How do I use ShaderVar?

I have made some attempts, but I can do nothing except copy the official map parameters (such as the snow on the roof of Volokramsk)

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@Devenddar and @tommyZZM knows how those things works.

which i asked them the same questions, although i gave up because i have no idea what they are talking about.

so you will get answers from them as they know almost pretty much anything :smiley:

or @Enginya since he/she is a developers regarding the editor.
( i don’t really know his/her specialization, for example what is it’s area of expertees ) but maybe can answer better than anyone else. although, not very active lately ( for good reasons i presume )

( bless them )

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Not very :slight_smile:
Well… Ill write what some properties do, but…
Again I dont know many things. Here also can be more hidden properties.


What would you like to achieve?

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For example, covering snow on buildings, or creating blood like effects on some floors… Well, I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I just want to know what its uses are

Afaik you can only apply terrain shaders to rendinsts: houses, assets like cars, destroyed tanks etc.
For blood like effect you could try chaning the water/water puddle colors. Ofc it won’t be as dense as blood

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Damn… I’m a lier! A bit forgot about this post :frowning:
Well… Not sure that I can real help here, because i’m too bad know about it.

land_selfillum_strength & land_selfillum_worldscale and also…
autodetect_land_selfillum_color - change terrain color (it works very weird + in some map effect is different also don’t works on some terrains).

paint_details_tex - replaces texture color for some objects palette.

envi_cover_... - seems replaces some texture color for some rendinst objects (like increase snow amount).
You can add it to other maps, but not all rendinst objects will got this effect.
It can be not only white…
I think post “Shaders, How to” contains all envi_cover properties.
envi_cover_specular_albedo - color.
envi_cover_specular_color - additional color.
envi_cover_intensity_map - texture that will used in objects (more info in Bazsi37 post).
envi_cover_normal - “snow” amount in objects. First number decrease “snow” amount, second increase it and third number change effect angle. These numbers can be less 0 for inverted effect.
envi_cover_normal_mask_threshold - seems increase envi_cover_normal.
envi_cover_normal_infl - not sure, but works like envi_cover_normal_mask_threshold.

layered_fog_density - ???

hmap_displacement_down & hmap_displacement_up - not sure what they do, but affect to terrain (collision still old) and some deformations if you far from some area.
Maybe uses in snow terrain (Moscow maps).

puddle_... - idk??? maybe something like hmap_..., but maybe it’s about make terrain texture wet?
Again… Bazsi37 post “Shaders, How to” contains all puddle properties.
puddle_increase increases height this effect.

leaves_ss_profile - changes tree & grass color.

river0 - changes first underwater color.
river1 - changes second underwater color.
river_density - change color effect power?strength?fog? in underwater area.
max_river_width - ???
water_color_noise_size - seems affect to water texture or water color areas.
ocean0, ocean1 & ocean_density - i don’t see any changes, but maybe work same as river....

autodetect_land_selfillum_color was changed. So… Here weird snow-like terrain in some areas.

paint_details_tex was changed to camo_null*. Darker rooms, isn’t?

envi_cover was changed. Welcome to a bit frozen lands.

puddle properties were a bit changed…

leaves_ss_profile was changed. Tiberium? C&C?

water_color_noise_size was changed from 71.0 to 0.1:

river colors were changed (first color is red and second is blue + river_density now have crazy number) & water_color_noise_size was changed from 71.0 to 10.0.

Well… And again… I think my info a bit shitty and useless. Just group from other sources.


they should be paying you…

hands down.