I think they were always just bot squads.
I remember spawning in at the start of a demolition match and a squad had the MG34, yet noone had disconnected.
Say… what now?
I feel like this isn’t true but can’t be asked to try it for myself.
Edit - I was curios… I call BS
I dont agree with you on this one though , Suomi in moscow is just porn, same VMP 1926 in Tunis, G43 Kurz, Erma Emp 44, Schmeisser Mk36, soviet PDM in moscow, not to mention Pavesi and Pedersen rifle
Of course , until now there was only one gold order as a top prize for event. Imo daily reward prize once a month should give you 100% chance to obtain any kind of gold order, and weapon gold orders should come trough twitch or rewards for events and achievements more often
there is plenty of weapons already, but it all is shadowed by one thing, that these weapons can be obtained by gold coins next season
Fuck your “collectible squad” ITS STILL A PREMIUM SQUAD.
Gajin: oh no its fine were not going to add any premium squads to Stalingrad the only premium squads will be the flame tanks. Honestly they should of included the plane “collectable squad” in the pre order pack.
I bet they all have brown eyes because there full of shite.
You clearly didn’t get the joke or the meme, did ya.
I was obviously mocking Darkflow/Gaijin, and as for the meme, the image comes from the Snail’s logo (used mostly “around” War Thunder, so you might not recognize it here):