Hot take: The game has too much content

Do the Germans really need 5 types of Panzer IIIs? Or 5 kinds of Kar89ks? Or 3 Stg44s? And do the Soviets really need 5 types of Mosin-Nagants? Also the Americans dont need 4 kinds of Thompsons. And what’s the deal with all the experimental and prototype weapons? Why are the Soviets storming Berlin with AS44s and RD44s, which are pretty much just proto-AKs and RPDs? I propose a radical change to the game, which aims to reduce the grind necessary to unlock the full arsenal of the game as well as improve historical accuracy.

I want some weapons to be removed from the game. Maybe not completely removed, but, for example, MKBs and MP43s could all just be removed from the research tree and all existing ones converted to STGs. Same could be done with various types of bolt action rifles, like M1938 and M44 rifles being converted to Mosin91/30 rifles (historicaly most common variants of the Mosin-Nagant). However weapons such as the AS44 or the Type Hei rifle, which saw little to no real combat in WW2 should either be completely removed or be sold as gold order/event/premium weapons.

Another feature which can go hand-in-hand with this one is to expand the ability to upgrade certain weapons and vehicles. Take the Panzer III for exaple. On the tech tree there should be just one Panzer 3, instead of all the existing variants. However, when the player upgrades the vehicle, they sould be able to give it more armor, firepower and mobility, based on historical evolution of the Panzer 3. So you start of with a Pazer IIIB and upgrade it to a Panzer IIID, then E, F and eventually M or N. This feature would be a bit more difficult to implement given Enlisted’s battle rating system. One could argue that player’s shouldn’t be able to turn regular T-34s into T-34-85s. In that case I understand not implementing this chage to vehicles as as the T-34 and other ones which might harm the games balance or historical accuracy.

Implementing these features would significantly help new players reach higher battle ratings by reducing the necessary grind while also making the game more historicaly accurate. I realize these are radical changes which a lot of people won’t agree with and they maybe very hard or even impossible to implement by the developers due to coding issues, but I firmly belive this would improve the game significantly.


Trust me dude, you don’t want to play in High Tier as soon as possible. It’s a sweat fest full of nothing but full auto’s and poor saps who just put their first semi auto in their squad and got thrown into BR III-V


This makes perfect sense.

However, we live in a world where bastardised history in a WW2 game is considered “fun” and “balance” for some reason.


It doesn’t have too much content. It just doesn’t have enough folders. That’s all.


Yet you are still playing it for some weird reason, lol.


because factions have to fight each other one fore one, please tell me where and when one Sherman ever fought a tiger one on one on purpose

or where machine guns are almost as common as rifle and SMG’s

the game has and will never be historically accurate because it can’t be

I believe i am still allowed to enjoy my SVT, PPSh and T-34 without ever touching or unlocking AS, Hei or T20.

It almost was good in terms of history before AS, T20, Hei, Hori, etc.

Imagine when we got all 5 campaigns - merge them together in the current system and it’s a quite good WW2 game already.


If full auto guns are in high demand why sacrifice a good ww2 game by including a discount m14.
When the eras these guns belong to could be added. (Obviously I don’t ever want to see any era clash e.g: Nazis Vs cold war ussr)

Wow, I never considered this as a posibility this would actually be a great Idea! I want this now.

I’d say a bunch of Riflemen using a paratrooper LMG is also pretty up there in heinous historical inaccuracy. Plus the Allies and Soviets aren’t allowed to completely overwhelm and overrun the enemy with manpower, bullets, explosives, and armor. There’s even a cooldown on the artillery! A COOLDOWN! ON AMERICAN ARTILLERY!

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It’s not an M14. It’s not even in the same caliber as the M14. It’s not even related to the M14 as the T20 is Garand’s own modification of the M1. The T44 is what would become the M14, which was designed completely independently by Springfield

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I disagree and love that this game has a huge amount of content! May it never stop growing!

This thing was a mistake. I honestly hope they remove it


And you have more than 1 life?!

This is definitely a reason to add secret nazi walkers now


Screw it. DimWater atomic bombs when?

not really.

you complained back then, and you still do now.

history was never really a solid ( despite being a selling ) point to begin with.

and it doesn’t sound like you really enjoy them since you keep complaining about others using them.
( to a point of even quitting said matches. )

and, despite various entities.blk fixes to the editors, making what you always dream of available, you still haven’t made a single HA mod. nor even took some of my offers and opportunities that i made or promosed.

so you, and your self are unwilling to follow through with what you chant so much about.
and you expect devs to suddenly flip just for you?

but i got side tracked,

as it goes for the thread at hand, i agree with adamn.
the issue is not the ammount of content ( i’d argue, more is always better ) but lack of folders.

but then again, the grind is what devs were aiming for so…

they just made 5/6 campaign progressions into 6 progression lines across 4 factions.
of which, you can’t skip one because if you do, you will not be able to go forward and buy things.


It’s all about how you conceptualize and understand the meaning of the word history in Enlisted’s context.

All weapons and vehicles in the game are based on real historical items, including prototypes.

No one ever said the game would be a 1:1 war milsim. And I personally appreciate the prototypes very much.
I already seen all those iconic weapons in other games thousand times, whereas Enlisted, on the other hand, has so many interesting and unique weapons in one place that you just can’t find together in any other game.

Complaining about prototypes etc. even now is really bizarre. Only a person who has absolutely no respect for what Enlisted is can complain about it. He probably just selfishly wants to remake Enlisted into his own image.


Quite really, actually.

Think about Moscow before AF, Normandy before T20, Pacific before Autohei and Hori.

Merge that and the game is almost awesome.

More content does not mean better if the content is fake.

All Mosins and such can really be foldered and be not mandatory unlocks

Same here. Prototypes are cool, and I’ve learned about so many new ones because of Enlisted (I love firearm development)

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when you falsely advertise your game as historically accurate with authenthc historical details, it has either to be one, or the second.

can’t be both at the same time.

which it’s fine. enlisted doesn’t have to be historical accurate.
it never was meant to be. nor it has to be.

it could become if they would allow that equipment selector.
( i mean, you can still do it with custom profiles. but i don’t personally like them. even though i’m forced to use them ).

i’d be making 24/7 historical accurate things for that niche.

but let’s not kid our selves.

pure HA is, of niche.

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