Hot take: The game has too much content

There are authentic historical details :)) I cannot think of bigger historical detail than proper historical prototype.

It’s not their fault you have comprehended it in false way.

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i can think all day about how biased in your assertion you decide to be.

because if we have to be technical and prcise;

  • Panzer IIIbs were replaced as soon the battle of france was over.

  • G41s were not used in moscow

  • ZH-29 was never really issued to the german army

  • BA-11 never was in moscow ( so, it was fine being a premium )

  • T-50 should have been a premium. and definitely was much more of a rare tank in moscow. yet is given like candies.

short memory my friend?

  • jumbo sherman was not used during operation overload. but months after ( september ) to be precise

  • italian smgs would have been unlikely to be issued in normandy for the german army

  • Fg42s being given like candies

  • Ross mk II rifles for the Us?

  • stug III being a premium item and the less used jumbo being available to everyone.

that’s a broad term since it wasn’t precisely clear or determined the years.

but no. using 1944 / 1945 weapons on gavutu was not historical.

and, half of the japanese equipment is anachronistic or pure fiction.
one that is needed anyway otherwise they would be fighting with sticks.

it is for it’s sustainability.

i looked up map variations and theres over 200.

i feel this is far too many maps, however at the same time i feel we need more maps

I’m just throwing out a gentle reminder to keep the conversation civil and respectful.

Thanks :slight_smile:

The ZB26/MG26(t) was not issued to Wehrmacht units but to the SS.
The Madsen and the Toz-B were only issued to partisan which are not ingame.
The Germans did not use the Kiraly in Moscow.

The M2 Carbine was never deployed during Overlord.
The ZK-383 was only issued to SS units which do not exist as infantry units.
A lot of German planes (not sure which models) were not present during Normandy.
A lot of British stuff that was not issued to US troops (since no British infantry units).
M1918 and M1918A1 were not issued to US troops in Europe by 1944 iirc.
The M1 Bazooka was not issued iirc and it also uses a outphased warhead or it has wrong pen values.
The Germans did not use Bredas in Northern France.
The Sniper M1G was also not used in Europe iirc.
Most if not all Sturmpistole were tested and deployed in Eastern Europe.
The first P-38 was outphased and not longer used in Europe by 1944.

Well. The maps so far were all 1943 since it was Guadacanal. But since they had issues to remove the modern-day sandwalls and the M1 Abraham on the tank squad logo, who knows what to believe.


But regarding the main topic:

I do like a lot of content. At least Enlisted has an edge in giving us much content (their stat difference is a different topic) which other games indeed lack.

But I also get the complaints especially about the Reich because a lot could be put into folders, which the devs refuses to do so for reasons.
I still think they should redo the tt of all nations and give us a massive flood of content to make decently fleshed tts. There should be more lines for weapons, tanks and planes etc. so people have more freedom to research what they want. Blame the game if no ones wants to research TDs or bikes.

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i completely forgot about it :joy:

how could i.

that one, sure was priceless.

You should probably seek professional help if you have so much venom to spit at another human over pixels in a video game.
And I’m not being mean here.
Try talking to a thereapist.

Until then you will not get a reply from me.

  1. I said “the game would be almost awesome” – the minor issues like Pz III B could be swapped for later Pz III and such

  2. My criteria for a “good WW2 game” never changed.

All what you listed were real weapons adopted by militaries, delivered to troops and used in WW2 combat.
For me that’s good enough.

While this

Is pure fiction for a WW2 battle scenario.

Sure, why not go to WW1 or Cold War (with separate MM).
Could be better than bastardizing WW2 with T20 for every US GI lmao suuure.

and… you keep playing it.

and keep complaining about it.

your criteria lacks of consistency.

or maybe common sense.
( not being personal here. )

well, for that reason alone, you cannot really describe enlisted as historical accurate.

accuracy meaning nailing the point.

what enlisted did, was completely going off mark ( which again, despite being an HA advocate my self, i don’t mind protos, non used weapons etc. it’s fine as long it’s compelling and makes sense )

well, yes, but actually no.

those do not make the game worse, or different more than it already was.

it doesn’t " remove " an historical authenticity that was never there to begin with outside certain maps, and perhaps units.

i wouldn’t be opposed to cold war, even though, i rather have modern war.

it could be fun.
modern APCs, trucks, weapons for all countries etc.
it could be a game of it’s own.

somewhat… cheap cod. but better!

it would make the modding scene even better.

it’s not really that.

we’re not quite at that point.

i suppose our opinions differs, but until we’re not storming d-day as the germans, italians and japans against the allies on d-day i think we are for the most part, fine.

what isn’t fine, and should require more of your attentions and anger, should be towards customs.
and the editor it self.

for starter, to allow equipment selector that was promised.

second of all, more stable servers because the one we have been fetched are just horrible.

and lastly, more features for the editor to allow even more cooler things to do.

but i’m sure lashing out at the wind will bring your HA back and suddenly make everything change.
( instead of … you know, improving the tools that would allow you to do what you preach to everyone for )


@Veekay45 @Adamnpee

Please be respectful to each other and keep the conversation on-topic.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Not really, the criteria are very simple:

  1. Weapon/vehicle should be adopted and serially produced during WW2.
  2. Weapon/vehicle should not time travel (~1 month tolerance is ok, I guess)
  3. Weapon/vehicle should not appear on a front where it never did (e.g. no Panther in Africa)

That’s it basically, not so difficult to be a decent WW2 game.

And thing is, when I migrated from BFV in 2020-21, it almost was!

They lured me in with these screenshots

Darkflow timeline:

2020: Hi! We’re making a non-weird BFV here.
Come by, support the project, maybe buy authentic premiums like BA-11 and Pz 38t.

2024: Thanks for your money and beta testing, now eat up Panther tank disguised as American M10 time travelling in Stalingrad, and wooden mockup Hori.
Don’t get in the way of us making pseudo-ww2 war thunder with infantry.

PS Buy a premium squad it’s only 24.99.

In gameplay terms their nearly identical, not to mention some similarities in appearance

Nice and all, but this was not the marketized critieria of the past nor actual dev policy.
The past was that campaigns only include stuff that was actually used in said campaign while devs made it “clear” that everything that somehow existed during WW2 can be included.

Never believe game trailers, gameplay “screenshots” or marketing promises.


Not an M14

How is this reflected in game?

Let’s take a look at The Wayback machine when I first heard about Enlisted and how they got me to spend my time and money:!/

The weaponry, soldier’s uniform, appearance and capabilities of the vehicles in the game are in line with historical facts.

Opposing nations, as well as the available squads, weaponry, equipment, armoured vehicles and aircraft correspond to what has actually been presented in this war theatre scenario

All of the weapons correspond to the historical prototypes and were actually used in particular military campaigns.

The other feature of “Enlisted” is detailed accuracy in every battle. You may be a defender of Moscow in the trenches dug around the city, facing advancing enemy tanks and superior forces, with an objective to hold the enemy, to stop the advancing army in its tracks with all the resources you have.

We thrive to recreate the feeling from a real battle, how we perceive it and how the people who watch the movies and read the books perceive it.

So what has it do with this?

Because no made-up tolerance gap to be found there,

By the fact the T44 doesn’t exist in Enlisted. If it was in Enlisted, then it’d be the proto M14. However, it doesn’t. We have the T20, which is a full auto Garand. It’s literally a full auto Garand with a box mag, and it’s essentially a lightweight BAR. It is in no way an M14 other than auto, 20 round mag, and sights. Take away the sights and you’re left with auto and 20 round mag, which, by the way, is most magazine full auto’s in the game

So all you’re doing is exposing your ignorance on basic gun design. It’s so much closer to a lightweight BAR than it ever will be to an M14

Gun weight isn’t that realistic in game. Also the 7.62×51 was made to imitate the ballistics of the .30, so both would kill in similar times (in enlisted). The fire rate is also quite similar M14:750 T20:710. I will concede that they are quite different but this isn’t represented very well in Enlisted.