started (a few minutes deep), or it’s an empty lobby composed of A.I. controlled squads, or it’s a match where the teams are entirely unbalanced, or whatever man.

It’s just there’s sooo much going on, it’s really hard to judge the game (based off statistics).

How many of these players, who are logging in every day, are experiencing some type of nonsense?.. but are simply “putting up with it”, or have chosen to be patient (while hoping the developers eventually resolve the problems).

Do you think if I stuck around for another 12 months, we’d get the honors of having the “yes” “no” feature, restored (and improved)?

Anyways, that’s my perspective on the matter of statistics :slight_smile:


cause i pull that data out of my ass?

yes cause 12 battles is so much experience…

for what reasons that i stated? that i dont believe some random stat site with made up numbers?
you made hyperbole on your experience and i backed it up with numbers that clearly show you greatly exaggerated your experience. you had no matches with sub 10 minute duration.

it is actually opposite. high number of matches will give you correct average experience, but there is high margin of error in in first hand experiences for small number of battles, cause those few battles could be on either spectrum of average.

and this is valid point

and this is where i call BS.
imagine the horror when you find out that all those stuff were in the game for years.
late joining was a thing for a long time and either you had bad luck to experience it in those few battles, or you are exaggerating your subjective experience. i dont have easy way to check, but my experience is maybe 1-2 battles late joined (maybe 30-60 seconds in the battle) on ~40 battles (~20 axis and ~20 USA)
you had 1 match with 18 bots in both teams and you are crying about it, even though rest of the 11 matches were 95% or 100% full of players at the start of the game. but you know lets cry about something and this is as good as reason as any, even though premerge percentage of bots and full bot matches was much higher.
and you are talking about unbalanced matches? ffs premerge enlisted was personification of imbalance. even now we are suffering cause of premerge imbalance cause maps are skewed with tickets and cap times for whatever side was dominating when last balance changes were made. i had more than a few matches on bot axis and allies where match could have gone either way. yes roflstomps still exist, but it was normal state of the game even premerge.

i agree that this merge was poorly done. there was no point in those test servers at all cause they forced the merge despite the bugs and negative feedback from community. i just find that most of those reasons you made in the post should have made you quit the game years ago.

idk what is the point of yes and no message in a game with 0 communication. console players cant read pc player chat and there is only few limited messages that you can send in chat wheel that dont even require yes/no answer. you either mark the tank/enemy or you dont, you build rally/ammo box or you dont.

Call me a skeptic.

Did you not read this part? Not telling you what to do or even suggesting it. Only pointing out that if you’re still here then you haven’t really gone at all.

I bought the game and had a blast with the campaign, and few Co-Op games, though been cycling my games periodically, guess I should go back to that one next week

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Thanks Dr. Seuss

Yep… probably should have.
However, against my better judgment, I thought maybe Dark Flow would pull a rabbit-out-of-the-hat, and surprise us with a PHENOMENAL update.

Now that we’ve seen the outcome, there’s no reason to stick around and continue playing.

And this is where you lose my respect. You can’t accept reality.
Feel free to browse through ALL of my replays, and start clocking-the-time, for when i personally enter a match, and BEGIN your clock the moment my first squad hits the ground, and STOP the clock, as soon as the match ends.

That’s ONE “time”.

That SECOND “time” that you need to record, is “the official match time”, which you can find from the replay portal (which is the TOTAL match time, for all players)

Once you have BOTH “times”, you’re gonna need to compare the two…

And if you really feel like spending hours and hours of your day… just to prove to yourself “that you’re right, and I’m wrong”… by-all-fucking-means… GO FOR IT.

I’m quoting you right here, “You had no matches with sub 10 minute duration”

And by saying this, EVERYTHING you have said previously (in the context of defending your statistics), is complete NONSENSE. And yes, I am saying you are fucking wrong.
And YES, I am challenging you to review my previous 12 matches, and to CLOCK THE TIME, for when you have the ability to begin watching me play, from a First-Person perspective.

Where if you watch all 12 matches, I’m curious how many you’ll find that are below 10 minutes of actual play-time.

Feel free to allow me to LIVE inside of your head, every step of the way… because apparently you’re very agitated with my refusal to accept your BULLSHIT statistics.

(Lastly, if you do watch all my replays, and are wondering why my movements are so strange… it’s because for the past few weeks my controller has been fucked up, and my left-stick is constantly drifting forward-or-backwards. I’ve been trying to fix it, but you’ll see from my replays, where I’m consistently dealing my controller-issues.)

But anyways, have fun. Don’t hurt yourself.
Either way, I probably won’t be around (by the time you’re done with your task-of-proving-me-wrong).
At least you’ll have the satisfaction of “being right”.
Because apparently sub-10minute matches are a myth :rofl: :rofl:

My condolences.
Do you even get a keybinds menu?

do you know what happens when you challenge a petty asshole? they accept it.

care to explain why you have no late connects post merge? i checked your every match and you were present from the start in all of them. ffs i even looked at your every spawn. only “late” spawns are when you wait for plane to spawn in first.

maybe i should be the one saying this.

1-2 cause technically some 10 minute battles are sub 10 minute battles of actual gameplay cause of waiting for spawn.

imagine when you find out that my statistics arent bullshit, but your whole “subjective experience” is. where are the late joins?
nah… i am not agitated cause of your refusal to accept my statistics… i saw that you were spouting BS and called you on it with easiest proof i could get and that is match data. which is 100% correct, despite all the lies you were telling here.


btw i am not denying sub 10 minute matches. ffs i put list of shortest matches 7 months ago that were 5 minutes long, which i even mentioned here

short matches exist, bad matches exist, bad map balance exists, stacks exist. nobody is denying that.

i have a problem when you post hyperbole or lies like this that in 12 matches you got this:

and actual experience is 2-3 10 minute matches on badly balanced maps cause merge just hit and last balance was ~9 months ago with average match time that is ~17 minutes.

and then you continue with lies

when you actually didnt join any of the post merge matches late. but you know what? keep the ongoing narrative cause people suffer of constant short matches even if you have to fake your experience.

which isnt anywhere close to game experience. thus hyperbole/lie.

maybe you do? cause obviously your “REAL EXPERIENCE” is delusional and easily disproven.

lets easily disprove this
post merge high BR matches will not have new players (except few newbies that fall with BR3 and that i think should be in another queue) and there are hardly any AI controlled teams at start of the game. 20% of the late joins is a lie, cause out of 12 matches there is not 1 join late. i will not say this about premerge, but i suspect the number isnt anywhere close to 20%.

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Waiting the whole ass 1:30 for an airspawn?