I think I'm done

All flametroopers squads were nerfed, not only the premiums.

number of unique players 28.05.2023

number of unique players 22.10.2023

number of unique players 10.12.2023:

people are fleeing, but somehow number of unique players is going up?

and people are even playing more battles per day than before merge?

i agree… but all devs need to do is make another fomo event and all people will just continue to play no matter how bad the game is.

well i had entirely different experience. certainly there are some boring matches with roflstomp, but that was the situation even before the merge. lot of matches are much harder to win (even though that 94% WR tells different story, lot of those games were actually close and map balance advantage gave win to germans).
here are my tunisia stats
or here are my normandy stats
and here are my post merge stats

really? i have data from 9 out of your 12 matches and only 2 or 3 could be called speedruns with 10 or 12 minute match time. didnt see any sub 10 minute speedruns… probably in those 3 remaining matches?


btw these are your battles premerge, i notice that you have lots of speedruns there also.


statistically average match time is relatively close pre merge and post merge. currently balance is terrible cause last balance changes were made 9-10 months ago when soviet berlin, moscow and stalingrad had advantage and tunisia allies had advantage. also lot of normandy veterans are grinding KT cause they didnt play berlin axis (including me).


Flamethowers were insanely OP.

Hell they’ve been needing a nerf for a while my dude.

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They balanced out the game a ton. Following that this is said about WT every other week, But people still come back to it, And still play it for major updates. I’d say the devs are brave for being willing to balance or even nerf products, To balance them out more, Of course there is the con of an item we paid for is now weaker, That sucks but if it’s healthy for the game then I’m all for it, Plus my dude, What if they didn’t nerf prem flamethowers you would be calling them “P2W! Why weren’t they nerfed!”

Hell I don’t have to fight dudes with STG-45 or 44s with my 1944 mosin anymore and basically get spawn camped, I now have to fight dudes with equal weapons for the most part.
I don’t have to worry about fighting dudes with a madson LMG while they got MG-42 earlies or such, I don’t have to watch my team full of DP belt feds, FED/AS-44, And IS-2s when ever they appear to be ripping the battlefield apart while I’m trying to do anything with the limited gear I had,
And while there’s still questionable balance like the MP-38 being Tier III, While the PPS-43 is tier T2.

Most prems feel like they’re in great places and allow some new life to be put into many, Such as those who bought the matilida can now use it against the japanese, As well as low tier German tanks that may have a hard time killing it.

You said you maxed out America and Russia, When it comes to it, America is one of the lesser balanced nations due to T5, With japan being close behind due to it’s weaken tech tree and sadly IRL poor gear as well forcing the devs to make choices, IMO: Japan really shouldn’t be above T3.


that’s quite interesting. Where can I look into that data ?

more data incoming later today or tomorrow.

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Yes I understand that statistically, the matches are shown for the full duration. But are you considering the part where player are thrown into matches that have already started, and are potentially 5-minutes deep into the battle’s progression?
Like getting a 100% booster, and getting put in a game that’s aleady going, of which is fully-stacked (on one side)… and then the match ends in less than 10 minutes (from my perspective).

So when you’re looking at any given player’s match-history, unless you’re tracking when individual players are being inserted into the game, “the time” that you’re accounting for, is not necessarily the same for each player.

When you mentioned that none of my recent matches were below 10 minutes, I know for a fact that I played a few games that ended between 6-8 minutes (because I joined LATE).

Yep, and I’ve been bitching about “speed runs” for a long time now.
This isn’t call of duty, and I don’t enjoy “Zerg Rushing” 100% of ALL MATCHES.

People like shiny things. And so do the fish that chase shiny objects (with hooks attached) :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fish:

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I don’t have issues with flamethrowers…
The only people who’ve been crying about flamethrower, are the people who don’t understand that flametroopers are single-handely the MOST-VALUABLE infantry unit, to target on the battlefield.

Where if I see a flametrooper (even if he’s not using his nozzle), I’m gonna stop what I’m doing and shoot him. Even if he’s not a threat (to me), I’m going to try and kill him, to save the lives of my teammates.

Flame throwers are supposed to be strong, but that doesn’t mean the soldier is magically invincible.

My only qualms with flamethrowers, has been the issue with flame traveling through walls.
And even though I have the flame-paratroopers (from the reward), I’ve never used them…
Because I HATE how paratroopers have been implemented in the game.

Yet, Pre-Merge, my win-rate was significant;y higher while playing as the Americans (when compared to the germans, from the same campaign).

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Why did you bring pre-merge into a topic about post merge?
Tier 5 america is flat out worst then T5 germany.

Germany just has alot of brain dead players atm at high B.Rs leading to allies being able to abuse them.

If they were smart allies would flat out not be having a good time as they got stuff like Tiger 2 H, STG-44s and the like, while allies got M2 carbines, 50 round thompsons.

The allies do have the better air, I think we can all agree with that.

In terms of paratroopers: I hate it as well.

If we’re being real, flamethowers were far more scary IRL, I mean the range of the M2 flamethower is 132 ft (40 m)

where as in enlisted the M2 has only a 32 meter reach which is the same range as the IRL flammenwerfer 41.

But over all flamethowers were insanely strong for what they were and I am rather happy they got nerfed, As they could easily clear whole points just within seconds without much fear of dying to the enemy.

cause game pre merge was better balanced.

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If you were a vet and had higher level gear? yeah.

if you were a new player? Nah.

Unless you think Mosin 1944 vs STG-44s, FG-42s is fair and balanced.

Just like in H&G. but atleast those 2 faction has a chance to fight back

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this is different from premerge exactly how? this has been an issue in this game for a long time. also i have never seen that game puts you in a match 5 minute deep. at best it is minute or two into the match before MM stops putting people into ongoing match.

statistically insignificant cause everyone will experience the same thing if they play long enough, thus average shows average experience.

i guess you either played crossplay off against bots or you just played popular sides on certain campaigns. game was balanced pretty bad with playerbase moving between campaigns/countries. do you know how good axis moscow or axis stalingrad was premerge? or soviet berlin? or tunisia allies/axis (depending before or after paratrooper event)?

or you are maybe talking about equipment balance where newbie on normandy with springfield and stuart had to face stg44 and big cats? or in berlin where newbie with mosin and t34-85 has to face stg44 and KT? or maybe you are talking about moscow where newbie with kar98k and pz2 has to face drum ppsh41/fedorov and t34?

exactly what kind of balance are you talking about?


Don’t worry, my friends(5 of them are friends since high school) already left, so I just here in this game, enjoying the drama and the shitshow


Funny how close are both game resemble at this point, well except the Bipod, paratroopers, squad, experimental weapon… yeah those

Thats basically most of the games now anyway, because a single bolt action can be BR3 → have fun in 100% BR5 uptiers with your BR1.1 lineup
Anytime I waste time trying out BR5 i see tons and tons and tons of BR1 garbage getting owned by full BR5 spammers.
Personally I think anything vehicle related should just set your BR straight up (vehicles and antivehicle weapons), but everything else should be averaged out in each squad, then add 3 highest BRs calculated and divide them by 3 (three, since that’s the number of squads you can cycle)
A single bolt action sending you to the meat grinder is a joke.


You’ve never been put in a destruction match, when the game is already at the second-pair of objectives?
Or an assault match, where you’re thrown into the game, during objectives 3 & 4?
Or Conquest, when the match is more than 25% complete?
I’m not saying “quote me at 5-minutes exactly”.
But I am saying that a players entrance time (can read differently), and be an entirely different experience, compared to the statistics that you continue referring to. On a piece of paper, the stats might read 12:00 minutes, but for a late-player their experience might only be 8-9minutes…
And if it’s a 10 minute match, a late-player, might only get a 6-8 minute match.

That’s all I’m saying. Not trying to create arguments with you.

It is significant. Because if you have a person who is actively looking to play a “specific type of game”, where every time he/she logs in, 30-60% of the matches are a combination of ANY OF THESE Variables:

  • Joined a late game
  • Joined a one sided game
  • Joined a speed-running game
  • Joined a game full of bots
  • Joined a game composed of a team-stack (therefore a boring match, due to the complete obliteration of the opposing team. Where you can’t even find enemy soldiers to shoot at
  • A match full of quitters

Then STATISTICALLY, a player is EVENTUALLY going to grow tired of these types of matches… And will eventually start playing-less-and-less… Until quitting entirely.

As I said before, all we gotta do is sit back and wait :hourglass_flowing_sand: :hourglass:
And as I’ve said before, I’m no longer interested in watching Enlisted bounce-back-and-forth like a volleyball game.
I’ve been waiting for core-issues to get fixed for A LONG time standing, only to watch the developers focus their priorities elsewhere.

I understand some people here enjoy the psychological abuse, which is why they defend ALL the negative/poor decisions made, no matter what.


not that i remember, but if you were put in match during destruction/assault when it was on second set of objectives, it doesnt mean that 5 minutes has passed. this is all possible in minute or two depending on balance settings and stack that is storming the objective. ffs i had matches where enemy captured more than half point in invasion in time where i went to build rally point. you just need to have competent team that will rush both objectives at once.

btw shortest matches are on conquest stalingrad with ~5 minutes match time. 25% in one such match is 1 minute and 15 seconds.

and how many of those late entry matches one player has? they are more of a exception to the rule than constant occurrence. like i said if you play long enough averages all come together, so such exceptions dont really matter.

you are describing exactly what we had in campaigns, just that campaigns were more predictable on where roflstomps and bots will be.

i am not defending all their decisions. i have already wrote my opinion on merge and about their failures. simply they overpromised and underdelivered.

and cause all i have played post merge are american and axis BR5 my experience is rather positive. there are lot less noobs, there are more human players that make smarter decisions than usual, battles are usually much harder (when it is not one sided roflstomp).


about half the match i get

merge made the problem worse not better

The Merge - lesson in utter incompetence Mess Room

[quote=“robihr, post:62, topic:132170”]
i am not defending all their decisions. i have already wrote my opinion on merge and about their failures. simply they overpromised and underdelivered.

Or they just have no idea what they are doing and just wanted to copy past as much of war thunder money mill tactics into the game as they could.

All i see on BR 5 American is again German rolltoping allied teams

are you on crossplay on? or off?
btw crossplay off matches usually suck cause of general lack of players and lots of bots there.

i dont have problem carrying my team (btw all data from solo matches).