So, here is the MP 41(r). Where can it be put into the game? Possibly in Berlin as a premium squad weapon (since there won’t be Stalingrad premiums… supposedly), possibly a premium weapon for any other eastern front campaign set between Stalingrad and Berlin. Likely not in any regular progression since devs said it was quite rare (source: Sekrit Dokuments).
What is it? It’s a PPSh-41 captured by Germans and converted to use 9mm Para and MP 40 magazines.
Here’s a video showing firing and reload:
and here are some pictures showing it on the ground:
Is the same of tunisia some bot squad of high level player wo desert, can have equipment wo is not in progression, for example in tunisia bot squad use mg34 and sniper lee-enfield before they was add in the progression
This one i think is a rejected starter weapon like the normal mp35 (not the mp35/I), in normandy for example some of your soldier can have in the reserve a rejected gunner uniform
In fact, I met a player with mg34 in Tunisia before he appeared in the campaign, but it was not a bot, but a player.
He played on the first place of the enemy team)
Maybe the developers are having fun at the weekend
i dont really get it why are you few guys so amazed with this , its just another ppsh with different mag, you got captured mp-717r in game if you like copy paste boey, devs should more focus on new rifles for tunisia instead of copy pasted czech semi autos
Yeah… There’s seriously no point whatsoever in grinding for it, as all semis are pretty identical (in damage and rof) for old campaigns, since the stupid semi rof nerf. Pretty meh unlock when you have good bolties and the g41 (or great bolties and Garand for allies)
next semi auto in tunis migh not be necessary anyway but … g41 and its reloading can sucks badly, and since DF introduced new semi autos in tunis sure why not ? id be more than happy to shoot something new instead of DAMNED COPIED PURELY ITALIAN Zh-29 FOR GODS SAKE
Wait. i thought Stalingrad wasn’t going to have any premium squads ? Cant they just add the other weapons they obviously have in game into the actual progression too give us a better choice of weaponry instead of lazy copy and paste bullshit.
Its by far the one of the worst things about the game.
Not really “just” another PPSh-41 - it should (probably, it’s an educated guess) have slightly lower fire rate and recoil and deal slightly more damage (9mm Para instead of 7.63mm Mauser/7.62mm Tokarev damage model). But otherwise yes, another PPSh-41.
Honestly its the fact that its a converted PPSH-41 that can accept MP40 magazines and fire the 9MM round is the the reason of it being interesting. And its more interesting that a copy and paste PPSH-41 on the German side.
And its a nice example of the ingenuity during world war 2 and combining two things from two different sides and making them work together.
Thing is they said they weren’t going to have premiums in Stalingrad other than the tanks and the plane gals.
If they do add the MP41 (r) into stalingrad it should be obtainable for a certain amount of silver orders say 2 or 3 however it should limited for example a limit of 2. Because gold orders don’t come around that often and to be honest some of the weapons in enlisted just are not worth the gold orders.
It was possible to play with the MG34 in Tunesia before you could unlock it. You could simply dismount the MG34 of the premium motorcycle squad. I tried and did it by myself.