Hot take: The game has too much content


I just quoted how the game was positioned on the market and how they got me.

Now go figure how it turned out.

Sunk cost fallacy? Maybe.

But this is the only game on the market so far where I can run with a PPSh, drive a T-34 and fly a Yak in Berlin all in the same match.

You’ve got to be trolling, The amount of equipment’s fine. In fact some factions have a severe lack of equipment. In the case of the Germans they need to have a lot of their equipment folder together. Everyone keeps complaining about how the grind for the Germans is so long This would effectively solve it. On top of that they’re looking at how they can reduce the grind not just for the Germans but for the entire game as a whole, not much information is known about it yet but it was recently reported by James that they were looking at that along with silver increase and silver rebalance for equipment costs.

The T20 is an early step towards the M14 it is a prototype of a prototype that never really saw service.

i can have 3 machine gun squad with the 9 mgs that is 9 out of 21 soldiers with machine guns how is that history

the number of tanks and planes on field for every soldier how is that history

if specialty classes were historically accurate almost every soldier would be a riflemen

we would have a firmer limit on radiomen, mgs, snipers, flamers, and so on

hell bolties are underrepresented and prototypes are overrepresented but so are

assault rifles, select fire rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, flame thrower,

even semi autos are too numerous outside the US army no army was able to produce enough for all soldiers to have there bolt actions replaced by semi autos

common weapons, bolt rifles, SMGS, pistols, Grenade, mortars

so what am i trying to say, it is easy to hate prototype but don’t call it historical accuracy call it WW2 game accuracy

if you want to limit prototypes you have to limit every weapon that is already to plentiful

The game doesn’t need to “remove” anything. Actually, I hate the idea of removing things (this goes for GO and Premiums too) … better to fix the core issue … Variants. Variants should be foddered with each other and not require research to proceed in the tech tree. We have a lot of folders that aren’t variants.

I would also say that Variants could even have different Battle Ratings beyond just the Tier. Could make it so variants don’t count for tier progress.

As for progressing to high tier quickly: all you have to do is make it so each tier only needs completion of prior tier without any other prerequisites and that would help a lot in that regard (ie don’t need all the tier 2 smg’s to start training tier 3 smgs … just need X/Y Tier 2 completed.

Half the stuff in the game never saw service, your point?

I already shared my personal requirements for a game to be “almost good in terms of history”:

I couldn’t care less if 9 men have FG-42 because it’s a real weapon there were ~7000 of them made (which is more than 9).

No, I simply don’t like fake weapons that didn’t see service in WW2.

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Go play different game then and don’t spread your unnecessary toxicity here. Enlisted isn’t game for you, deal with it.

Ans it is still contrary to your own rules.

Are there any pictures? I would want to see it

You are in denial

I’ve got to agree, I play enlisted because I don’t want to play the fantasy mess that cod or battlefield is.

I want to play a ww2 game not a fiction game hiding behind a historical guise.

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